Chapter 10

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"You should have not done that, that was inappropriate" I said as I closed the door and dragged Sirius to the bed to sit him down.

"Well sorry I did not mean to, you know" Sirius said in a worried voice as he looked at me scared.

"It is fine just don't do it again" I said looking at my hands . "Also merry Christmas Eve" I said in a happy voice looking up at Sirius with a smile plastered on my face.

"Merry Christmas Eve Marlene" Sirius said quietly with a smile also on his face.

"Marlene help me make breakfast" my mum yelled outside my door.

  "Coming" I said rushing out the door so I could help my mum.


Later before bed the kids got to open one present it was tradition for our families, we went oldest to youngest. When ever it was someone else's turn I would glance over at Sirius, to see he was looking at me to, whenever I did this my checks would heat up.

"Me and Sirius should be heading off to bed now" I said in a happy voice giving Sirius a look that it was time to leave after we all opened our present.

"I think we should all go to bed we have a big day tomorrow" Mrs.Potter said with a stern voice looking at James.

  "Fine" James said as he got up and went upstairs Remus went and laid on the couch and Sirius and I followed James up the stairs then to my room.

  "I will sleep on the floor don't worry" Sirius said laughing.

  "Thank you, it got cold last night" I grabbed a pillow and blanket and laid them out for Sirius. "Tell me if you get cold" I said in a calm voice as I laid in bed.

  "I will, I promise" Sirius said trying not to laugh and laid down on the floor. I turned off the light and went to sleep.


The next morning I woke up early again but it made more sense because it was Christmas. I got up on my elbows and leaned over to see if Sirius was up, but he was not even there.

"Miss me Hmm" Sirius said he was sitting in my arm chair witch was in the corner of the room.

"What have you been doing, just sitting there, I think not" I said in a stern voice throwing my covers off of me and sat straight up.

"I have, I sat here the whole time waiting for you to wake up" Sirius said with a stern voice but with a smile on his face.

"Just looking at me" I said with a big smile on face.

"Maybe, just a little not a lot" Sirius said quietly so I would not hear him.

"Guys come on we are opening presents" James said as he barged in with a big smile on his face.

"Coming" I said as I grabbed Sirius and rushed down the stairs to the Christmas tree.

"Now we can start" my mum said smiling at me and Sirius as we sat down. We went youngest to oldest when it got to Sirius he had only three presents.

"This one is from Marlene" Sirius said as he glanced at me with a smile on his face. He opened the gift to find two pictures, one with him and his brother R.A.B, and the other one of me and him after a quidditch match.

"You like it" I said in a worried voice as I looked at Sirius.

"Of course I do they are lovely" Sirius said in a happy voice as he looked over back at me.

After we opened presents I headed to my room to find one last gift, with a letter, on my bed. The letter read,

Dear Marlene,

I hope you liked your Christmas presents as you can see I got you one also, hope you like it. Also look in your closet there is another gift.


I unwrapped to find a box, inside the box the was a golden necklace with a circle with writing on it, it had said m+s. On the necklace was a ring that matched the one I had got Sirius for his birthday but not the same one, I put it on and it had fit, I also put on the necklace.

"Glad to see you like them I did not know what to get you really" Sirius said walking into the room and closing the door, then took a set in the arm chair.

  "Yes they are vary pretty" I said happily with a smile on my face then turned to look at him.

  "Good, and now we have matching rings" Sirius said as he got up, and walked up to me, grabbed my hand with the ring on it and held it up to his.

  "It does fit perfectly" I said looking down at the rings then looking up at Sirius with a smile on my face, he was already looking at me and smiling as if we were in a relationship.

  "Did you look in your closet yet I hope it did not make a mess" Sirius said looking over at the closet in fear.

  "No but now I am" I walked up to the closet and opened the door to find a cat that was in the far corner of my vary small closet.

  "It is a girl, and before you ask your mum said it was fine" Sirius said vary fast so I would not fuss at him.

  "Well she is very cute, I love cats" I said looking at Sirius with the biggest smile ever, I dropped the cat and and gave him a hug.

  "So what is her name" Sirius said still hugging me.

  "Let me think, it should start with a M. What about Merry does that sound good" I said to Sirius, we were still hugging, but then he pushed away and grabbed the cat.

  "Wonderful, your name is now Merry" Sirius said handing me the cat to hold.

  "Yep Merry" I said laughing. "Thank you Sirius you really did n-" I said when Sirius cut me off with a kiss on the cheek.

  "Yes I did it is the least I could do" Sirius said looking me in the eyes.


Hope you liked this chapter it took a while to write but was still fun. If you have ideas or feedback please tell.

(These characters are not mine they belong to J.K Rowling and in no way am I claiming them as mine)

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