Chapter 11

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  After dinner me and Sirius headed upstairs into my bedroom. Sirius took his shirt off to change, when he did I always took a look at his scars and admired them in a way.

"Oi are you staring at my back McKinnon" Sirius said in a stern voice turning around with a frustrated face.

  "Yes but it is more than looking more like admiring" I said with a hopeful voice and with a smirk on my face.

"Admiring what, there is nothing to admire other than self pity, and harm" Sirius fussed at me in anger.

Sirius turned around to quickly put on a shirt. I was sitting on my bed with my legs crossed, pinching at my hands. Sirius walked over and and sat at the end of my legs.

  "Stop doing that" Sirius said pulling my hands apart. "That does you no good" he said raising my chin with his hand so he could see my face.

  "I did not mean to be rude" I said in a sad voice trying to hold tears back as tho if someone had called me a ugly name.

  "No, no, no, please don't cry Mar" Sirius said looking me straight in the eyes.

  "I can't help it, my mum says don't hold back tears" I said while my tears bursted out. Sirius drew me in and placed my head on his shoulder.

  "Mar please stop it upsets me" Sirius said as he pushed me away and held my head up with his hand. "Marlene please " Sirius said in a pleading voice, then at some point he gave up and kissed me so I would be quiet even if it was for a second.

  "Why would you do that" I said pulling away with a confused face.

  "So you would stop" Sirius said looking me in the eyes and looked away, "also for other reasons" but he said it quickly so not a soul could hear him.

  "We are tired, we should got to bed" I got up picked my cat up and plopped her on my bed and laid down, "good night Sirius" I said in a hushed voice and turned off the light.

"Good night Marlene" Sirius said as he laid down on the floor. Half way threw the night Sirius woke me up.

"What is it" I said in a scratchy voice as I opened my eyes.

"I got cold and I was won-" Sirius said hopeful voice before I cut him off.

"Yes you may" I moved over and lifted my blanket, he laid down, and we shared a pillow and blanket.

I woke up the next morning to find my head buried into Sirius chest. I just sat there till he woke up.

"Marlene are you up" Sirius said taping the back of my ear making me laugh.

"Yes, I have been up for quite some time now" I said as I got up leaning on one arm and looking at Sirius who's head was now shoved in a pillow.

"Kind of you to not wake me" Sirius said turning to be on his back and leaned on his elbows.

"Well it was a pleasure" I said as I crawled over him and got out of the bed. I grabbed a shirt and pants to put on and left to the bathroom, Sirius got dressed in my room.


  Later that day around twelve pm Sirius asked me to  go to lunch with him, saying we were the only ones at the house the rest went shopping and said they would come straight home.

  "Sure I should write them a letter so they know, can you grab my coat and scarf" I said to Sirius as I left to write the letter I had left it in the kitchen. When I came back to the front door Sirius had already put on his coat and scarf, and was holding my stuff.

  "I did not know witch one to grab you so I picked my favorite one" Sirius said helping me put on my jacket.

  "It is fine I like this coat it is comfortable" I said as I threw on my scarf.

  Sirius and I walked to this little muggle cafe witch was in town.

  "This is quite lovely" Sirius said as he looked to choose a table to sit at.

  "This one is good Sirius come and see" I said as I signed for him to come over to me.

  "See here is a window so you can look outside and the table is so clean" I said happily as I took a seat. "Why are you smiling like that" I said looking over at Sirius to see a big smile on his face.

  "Nothing, just how happy you are over a table" Sirius said trying not to laugh at me.

  "Shut it, here is your menu" I said as I grabbed two menus and gave one to Sirius.

  "What is a chicken burger" Sirius said confused as he looked up at me.

  "It is basically a burger but without the patty, and with chicken, you would like it I think" I said trying not to laugh and looked back down at my menu.

  "What can I get you two" the waitress said coming up to the table.

  "He would like a chicken burger and I will take a grilled cheese with tomato soup" I said looking up at her.

  "What about drinks" She said looking at me.

  "We both will take water" I said putting the menus away.

  "Ok I will be back" the waitress said as she walked away.

   "Are waitresses normally that cute" Sirius said with a smirk on his face, I kicked him in a response, I was jealous.

   "Shut is Black" I said as I looked out the window upset.

   "So we are back to last names, Hmm." Sirius said frustratedly as he poked my leg with his foot.

  "No, you don't just say that, it is rude" I said in a annoyed voice still not looking at him.


Hope you liked this chapter it took long again, and if you have feedback or ideas please tell.

(These characters all belong to J.K Rowling and in no way am I claiming them as mine)

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