Chapter 15

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Sirius shot up to see who it was. "Remus I can explain" Sirius said with his eyes wide open.

"You better before I wake up James" Remus said in a stern voice, I was still laying on the couch so Remus would not see me. "Is that Marlene" Remus went on to say.

"No it is not Marlene" Sirius said trying to lie but it was quite obvious he was.

"Are you mad Sirius, James will kill you" Remus shouted and come closer.

"I may be mad Remus but I really like Marlene, please don't tell James" Sirius said walking up to Remus.

"Oh I am telling James, but only if you don't" Remus said pushing a finger onto Sirius chest, I pecked up from the couch to see what was happening.

"Fine I will tell him tomorrow morning" Sirius said looking over at me making Remus look over also, as I ducked down so he would not see me.

"I saw you Marlene, I need to tell you something" Remus said walking up to the couch and sitting down at the edge of my feet.

"Ok say it" I said in a stern voice.

"Sirius leave" Remus said glancing over at Sirius, as Sirius walked away. "Marlene you know what your getting yourself into right, every relationship he was in he ether broke up with her, or he cheated on her, you understand" Remus said, i shook my head yes with a calm face.

"I understand Remus, I trust him" I said looking at Remus with sympathy.

"Ok then, good night go to bed" Remus said leaving and I went to go upstairs and go to sleep.


"Have you seen Sirius" I said walking up to the Gryffindor table and taking a seat next to Lily. Remus was the only one of the marauders down to eat breakfast.

"They said they will be down here soon" Remus said with a frown on his face.

A few minutes later the other marauders came in and took there sets. When Sirius sat down he sat the furthest from me, James sat across from me.

"Hello Marlene how are you today" James said looking at me, as I glanced up from my food at him.

"Not good" I said as I glanced over a Sirius to see his lip was split open and had a black eye.

"Why" James said in a worried voice.

"Don't be a arse, you bloody know why you bastard" I said yelling at James.

"Can we talk in private Mar" James said quietly.

"Fine, make it quick" I said leaving with James.

"I am keeping you from getting hurt Marley so don't yell at me" James said fussing at me.

"No your not you are keeping me from loving the person I love" I said as I shoving myself at James making him backup.

"You should love someone else, that will not hurt you" James said as he walked away.

"Arse" I said turning around and bumped into Sirius. "I am so sorry" I said looking at Sirius. "Can we talk" I asked Sirius.

"Sure but James can't know" Sirius said as he grabbed my hand and took me to a broom closet.

"Sirius I am s-" I was going to say before Sirius cut me off.

"I can't do this, everyone says I am going to hurt you and I think they may be right" Sirius said worried.

"Sirius if you do this now you are going to hurt me now, I rather it be later please" I said worried as I grabbed his hands.

"I am sorry I rather it now then later" Sirius said as he left, and I broke down crying in the closet.


Later after all the classes I was suppose to got to I went to the Gryffindor common room, and went to the girls dorm and went to sleep.

"Wake up Marlene come on" Lily nagged. "You missed your classes you probably need to eat and dinner is now come on" Lily said worried.

"Fine I will come" I said getting up and following Lily to the great hall and sat across from Remus.

"I told you" Remus said quietly so only I could hear him.

"Well look at that Remus finally got something right about a relationship" I said with an annoyed voice and a smile on my face.

"I am sorry" Remus said in sorrow.

"Truly I don't care now it happened and I can't change it, all I can do now is hope my parents are all right, saying if they are not, my brothers are the only thing I have left" I said pressing my lips together.


Latter that night I got a letter from Mrs.Potter it stated that my father had passed. And once again I bursted out crying but in front of everyone this time.

"Marlene what is it" Lily said rushing to me and held me in her arms.

"My mom is fine but my father..." I said sobbing into Lilys arm as she was holding me up.

"Oh Marlene it has been a busy day we should go to bed" Lily said taking me up to the bed room.

"I am so sorry you have lost a lot of things today" Lily said sitting next to me on my bed. (Lily is talking about Marlene missing her classes not Sirius)

"Yes I know first Sirius and then my dad" I said still crying.

"What do you mean Sirius he is still alive" Lily said confused.

"I had not told you but I was dating Sirius then he broke up with me" I said crying even harder.

"Wait what... never mind" Lily said first confused then sympathetic.

Me and Lily sat there for a little bit till James came in.

"Are my parents ok" James said worried.

"Yes you jerk, first of all Sirius broke up with me because of you, and then my dad died and you are worried about yourself, I would also cry about your parents and tell you" I said yelling at him as I stood up.

"I am so sorry but I still consider your parents mine I lost a dad to" James said in anger.

"Sorry" I said looking at James.


Hope you liked this chapter I actually had fun writing it even with the death and other stuff but if you have feedback or ideas please tell.

(These characters are not mine they belong to J.K Rowling and in no way am I claiming them as mine)

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