Chapter 4

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Lily woke me up with a tap on my shoulder, I had had jumped as if I was coming back from the died. Lily laugh at me when we started leaving the carriage. " The boys said they would wait for us off the train at the carriages" she said sounding glum about it and rolled her eyes.

I stretched my arms out in front of me. " Ok we should get going don't want to keep them waiting James does not have patients" I said with me quieter as I spokes about James.

Lily jumped of the train with me following her " Got sleeping beauty now let's go" Lily said with a harsh toon looking at the boys stern.

" Ok boys let's go sleeping beauty is up and she is probably going to be a arse the whole way there so I call the second carriage" he said with a jolly tone as if it was Christmas and gave me a mischievous smile

I walked behind James and Sirius with Lily, Lily insisted that we stay at least 10 feet apart from them so that James could not talk to her. " Lily come and walk with me" James shouted as Lily stoped walking and started walking again in the back and I stayed behind James and Sirius as they kept walking.

Remus came up next to me he looked like a bean stock compared to me, as Peter went back to walk next to Lily they were about the same height as each other.

" Oi there is it fine if I sit in the same carriage with you Marlene" Remus said looking down at my expressionless face.

" You can sit wherever you want I can't force you to" I said still looking forward trying not to catch up to James and Sirius.

" Alright then I will sit with you." He said now looking up at the same direction as I. I looked up at him to see if he had had an reaction on his face to what I said, he was laughing at Black.

I looked at Black to see why Remus was laughing Black was giving Remus a deadly look as tho Remus had done something horrible.

" Ok where are you guys sitting" James said looking at all of us there where six of us but still we needed two carriages for all of us.

James sat next to Lily who looked miserable, Black sat across from James as tho he was a third wheel, in the first carriage. I sat with Remus to my side and Peter across from him, in the second carriage.

James, Lily, and Black got to Hogwarts first and waited for Remus, Peter, and I. When we got there you could see Lily trying to stand as far as possible from James and Black.

" What is the face for Lily" I said while getting out of the carriage smiling at her, Lily rolled her eyes as a response to my question.

I took Lily arm to arm to walk into the castle as the others followed us as we knew what we were doing. As we entered the hall we saw Alice and Frank next to each other, with Dorcas and Mary on opposite sides from them.

Dorcas's head shots up when she saw red fiery hair witch she knew belonged to Lily. As me and Lily walked over the others noticed and smiled at us. I took a set next to Alice as Lily to a set next to Dorcas.

The boys filed in after us Peter next to Lily and next to Peter, James. Sirius took a set next to me and next to him Remus.


Professor Dumbledore took a stance at the from podium after the first years where sorted into there houses. After his speech the grand meal started I grabbed as much food I could get on my plate.

"How can you eat that much Marley" Alice asked with her jaw dropped when I went to get my fourth serving. Lily smacked my hand, she had not even finished her first.

"What was that for Lily" I said after she smacked my hand with a confused voice with one eyebrow up and the other down.

"I have not even finished my first helping and I don't know if I will still be hungry" she said in a stern voice looking at me with her eyes a squinting a little.

I stuck out my tongue at Lily as I grabbed for more food "Then eat faster" I said in a sarcastic tone and began to shove more food into my mouth.

" I have to ask Sirius to slow down when he eats sometimes Lily, Marlene is not the only one" Remus spook up and look at Lily and looked over at me, I started laughing at Sirius.


After we finished our meal we all walked up to the Gryffindor tower. Lily took a seat in one of the arm chairs so that she could read her muggle book her parents had gotten her that summer. James sat in front of Lily on the floor and then laid down. Remus sat at the wizards chest table with Peter and they played. Alice and Frank sat in front of the fireplace and cuddled. Mary and Dorcas went up to the fifth year girls room to go to sleep. While me and Sirius sat on opposite side of the couch in the common room.

" You want to cuddle like that McKinnon" Sirius said looking at me and pointing at Frank and Alice smiling.

" I am fine I would be reading a book like Lily if I had a one right now." I said stern and the sarcastic when I got to Lily, I smiled trying not to laugh.


After a bit I went up stairs to sleep Dorcas and Mary had the beds on the left side next to each other. I stated looking for my trunk and found it on the right side next to the bathroom. I changed and laid down after a bit Lily came in, her bed was right next to mine and lastly Alice came in here bed was in the back.


Hope you liked chapter four if you have feedback or ideas please let me know I would love to here them.

(None of these characters are mine they are J.K Rowling and in no way am I claiming them to be mine)

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