Chapter 27

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A/n ~ I am here only to break Marlene again so....
also this takes place the summer before there 7 year

Also the song gives me vary this chapter vibes I don't know why

This year had been especially hard on Marlene right at the beginning of summer Marlenes mother had passed in a fight with death eaters. The Potters had taken in Sirius the year before so they decided to take Marlene and her three brothers on of course having five boys in a house can be a hand full but Marlene took up the mother roll, but she quickly gave up on mothering Sirius and James.

Marlenes POV:

"Maxwell, Remus will be here to help you with your summer learning soon" I shouted up stairs. Sirius and Maxwell get along well, so they hang out together.

  "Coming" Maxwell said rushing down stairs. (Also so you know Maxwell is now a 5th year)

  "Marlene" Sirius shouted. I ran upstairs and went in his room.

  "Yes" I said as calmly as I could.

  "Take a break I will help down stairs" he said and left. Me and Sirius share a room and the other three shared a tent. (Like the one in the Goblet Of Fire)

  Sirius POV:

  Marlene has been under a lot of pressure so I let her rest and I took care of what had to be done. Mrs.Potter helped me with half of it but that is okay I guess.

  Remus showed up and helped Maxwell. I am not going to lie I think Maxwell is gay due to the fact he basically was checking out Remus whenever he got the chance. Also I am not hating, men are hot I get it.

  I headed up stairs to check on Marlene she was napping she looked vary peaceful if I did not see she was breathing I would think she was died. Right when I was about to leave James opened the door.

  "Lily is here" James basically yelled.

  "What" Marlene said getting up and rubbing her eyes.

  "Lily is here" James said again with the widest smile I have ever seen.

  "Oh yay" Marlene said with a smile and left. Me and James followed her but before we went down stairs I hit the back of his head with my palm.

  "Hey what was that for" James fussed.

  "You woke Marlene up" I said giving him the bitch face.

  "Oh" he said and went down stairs with me following. He can be quite stupid if you think about it.

  I walked down stair and went in the room were Marlene and Lily were resting.

  After Marlene and Lily were done with there chat I brought up Maxwell.

  "Marlene" I asked.

  "Yes" she said smiling.

  "Do you think Maxwell is... you know" I said being a little intimidated by her.

  "What does 'you know' mean" Marlene asked.

   "Umm..." is all that came out of my mouth.

  "He means gay" James said bluntly.

   "Oh" Marlene said. "I don't know is there a problem" she asked.

  "No no no he was umm checking Remus out" I mumbled the last part.

  "Maybe but I don't want to push him he has gone threw a lot" Marlene said calmly.

  "Umm" Maxwell said standing at the door frame.

  "Oh" I said with shock on my face.

  "Maxwell" Marlene said with wide eyes.

  "Well umm.." Maxwell said "Sirius isn't wrong about one part" he mumbled. "I am not gay well I am but I also like girls does that make since" he said.

  "Yes" I blurted out.

  "Yep" Marlene added.

  "Definitely" James joined in Lily just shook her head.

  "Oh I thought it would be harder than that" Maxwell said and smiled.

  "So you were checking out Remus" James blurted out.

  "Umm, yes he is just so perfect" Maxwell said and left before we could say more.

  "Hmm he is like his sister" Lily said.

  "Hey" Marlene said with a frustrated face then broke it with a smile.

  "What" is all James said.

  "So your gay to" I said hoping I wouldn't be the only gay one in this relationship.

  "Yep" Marlene said with a little jump and a smile on her face.

  "Oh thank good" I said and threw my head back.

  "What" Marlene said James just chuckled. "Oh" Marlene had put together what I was thinking.

  "How many gay people are there in this house" Lily said then chuckled at herself.

  "A lot" James added.


I am gay as hell if you can't tell hope you liked this chapter it is short and stuff but I have more ideas.

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