Chapter 36: Our First Battle!

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A"Everyone cheer for Lillian Tajiri and Red Akai!" Mr Goodshow said and the crowd roared with excitement. Serena and Red looked at each other shocked but quickly their expression turned into a determined smile "So you're my first battle huh?" Serena asked, getting excited "What's a better way to start this tournament then some redemption?" Red asked back making Serena chuckle. The two stood up and walked to the pedestal next to Mr Goodshow. He put the microphone down and turned to the two "listen I chose you two because you're strong. I want you to give us the best performance you can, is that clear?" Red and Serena nodded "don't worry about it Mr Goodshow me and S-" he started but was stopped once he met Serena's eyes, warning him "Me and Lillian will make it the best we can" mr Goodshow smiled "just as I expected from a league champion!" He replied. Serena looked at Red both impressed and surprised which made Red blush a bit and signaled Serena they would talk about that later. Mr Goodshow grabbed the microphone again "this would be a 1 on 1 battle between the mysterious Lillian and the indigo league champion Red" he said "the winner is decided when the opposing Pokemon is unable to battle. Is that ok with both sides?" Red and Serena nodded and took out a Pokeball "to a good battle" Serena said and held her pokemon forward. Red responded by doing the same and the two pressed the Pokeballs against eachother.

Back in the stands Ash and Mew where listening the two through their aura "A league champion, huh? Well Red I'm impressed" he said and chuckled "you got one over me" Mew giggled "but you know you're stronger then him now, right big bro?" She asked "tell you the truth Mew I am not so sure anymore. Red has an incredible potential to become the strongest trainer in the world, maybe even being even stronger then me and Lillian" Mew looked confused for a second. She always believed that her beother was the strongest even if he lost and even if he failed she kept her belief in him strong but now he himself was admitting someone could be even stronger "although he haven't reached his full potential as a trainer yet he's still really strong" Ash smiled "Look like we have some competition after all Mew" he said and stroked Mew's fur when..

"Excuse me?" A voice said from behind. Ash and Mew turned around to find a girl with a brown shirt and a white skirt, Bonnie. "Is that ok if I sit here?" She asked politely and pointed at Serena's sit. Ash nodded "suit yourself" he said and moved to give bonnie some space. She sat down and turned to him again "Ash?" She whispered as quietly as she possibly could, confident he would be able to hear her "is that you?" She asked, looking at him. Ash simply nodded at the young coordinator, and turned to her. "It's been a long time Bonnie" he said with a small smile. Bonnie smiled back, happy to see her friend again, but that smile quickly disappeared as tears formed on her tears. "I'm sorry Ash" she said, sobbing quietly "for yesterday" Ash put his hand on her shoulder "you didn't do anything wrong Bonnie" he replied "this wasn't anyone's fault" Ash sighed "but it looks like both you and Serena are blaming yourselves" Bonnie sobbed once more "I knew it, she's blaming herself for that, like she always do" she said to no one in particular "Ash, I want to make things right with her. After the battle is over can I please talk to her" Ash smiles "of course you can Bonnie I think She would like that" Bonnie smiled back "thank you" Mew then jumped on Ash's Lap "big bro it's starting!" Mew said excitedly and brought Ash and Bonnie's attention to the battlefield

"Ready Red?" Serena asked. Red nodded "always" the two threw their pokeballs up in the air and the Pokemon came out in a flash of light. The crowd cheered at the sight of the two pokemon getting ready for the battle. "Are you ready Pikachu?" Red asked his partner. His Pikachu nodded and took a battle stance. Serena closed her eyes and held her hand forward, feeling Pikachu's aura. She kneeled down to her pokemon "Aurora, this would be harder then I though, Red has become really strong over the years so give it your best ok?" The fairy type nidded and took a battle stance as well.

Battle begin!

With no hesitation Red called his first move "Pikachu get close with quick attack!" The yellow mouse obeyed and stsrted running in lighting speed towards Aurora. However Serena was ready for such a move. Pikachu got closer and closer but just he was about to strike.. "Aurora dodge it!" Serena called just a fraction of a second before the move hit. The fairy eeveelotion dodged with elegance right at the last moment "pikachu once more!" Red ordered and pikachu charged yet again "Aurora jump!" Serena ordered and aurora obeyed her trainer, jumping just at the second "now, Aura sphere!" Aurora charged a golden orb in her mouth and using her feelers fired the move at the electric type with high speed. "Pikachu dodge it!" Red ordered and pikachu jumped with a spin making the move hit just below him as he stoped his acceleration using his tail. The two trainers smiled, clearly enjoying the battle and the crowd couldn't agree more. "When did Se-" Bonnie was trying to ask something but Ash stopped her by covering her mouth "it's Lillian Bonnie" he warned her not to reveal any of their secrets. Bonnie slowly nodded and Ash lifted his hand "What I was going to ask was, When did she become so powerful?" Ash and Mew chuckled "Training with me and Mew for 7 years might have been a factor here" Ash jokingly said much to Bonnie's astoundment. "But don't worry she haven't even began to show her power"

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