Chapter 26: Aura Awakens

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"That's how I used Aura for the first time" Ash finished his story "Zygarde helped me with my aura training when I was only a child, he was a great teacher" He said with a smile "and you were a great student" A voice echoed from behind them. The three turned around only to be face to face with the order Pokemon himself, Zygarde. the squishy blob hopped forward and jumped on Ash's shoulder and fell on his face, trying to give him a hug with his limbless body "you need to give yourself some credit Arron, you were a great student, I couldn't ask for a better one" Zygarde said and Ash gave him a place to stand on him palm. Serena and Mew looked confused "Arron?" Serena asked "what's that all about?" Ash chuckled "I'm sorry I have't told you before but dad made me promise to keep it secret" he said "my real name isn't Ash, it's Arron. Dad ordered me to never tell this to anyone, he feared that if I would tell this to some one they would come after me" Ash explained. Serena and Mew still looked confused "why would they come after you big bro?" Mew asked. Ash sighed "the name Arron is a name that only aura guardians are suppose to have. if someone knew that I'm an aura guardian it could cause a lot of trouble for me and my mom" He said sadly

Serena nodded in understatement and then kissed her fiance's cheek "well I don't care about your name, i fell in love with Ash and no matter what's he's called i would continue loving him from the bottom of my heart" Ash smiled and kissed her back on the cheek "I'm sorry that i lied about this. to both of you" He said with an apologetic look but Serena and Mew was quick to shut him up "It doesn't matter to us big bro! you don't have to worry" Mew said with a big grin on her face "Mew is right you know" Serena said "remember you don't have to hide anything from us, we both love you o matter what" Ash smiled and gave the two a big hug which they happily returned, Pikachu even jumped on his trainer's head and put his paws on Ash's face making him laugh. The tree heroes turned their attention back to Zygarde who just looked at them with a smile on his face "Ash, Serena there is something I would like to talk about with you. Alone if possible" He asked them and turned to Mew, Pikachu and Vanillite. "It's ok with you Mew?" Ash asked and Mew nodded and smiled "of course it's ok, in the meantime let's help Vanillite find his dad ok Pikachu?" Mew asked the electric mouse and they both walked out of the cave to keep searching

"Now you two, come in to the water" Zygarde said and jumped off Ash's hand. He sent a wave of aura to call his cells, transforming him into his 50% form. The giant snake created vines for Ash and Serena to walk on and led them deep into the lake until finally stopping and turning around to face them "You two, The strongest Aura Guardians in history have arrived to this special place" Zygarde said, his voice echoing through the cave "This is a sacred place only pure hearted Guardians are allowed into. In this place you will awake your true aura powers and finally become what your father has visioned. today his protectors, his guardians, his children will become true Aura masters" Zygarde declared. The order Pokemon created a pedestal similar to what Ash was standing on is childhood and welcomed the two in. "In order to become true aura masters you two will have to fight you're inner demos, you'll to face your fears, your doubts and you're past mistakes, and to annihilate them, to be truly perfect with yourself" Zygarde said and made two cocoons made entirely out of vines "step inside when you're ready"

Ash faced Serena and look her hand "Are you ready Serena?" He asked. Serena shook her head "I'll never be ready but as long as i have you I know i can face anything the world throws at me" She said with a smile "let's do it" the two shared one last kiss before going into the cocoons. "May Arceus watch over you, Good luck young Aura guardians" Zygarde said and covered the cocoons completely and let them sink in the water

Ash opened his eyes, only to see nothing. complete darkness surrounded him and he felt like he was floating in the depth of space "Hello?" He shouted only to be greeted with an echo of hiss own voice returning to him. Ash began to hear mumbling all around him "who's here?" He asked and the mumbling stopped instantly. Ash saw a great flash of light from behind him and he turned around to see.. himself standing them with and emotionless expiration, it wasn't even blinking and stood very still. "wow" he said and float to the silhouette of himself "that's-" he started but wasn't able to finish as it gave him a strong punch in the face, making him flying backwards "what was-" "Pathetic" the silhouette said and snorted "just like always.." Ash became angry and flew back, ready to punch it back but he passed right through it

Serena was dealing with the same kind of treatment. a dark silhouette of herself, laughing at her "you're nothing" it said "Like Ash would ever love you" it snorted kicking Serena right in the stomach making her hold in agony "Ash do love me!" She shouted back. Serena's silhouette chuckled "and how do you know it?" she said "what if he's just lying to you. to make you feel better?" she asked in a fake sweet voice "he told me himself, Ash would never lie to me!" Serena said but inside she was doubting everything. just a couple of minutes ago she found Ash lie to her, to everyone for the past 20 years. why would she believe him? the silhouette laughed and kicked Serena again "exactly" she said, as if reading Serena's thoughts "you can feel it don't you? the doubts? the worries? all of them are real my dear. unlike Ash's love to you" Serena felt it through and through but inside her deep, deep in her heart she felt something else, a feeling she can't describe, one that made her feel warm and protected, one that made her feel like she could do anything. Serena chuckled and turned up back to face the dark silhouette. "i do feel something and so do you" She said "you feel this warmth? this passion? you know that is not our feelings. It's Ash's i know it. he loves me no matter what, even if i fail, even if i trip and even if i slow him down i know he would love me forever and ever" Serena's body started to glow gold, sanding shock waves in every direction. She extended her hand forward, sucking all of her aura into her palm

"you're weak" Ash's dark silhouette said and unleashed a barrage of paunches into Ash's chest "why would Serena ever like someone as pitiful as you? the man how had 8 attempts at achieving his dream and still failed. you understand if you fail in this mission not only the world would be in perfect chaos but Serena, your so called 'loving fiance' would leave you" he said and laughed. Ash got up and felt the pain in his chest and the doubts in his mind but even then he would stand up with a big smile "so i better not fail this time..." he said in a weak voice and struggled to stand "but even if i do i know she wouldn't leave my. she is everything i have. she stayed with me in the Toughest of moments, she fought with me and most importantly.."

"She never gave up on me"

Ash's body began to radiate waves of golden aura, sending the silhouette back "Serena never gave up on anything.. so why would i give up on her?!" He extended his hand in one quick motion, collecting all of his aura into one spot. Both Aura guardians formed a sword made out of pure golden aura making the void as bright as daybreak. "I'll show you the true power of my love!!" the two charged forward with full force, stabbing the silhouettes strait through the chest, leaving a huge golden cut. the two silhouettes took an emotionless expression on their faces as they both faded into light. Ash and Serena panted from exhaustion but strangely, heard the same from behind them. They both turned around only to find each other, standing face to face. the two walked to closer and closer until the were inches apart. "hey" said Ash as a smile appeared on his face. "hey" Serena replied and smiled. the two stared into each other's eyes for what seems like an eternity until tears started to form on Serena's face and she fell into Ash's arms, crying.

"i was so scared" She said with tears streaming on her face. Ash couldn't see the love of his life crying like that again so he picked her up bridle style and brought her chin until her eyes faced his. "Serena please don't cry" Ash said "look around you, that horrible thing is gone" Serena's tears stopped "you know why, my angel?" Ash asked "why?" Ash's smiled and kissed Serena deeply

 "because.. my love... you never gave up until it was over"


hope you enjoyed the chapter everyone, and if you did be sure to comment!

take your time to take what just happened here and I'm sure you'll be smiling all the way

Until next time.. Bye Bye!

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