Chapter 33: Dark Shadows

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Bonnie stared at her long lost friend after more then 7 years of separation. She looked almost exactly how she looked when they were just kids, the same blue deep eyes, the same natural blush on her face and her hair was just as smooth and beautiful. Tears came dropping on Bonnie's face coming streaming down from her eyes. "Is it really you Serena?" She asked hopping with all her heart that this wasn't a dream. Serena smiled and brought Bonnie into another hug "it's me Bonnie... It's me" the two let go of each other with happy smiles and wiping off their tears. Bonnie spoke first "where have you been all this time? What happened to you? Why do you wear this Costume? Who is that Arron? Is Sophia really your sister" she bombarded Serena with questions, startling her. Serena raised her hand, making Bonnie quiet "I can and I will answer everything Bonnie but first..." Serena took a Pokeball from her purse and threw it upward.

The Pokeball opened, revealing Riolu who, upon being released immediately jumped on Serena with a smile. Bonnie stared at the emanation with stars in her eyes and a big smile . She quickly took Riolu from Serena's arm, squeezing him with half to death with a tight hug "So Cute!!!" She said keeping Riolu in a lock. The fighting type struggled against the hug and kept trying to escape only for bonnie to squeeze him harder. Serena chuckled and took Riolu back, releasing him from Bonnie's grasp. "Are you ok Riolu?" She asked laughing. Riolu nodded and smiled, even though Bonnie almost crushed his bones he still enjoyed it. "Riolu,i have a favor to ask from you" the fighting type stood on his toes and punched the air, just like Ash's Lucario would do when he was a young Riolu himself. Serena smiled and caught his fist "Can you patrol the area Riolu? I don't want anyone eavesdropping on us" she asked and ruffled his fur. Riolu nodded and took of to the forest

Bonnie looked confused "why did you tell Riolu to go into the forest?" She asked, concerned. Serena smiled "Riolu would be okay, don't underestimate him" she said and Bonnie nodded "but still why did you ask him to do it?" Serena looked worried for a second but then chuckled "maybe I'm just paranoid but I really need you to keep what I'm going to tell you a complete secret" she said and looked around once more "that's why I sent Riolu out, I can't let anyone hear this" Bonnie looked at her friend confused "what do you mean?" Serena took her mask and pit it back on "I'm on a mission Bonnie, to get the master ball" she said "this powerful pokeball has the ability to catch any Pokemon, even legendaries. So we have to get it before anyone else can" Serena explained and played with her fingers nervously " if we don't then I don't even want to imagine what someone can do with it" Bonnie looked at Serena with wonder, her friend matured so much. "Serena?" Bonnie asked, catching Serena's attention "what is it Bonnie?" A grin formed on Bonnie's face " i have to ask just one thing.." she said her grin turning into a mischievous smile "Is that person who was with you, the one that hit Broke in the legs.. is that Ash?" Serena smiled and nodded "yep, that is him. How did you know?" She asked Bonnie's grin grew even larger " a couple of reasons. One, you two disappeared at the same time so I tough you may have been with each other all this time. Two, his protective manner towards you, did I have to say he got really angry when Brock.. uhh.. did his thing. And three..." Bonnie elbowed Serena's arm "the way you kissed him"

For a second Bonnie thought her friend's head might have turned into a tomato it was so red and she started laughing. "You.. shouldn't.. be so.. embarrassed" she said between laughs "then stop laughing!" She yelled, covering her face. Bonnie eventually stopped laughing and hugged Serena " I can't believe it! You and Ash... Finally! I thought this would never happen, you were so shy back then! How did you do it? Tell me how it happened!" Bonnie asked excitedly shaking Serena's arm, begging for an answer. Serena chuckled "ok ok I'll tell you but you have to promise not to laugh anymore" she said. Bonnie nodded so quickly Serena though her head would fall of. She chuckled and began telling the story

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