Chapter Six: Mission Start!

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Mew, Ash and Serena appeared back one route 1 after talking to Arceus. "We're here!" Serena and Ash opened their eye and looked around "Thanks Mew" Ash And Serena gave mew a hug which she blushed from "come on big bro I want to meet all of you Pokemon"

Mew took Ash's hand and began to pull him to prof oak lab "Wait Mew!" Ash called "what is it?" Ash smiled at Serena "I think someone deserve an explanation"

Ash began explaining to Serena everything "the place we were in is called the hall of origin it's the place where the universe started and the home of all the legendary Pokemon and me" Serena looked at Ash in confusion "your home?" "well yes I am Arceus chosen one, my job is to protect the world from disasters. remember Hoopa or the megalith I'm bound to those disasters and I would always stop them. believe it or not but from the day I started my journey I had to help sometimes those event were world threatening and sometimes they were small things like when Mew and Mewtwo had a little disagreement and the turned me to stone when I tried to stop them"

Mew looked down with guilt "I said I'm sorry I didn't know this would happen" Ash put his hand around his sister's neck "and I said I forgive you you don't have to feel sorry, I know that sometimes Mewtwo is a little unbearable"

Ash looked at Serena again "well this is the first time Dad told me about one of these missions and to do them with my best friend and my little sister is so exciting!"

After the explanation, which was a lot to take in Serena smiled "Are you sure you want to do that? it's going to be hared" Ash asked. Serena gave him a hug "I'm ready don't worry, but..."

Ash looked confused "but what?" Serena's smile dropped "I'm still not sure if I will help Mew is a legendary Pokemon and you're a super strong trainer so I am not sure anymore"

Ash gave her another smile "don't worry remember what dad told you?" he asked "about my special ability? yes I remember but I still don't know what that is" she stated "well I know remember when Brock and Clian tried to pull you and I began to glow blue and punched them in the stomach" Serena nodded "You have the same ability, it's called aura and it's a power that only the chosen one's can control"

"you mean.." Ash put his hand on her shoulder "yep you are a chosen one, an aura guardian"

Serena looked at Ash like he was from another world "but I don't know anything about this aura ,thing.. I didn't even know i have those powers" Ash smiled "don't worry me and Mew can help you we posses these powers from young age" Mew smiled at Serena "Yeah big bro is right we can help!" Serena felt so relived she knew she had her friends to be with her and teach her everything "Thank you so much you two" she hugged Mew and Ash which earned a giggle from Mew and a deep red blush to appear on Ash's face. one that didn't go unnoticed by Mew

"Come on big bro why don't you say something to her it's clear that you love each other" she said with her psychic power. the blush on Ash's face became even redder "Mew!" her called at her with his aura so Serena wouldn't know "Not now!" Mew giggled again "It's fine big bro she can't hear us" She said "It's still embarrassing , plus she would be able to hear us if we're going to train her to use her powers" Mew sighed in defeat "alright alright but I still think you're doing a mistake"

"Welp I think we need to get going firs I need to go to prof oak's lab to pick up all my Pokemon and then we'll go to vaniville town to tell Serena's mom and than strait to mt. moon" said Ash "Yeah let's go" Mew said getting excited and then started flying towards the lab "Wait Mew!" Ash called is sister "What is big bro?" Mew asked "don't you think people if people saw a flying girl it's going to be really hard to explain?" Ash asked Mew with a 'I don't think this is a good idea' look "yeah you're right but I want to look at every thing from up here I never been here before"

Ash thought for a moment but then it clicked in his head "I have an idea" he said "what is it?" Mew asked him while coming back "what do you say to me carrying you on my shoulder we are brother and sister after all and you human body is one of a 6 years old so it should be pretty easy to lift" Mew thought for a second then smiled and flew onto Ash shoulder

Ash chuckled "I take that as this idea" Mew giggled "Maybe" Ash took Serena's hand and led her back to prof oak's lab

All three of them thought the same thing at that moment, how much they looked like a family. Ash and Serena deeply blushed and Ash considered to leave Serena's hand but ultimately decided not to. Mew just giggled, took Ash hat and put it on her head like she was a little child messing with her dad.

When they got to prof's oak the encountered all of Ash's former friends again "There they are get them" Some of them said while the others asked themselves who is the girl on Ash's shoulders. As they were approaching Serena closed her eyes and held on to Ash's hand in fear remembering what happened last time, Ash on the other hand wasn't having any of that, he put .an aura barrier around him Serena and mew to not let anyone get close

"it's fine Serena" he whispered in to his friend's ear "I won't let them hurt you again" Serena open her eyes and looked around after seeing the barrier she relaxed smiled and hugged her friend as a thank you

After Ash took all of his Pokemon and told prof oak what happened the group went to his house to tell his mom where they where going and saying goodbye mew teleported them to Kalos.

they arrived to vaniville town a day later to ell Serena's mom what's was going on She was terrified at first for her daughter but after learning about Ash's powers and Mews real identity She let Serena go and Said goodbye to her only child.

Mew then teleported all of them to mt. moon to start their training


so this is the last chapter i do before "Yom Kipoor" so The next update will be at Tuesday or Wednesday really hope you enjoyed a bye bye

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