Chapter 14: Let'Z Go!

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It's been a month since our hero's encounter with Calem and they're all happy and well. Serena finally finished her aura training and now is labeled as a master of aura, Mew has been developing as well and has been exploring the kanto region with her family, she couldn't be happier to train and explore with them. Ever since Greninja returned him and Ash trained almost nonstop to replenish their skills and to not fall down behind Serena who after seeing their battle bond ability was training even harder with Sylveon in order to perfect it

Currently the three friends are waking up to their last day on the beautiful mt. moon. Ash woke up first with a smile on his face as he saw his love, Serena cuddling with him also with a smile. He always loved to see her first thing in the morning but now with her snuggling up to him with a slight blush on her face and a cute smile he couldn't help it but to feel warm. Ash gave her back the hug she was wishing for in her sleep and her smile just got brighter as she was waking up slowly from Solgaleo's warm touch

"Good morning my princess" Ash whispered to her as she started to stir up "did you have a nice sleep?" Serena nodded, and smiled "every morning you ask the same question and every time I have to tell you the exact same" she cutely giggled "every night I'm with you I always feel amazing" Serena gave him a deep loving morning kiss which Ash happily returned

"I just woke up and you're already at it?" A young female voice called from the other side of the tent. Ash smiled "of course, I have to give my princess her morning kiss" Serena blushed and Mew smiled and jumped on Ash's chest giggling (in her human form) "good morning big bro" Mew said and Ash gave her a kiss on the forehead. Mew then jumped on Serena's lap hugging her "and good morning to you too big sis" Serena smiled and nuzzled Mews cheek which earned another giggle from the new species Pokemon "good morning to you too Mew"

All three of them got up and started get ready for the day. As Ash and Serena were making breakfast Mew woke up everyone who haven't woke up excluding Pikachu and Sylveon who snuggled into each other with their little baby Eevee (sorry for not writing about that i just had no idea how) as she knew they had to sleep more

"Mew breakfast is ready" Ash's voice called five minutes later which woke up the baby Eevee who started to jump in her place excited for the new day but also woke up her parent's who wanted to sleep a little more as their daughter couldn't sleep last night because she was super exited for the move to mt. silver. they all started to walk to the outdoor table were Ash and Serena were just finished placing the last plate. Pikachu and Sylveon walked close to each other with Sylveon having one of her feelers on Pikachu's shoulder helping him to carry the over exited Eevee on his back

"good morning buddy, did you have a good night sleep?" Ash asked his day one partner. Pikachu just muttered something while Rubbing his eyes and started to eat quietly, sharing is food with his mate. Ash sweatdropped "I guess that's a no" he said. Eevee jumped on Serena's lap nuzzling her hand giggling "did you caused trouble last night Eevee?" Serena asked to which Eevee just looked away innocently. Serena stroked Eevee's fur smiling "you know your parents are trying their best, right?" She asked and Eevee looked down in guilt "don't worry i have a plan" Serena whispered something into Eevee's ear making her giggle

As Eevee was planing a love attack on her parents Mew started speaking "so big bro are you gonna miss this place? you know it's our last day here" Ash nodded "I know and believe me I will, it was so nice here you can't but miss this" Serena gave Ash side hug "I'll miss this place too but we ave to train more. even though I do feel like I grew a lot stronger in the last year I know we have to move" Mew looked sad but quickly thought of an idea to distract herself "big bro, I'm going to say bye to everyone ok? you two keep eating i'm already full" and with that Mew took off

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