Chapter Four: My Real Family!

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Serena open her eyes to the sight of nothing. All she could see was and empty, she felt like she was floating and really calm but did not understand one thing where was she and what she was doing here

Serena looked around and her eyes fell on a giant golden door, she walked closer and could manege to Recognize engraving of legendary Pokemon, the same ones she was told stories about When she was kid

From Lugia to Ho-Oh, Dialga and Palkia, Latios and Latias even Cresselia was there and they were all surrounding one Pokemon A white One with four legs and a gold symbol around him

Arceus.. the god of Pokemon

"The best entrance you ever saw, don't you think?" Serena jumped but in alarm as she didn't expect it. She turned around to see Ash standing there with a proud smile on his face also looking at the door.

"Wha.. What is this place?" she asked shuddering "Don't worry" he replied "Just the entrance to my REAL home" Serena looked at him with a confused look "Your real home?" she asked "What do you mean?" Ash just smiled at her, he walked pass her to the door and put his hand on it.

Blue light emerged from where his hand first touched and started going through the outlines of the engraved Pokemon until it filled them all. Then a golden crack began appear vertically through the door splitting it in half.

Ash gave the door a slight push and it opened with a loud creak. Golden light started to come from the door blinding Serena but not Ash almost as he is used to this.

"come on in it would be rude of me not to invite you in" He offered his hand and Serena took it and followed Ash in.

"I can't wait for you to meet the entire family" Ash said with a big grin on his face "meet the family? but what if i don't look good? i want to make a good first impression" Ash laughed a little "Don't worry" he said again "If he called you here you already look good" he wore an excited face, like he couldn't believe it's happening, he could finally Reveal the secret he have been hiding all that time

"Big Bro!!" called a voice

Ash expected her to show up first, was always excited when he came to visit as he couldn't very often duo to all of his travelling.

Serena however unlike Ash didn't expect the voice to come and she looked at him for explanation..

An explanation which never came as a ping blur scooped Ash and lifted him to the air. Serena couldn't believe how calm Ash was about this whole situation, he was 10 meters in the air (I am using the metric system deal with it) and he was laughing. "Ash are you ok?" she asked worried. "yeah if fine it's just my little sister here love to do those pranks to me" he replied reassuring her "can you put me down please?"

The blur who was apparently Ash's sister just laughed and put him down "Serena I would like you to meet my little sister.. mew"

"Hi there Ashy told me so much about you, it's good to finally meet you" mew then took her normal form a pink and cute floating cat with a long tail and big eyes

Serena was in total shock, mew? the legendary Pokemon mew? she was Ash's sister? Serena shook this thought though as she didn't want to act rude toward a legendary Pokemon so she extended her hand for a hand shake "likewise mew"

Mew just looked at Serena's extended hand and became really excited. "Big bro big bro can I show her? Please?" she said with puppy eyes. Serena was very confused about what was going on but Ash just smiled at her "Sure you can I think she will really like it" mew became really excited again and began jumping in her place squealing.

In seconds mew's body was envelop in a bright pink light and she began transforming, now she was a seven years old human girl wearing pink hoodie with cat ears and short with white jeans although she did kept her tail as it was coming from her lower back.

In seconds mew's body was envelop in a bright pink light and she began transforming, now she was a seven years old human girl wearing pink hoodie with cat ears and short with white jeans although she did kept her tail as it was coming from her low...

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Mew came to Serena an shook her hand with a smile. "so.. what do you think big bro taught me that" Serena was simply amazed at mew's new form and smiled back "You look amazing mew I don't just like it I love it!" mew jumped with excitement again "you really think so?!?!" Serena smiled at mew's childish behavior "I really love it it's clear you work hard to transform like that"

Mew was about to replied to Serena but then remembered why she was there at the first place "oh big bro daddy want to see you but I don't know why" Ash messed his sister's hair "I think I know. want to tag along mew?" Mew didn't reply she just took her brother's hand and began to lead him forward "come on come on let's go"

Ash smiled at his little sister and began to walk with her but not before he looked back and signaled Serena to follow them

"Serena?" Ash asked with worry to his friend "what is it Ash?" "umm let's just say your'e going to be amazed and probably freaked out a little but don't worry. If I know dad he assembled everyone" Serena yet again looked at Ash with a confused face "who are everyone?" but before Ash could reply Mew yelled at them "we're here!"

"you'll find out in a jiffy" and with that a simple wooden door appeared and the gang walked through it


Let me just steal a line from Hoopa...

"were you surprise?" mew is Ash's little sister and believe me she is going to appear again when and where I won't tell but you'll know

welp that's all i have for this chapter see ya next time

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