Chapter 22: A Flaming Battle!

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"Well Red how about we do it like this?" Arron starting to put an offer on the table. not a long time ago our heroes met a young trainer in the woods near the temple named Red. One day, when Red was in Viridian city he saw powerful and an unnatural aurora coming for the peak of mount Silver. the young trainer could not resist and after a long climb with his Pokemon, Charizard found his was to the top of this dangerous mountain. there he encountered two mysterious trainers: Arron and Lillian, training at the top and the legendary Pokemon mew. after finding him the two young adults welcomed him to the temple and started talking to him

"You ask a question and then we ask one, ok?" Arron offered. Red nodded "we'll let you have the first one Red" Lillian said with a warm smile. Red really liked Lillian, he didn't know what it was about her but just being near her made him feel warm, like he's back home with his big sister, Yellow (and before you ask, NO Red does not have a crush on Serena) "I.. Well.. who are you?" Red asked, succeeding to complete the question. Arron and Lillian looked at each other and smiled "As I told you before my name is Arron Tajiri" Arron introduced himself "And I'm his fiance Lillian Tajiri" Lillian said and hugged Arron's arm "we are both aura guardians" they said together

'So I was right they are in a relationship..' Red thought to himself 'and they're aura guardians? I still can't believe they are real' Red was shocked, it's the first time he saw someone and something so amazing "now it's our turn" Lillian said with the same warm smile that made red so happy "what are you doing here, Red?" Arron asked with a look that was both comforting and mad "I.. I.. saw some.. weird stuff here.. like an Aurora" he started to explain what he saw and why he decided to climb the mountain to the two young adult who were listening carefully to his words "... and after that i saw you two" he finished with an amazed look on his face

Lillian and Arron looked at each other and blinked. "i told you you should have done that inside the temple" he said with a sigh, shifting his attention to Lillian "sorry, but it wouldn't have looked as amazing inside" she said defending herself "and who told you it looked amazing?" Arron teased his fiance with a smile. Lillian giggled "you did" she said and gave him a kiss on the cheek. Both guardians looked back at Red, who was a little embarrassed to witness the two kissing like that "Red what you saw was something i like to call 'Aura veil'" Lillian explained "it's a special move that me and sylveon developed" as she said that sylveon came out of her Pokeball and gave her trainer a nuzzle "you see Red, Lillian is also a Pokemon performer, so to sharpen her skills she once in a while show us her new moves" Arron said, proud of Lillian

"I think that was amazing" Red said with sparkles in his eyes. a smile formed on his face 'I didn't stuttered this time. It's so nice to talk to them, like talking to my Pokemon' he thought, his smile grew larger "i have another question to for you" He said making the two young adults look at him, curious "I would like t know... what exactly are you doing here" Red ask. he knew why he was on the mountain but what's to this place and two aura guardians? As soon as the word escaped Red's mouth Arron slowly turned away and a tear fell down his cheek. Lillian saw that an immediately hugged him "you can't blame him Arron. he doesn't know anything" she said with a comforting tone "I know but it's still hurts to think about that..." Arron said with a weak voice "it's ok to feel sad, you know but you shouldn't let the events of the past make you suffer" Lillian gave him a kiss "I'll let you some time to calm down, in the meantime I am going with Mew and Red ok?" Arron nodded an let go from the hug

Lillian stood up and signaled Red and Mew to follow her, which they did "Lillian... what happened to Arron? was it something I said? did i make him upset?" Red asked slightly panicked. he didn't want to make any of them feel bad, they were the first people he ever opened to "He's... ok it's just that..." Lillian sighed and looked at Red "something.. well.. bad happened to Arron and Me when we were younger and it really got to him. I took it fine but everything Arron think about that he feels really depressed" she was almost on the verge of crying Red frowned "I'm.. sorry" He said a little sad. Lillian gave him a reassuring smile "it's not your fault Red, you didn't know" she said and put a hand on his shoulder

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