Chapter 24: No Secrets

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"Come on Mew it's time for bed" Ash said, taping on Mew's bed "we have a long day tomorrow and you need your rest" this morning A young trainer named red arrived at the temple and requested a battle with Ash. after the battle everyone came to the conclusion that Red wouldn't be able to leave until the next day, so Ash offered his old room for Red to spent the night in. now it's time for Mew to go to sleep as the little Legendary Pokemon was very tired. "I'm coming big bro" Mew said and got in the bed, Ash covered her with a fluffy blanket which Mew always loved as sleeping right next to the window can be really cold

"Good night sleepy cat" Ash said and kissed his little sister on the forehead. Mew giggled "That rhymes" she said. Ash smiled and chuckled "I love you" he said and hugged her one last time "I love you too big bro" Mew said and yawned.

 Ash left his sister to sleep ad went to spend the night with his fiance, Serena. He put his mask on the table and so did Serena. the both striped down to their nightwear and fell on the bed exhausted. Ash gave Serena a kiss and in return she snuggled into him. "good night my angel, I love you" Ash whispered and playfully bit her ear. Serena giggled "I love you too" she said and kissed his neck. Ash stroked her hair making her even more tired, she loved when he did that, it made her feel so special to him. soon after she fell asleep with a cute smile and a slight blush on her face. when Ash saw his fiance fell asleep he smiled, kissed her forehead and doze off into his own dream world

 when Ash saw his fiance fell asleep he smiled, kissed her forehead and doze off into his own dream world

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(I won't lie this is probably the best fan art I've ever seen)

Meanwhile Red was trying to sleep in Ash's old room with no success, he just could stop thinking something about this situation is wrong. He knew Arron and Lillian weren't telling him the whole truth, and it was making him feel sick. On one hand Red knew how to give a person their privacy so he didn't want to confront the aura guardians about this but on the other hand the curiosity was eating him from the inside, he wanted so badly to know what they were hiding. this conflict with himself didn't even let Red the chance to close his eyes

*knock knock*

Red got up into a sitting position. Why did they have to wake him up? he's in the middle of a mental crisis and their faces are the last thing he wanted to see but alas he knew he had to open. "come in.." he said with a sleepy voice. The door opened and Red was shocked. if front of him was what appears to be a 10 year old girl he never saw before. She wore a pink nightwear, slippers and had a red ribbon in her hair. even weirder she had pink catlike ears and tail. it didn't take long for Red to put two and two together and figure out who she was "Mew?" he asked. the little girl giggled but then sigh "sorry to bother you at such a late hour" she said with a sweet voice "it's ok" he replied with a smile that made Mew sigh in relief. Red patted the bed next to him, as if telling Mew to sit with him

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