Chapter 40 (part II): An Astounding Performance!

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"are you sure you're ok Mew?" Ash Ask for what felt like the millionth time. Mew sighed "I'm fine.. it was just one battle and I hit my head" she said pouting about her brother's protectiveness "Thank you for worrying about me big bro but I'm perfectly fine" Ash still looked unconvinced but luckily Serena saw that so she took his hand and intertwine their fingers, giving him a reassuring smile in the process. that thankfully calms the nervous aura guardian down

"why did you come find us anyway?" The legendary pokemon. Serena giggled "well one: you just disappeared without a trace and your brother got a bit worried" Mew gave Ash a blaming look at that sentence which Ash successfully ignored. Serena rolled her eyes "and two: we thought you might want us to call you if you knew about the main event" Red looked confused "what 'main event?'" he asked. Serena smiled "well, when we were talking to our mothers Shaun, Tierno and Trevor showed up and told us about it" She said. Mew's cat like ears perked up "what is it?" She asked. Serena beamed "they're doing a special pokemon performance (I might add that I hate myself because that would be hard as hell but it's 100% worth it) at the Centrico Plaza!"

"A performance?!" Red and Mew shouted together. Serena nodded "My friends Shauna and Miette are the ones preforming" Mew's basically legs basically became springs at this point. She rushed to in between her brother and her boyfriend and began to pull Red in the direction of the plaza, leaving Serena alone "Hey! Wait for us Mew!" Ash shouted and the tried rushed after them but Serena held him back "Ash you need to let her go" She said and placed her hand on his shoulder "you know she's not little anymore and she's fully capable of protecting herself and she has Red on her side. Our little sister will be juat fine" Ash sighed and looked ashamed "yeah..yeah you're right, I'm sorry" Serena kissed her fiance and hugged him "You don't need to apologize to anyone. You're protective over your sister, that understandable" She said "I'm only telling you to let her be herself, she obviously love Red just as much as I love you so just let her be with him" Ash stared at his fiance and hugged her, giving her a kiss on the forehead "you're right I should let her be with him even if I'm worried" he said, mostly to himself "thank you Serena" Ash put his hand over her shoulder and Serena put her head on his chest "How did I get such an understanding fiance is beyond me" she said in a quiet voice "I don't know how I found such a smart fiance either" Ash said, kissed her head and the two followed Mew and Red

"Are you excited?" Red asked his girlfriend. Mew nodded with a smile "I've never seen a full pokemon performance before! Of course I'm excited!" Red chuckled at her enthusiasm and grabbed her hand "so come on what are we waiting for?" Mew giggled and the two made their way to Centrico Plaza.

"It's beautiful here!" Mew exclaimed with stars in her eyes. The plaza was full of people waiting eagerly for the show to start, each and every one with a glow stick in hand. The fountain behind the performance platform shined with bright lights making each drop of water sparkle. People from different balconies shined lights on the plaza making everything as bright as the beautiful Alolan morning. Confetti in every color of the rainbow was falling down from what seemed to be the sky making the plaza fill with colors. It was so colorful Mew could feel herself floating in the air trying to look at everything "hey, mew you know you can't fly here!" Red said and caught her just before she got into dangerous height. Mew scratch the back of her neck "sorry, I'm just so excited. It's the first time I see a performance" she said excitedly. Red chuckled and took her hand "let's get closer to the stage ok?" Mew nodded and the two pushed through the sea of people

Suddenly all spotlight were aimed just at the middle of the stage and a man rose from the center. He had a Blue attire and a staff that held a kelfki on it's top "Mesdemoiselles et Messieurs! My name is Monsieur Pierre and welcome to this special event! Today we will witness an astounding performance by the master class finalists Shauna and Miette" the crowd cheered in excitement, some of them pulled out glow sticks and started to wave them around. Monsieur Pierre stepped backwards and the spotlights were redirected upwards to light up Shauna and Miette, both standing on top of buildings and in their performance outfits with their pokemon alongside them. The two girls jumped down to the stage earning a few gasps of horror from the audience but just before the two landed a hole opened in the stage and out of it jumped a strong looking Ivysaur. He quickly began to spin his two vines creating a powerful enough updraft to slow the two girls to a stop. Shauna and Miette smiled at the audience and bowed

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