Chapter 18: Happy Birthday!!

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Today is a special day, a day that only happens once a a year. We join our heroes on another normal snowy day on Mt. Silver but to one Pokemon this day isn't normal, to this Pokemon we celebrate the day she came into this world, the day she joined her brothers and sisters on earth, today is Mew's Birthday!!

The little mythical Pokemon opened her eyes, she looked around the room only to find no one. Mew became worried, normally her big brother would wake her up but now she couldn't find him anywhere. Even Serena, Pikachu and Sylveon weren't in the room, and that made Mew very upset. She got up from her little bed and began the search for her family

"Big Bro!!" She called for Ash but to no avail "Big Sis!!" She called for Serena but again got no response. Mew became worried even more and got of the room only to find Pikachu running down the corridor with great speed and something on his back. "Pikachu!" Mew yelled and caught Pikachu's attention, but his respond wasn't exactly what she was expecting. instead of greeting her or saying good morning Pikachu took running even faster with a worried look on his face

"Pikachu wait!!" She called but Pikachu just ignored her and kept running. Mew decided to follow him to see what he was up to. after a while Pikachu eventually led her to the battlefield, it was dark there all the torches and candles were off and quiet ruled the room. "good job buddy"  someone whispered, Mew heard this and had no doubt this voice belongs to her brother "Big bro?" She asked the darkness. The whispering stopped almost immediately and left only silence Mew got close to the source of the voice but then...

"Happy Birthday!!"

Light filled the room almost blinding Mew in the process but when her eyes adjusted she saw the entire battlefield covered in balloons, confetti and various birthday decorations. Ash, Serena and Pikachu all stood there wit smiles on their faces and party hats on their heads. Ash gave a hug to his shocked sister and a kiss on the fore head "Happy birthday my big girl!" He said to his little sister who, upon hearing him gave him the biggest hug she could manage. Of course Serena also couldn't miss all the celebration and she too gave mew a hug

"You're already 8 years old Mew, even tough we only met a year ago I feel like you were my little sister for as long as i can remember" Serena said with a smile. Mew teared up and gave both her big brother and big sister a big hug "I love you two so much! you are the best big brother and sister ever!" She said unable to contain all the emotions inside her. Ash and Serena looked at each other and smiled "We love you too Mew" they said both giving her a kiss on one cheek

Pikachu came to Mew and tackled her to the ground with a pig hug, he nuzzled her cheek slightly electrocuting her but Mew didn't care about this "did you help too, Pikachu?" She asked the electric type, Pikachu nodded. Mew hugged him close "thank you thank you" She said excited and almost crushing Pikachu in a hug "come on Mew we made you a couple of things" Ash said with a smile

They got to the table where mew saw the prettiest cake she ever saw

Ash took a knife and cut a piece of the cake for Mew to eat, She happily took the piece and took a big bite out of it

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Ash took a knife and cut a piece of the cake for Mew to eat, She happily took the piece and took a big bite out of it. As soon as Mew tasted the cake her taste buds started singing in happiness and her eyes were filled with sparkles "This is the best cake i ever eaten!" She said taking another bite. Ash and Serena smiled "Anything for you, everyone helped Serena bake and her Pokemon baked it while Me and my Pokemon gathered ingredients" Ash said with a smile "thank you!" Mew said happy

"and the celebration is't over yet" Serena added "we sill haven't gotten to the gifts" mew's eyes were filled with happiness "you got me gifts too?" She said unable to contain the gratefulness in her heart "we sure did come on!" Ash and Serena led Mew to a couple of wrapped presets presents in the middle of the room and instructed Mew to open them. The first gift was a mask, the same kind of mask Ash and Serena got from Arceus "you got me a mask too?" She asked and Ash and Serena nodded "We remember how you said they so cool and constantly told us you wanted one too so I teleported to the hall of origin to ask Zoroark to make you one" Ash said

Mew smiled, put the mask on and gave her big brother a big hug "come on Mew open the second one" Mew got to second present now. it was a small yellow box with a blue ribbon wrapping it. She opened the box revealing a red ribbon attached to to a head bow

Mew smiled, transformed into her human form, took off the hoodie hat and put the ribbon instead

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Mew smiled, transformed into her human form, took off the hoodie hat and put the ribbon instead. Serena then gave Mew her rottom phone to act as a mirror and Mew instantly fell in love with the new look. "I love it!" Se said while giving Serena a hug, Serena smiled "It took a lot of effort to make but it was worth it seeing you so happy" She stated and Ash nodded "thank you, big sis" said Mew "come one open the last one" Mew opened the last gift revealing a drawing of all of Ash's and Serena's Pokemon with Mew in it

"this preset was made by Eevee, Pikachu and Sylveon" Serena said while releasing Sylveon and Eevee from their Poke-balls. As soon as Eevee saw Mew she lunched herself towards the new species Pokemon and nuzzled her cheek similar to what her father did while Sylveon walked to Mew and surrounded her hand with one of her feelers. Mew gave Sylveon a hug "thank you, you three" She said with tears in her eyes "Pika!" "Eevee!" "Syl!" the three Pokemon called

Mew took another look on the drawing before coming up with an idea "big bro I have something to ask of you" She said almost whispering "sure, what is it?" he asked with a smile "I want you to capture me" She said with a confidant voice. Ash looked at her confused "Are you sure? you never showed interest in you being captured" He said Mew nodded "It's true but after seeing all of you giving me the best birthday of my lie and knowing how much effort you put into it, I just want to make sure i won't lose you all in the future" She stated. Ash smiled "of course if that's what you want" Mew nodded once again "I'm sure"

"ok then" Ash took a Pokeball "ready?" He asked his little sister "bring it on" Ash bumped the Pokeball on Mew's forehead and she was sucked in. The Pokeball wiggled three times before little stars burst out of it signaling a successful capture


happy birthday Mew and Happy birthday to Pokemon XY!! it's been 7 years and all the good memories are still in our heart. also a lot of people consider this Amourshipping day so... 

Happy amourshipping day everyone!!!

in 10 days we will celebrate 5 years to the famous  kiss in the lumiose city airport which finally after a long time proved our ship cannon

Hope you enjoyed the chapter everyone and i will see you next time!!

(note: yes, an amourshipping day special is on it's way to you on October 27th)

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