Chapter 43: A Champion Duel!

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"And Challenger Eathen Wins!" The announcer said, hyping up the crowd. The first round battles have been going flawlessly, with winners and losers as one, it seemed the battles are only getting better and better but one girl or rather one pokemon was waiting eagerly for one battle. Red, the new Kanto champion was participating in this tournament and he just so happened to be this girl's love.

Mew watched battle after battle waiting impatiently for the battle to come. She stayed behind and told her brother and his fiance that she wanted to watch the next battles. After almost half an hour of waiting Mew was felt like she was sitting on spikes. But finally she heard the announcer call out the battle

"And now, ladies and gentlemen you've waited for long enough, we have an explosive battle to show you all around the globe!" He said, making the audience slowly quieting down and making Mew even more nervous "the two who are about to battle have a fiery rivalry that ready for a rematch..."

"Give it up For Lance and Red!!"

The crowd erupted in reignited cheers, more then ever before, after all seeing a champion battle live is not something that happens everyday. But even with all the excitement mew couldn't feel but nervous. She knew Red was strong, he managed to last more than a 5 minutes against Ash's pikachu, which was a major accomplishment but even with knowing this she felt the suspense eating her from the inside out "I believe in you Red" she said, mostly to reassure herself. Just like the announcer said, Lance and Red had a fierce rivalry ever since Red barely took the champion title and Mew was sure Lance would do anything in his power to win this time.

The two trainers stepped into their trainer boxes and eyed each other down, both were aiming for victory and were thinking about nothing but to win

"It's been a while since we faced one another on the battlefield Red" Lance said with a smile "Last time we battled you came on top but I can assure you, this time.. it would be different" he threatens. And although Red wasn't fazed by that statement Mew was now more than anxious "I'm not gonna let you take me down so easily!" Red shouts back "I beat you once and I'll do it again!" The brown haired trainer took out a pokeball and so did Lance

"this is going to be a 3v3 battle" the judge said "the battle is over when all 3 pokemon are unable to battle!" Red and lance nodded to his words. "Come out to battle Blastoise!" Red shouted and threw out his pokeball. In a flash of blinding light the shellfish pokemon appeared standing strong

"Champion Red chooses his water type, Blastoise!" The announcer declared, almost shouting into his microphone. Lance threw out his pokeball as well "come out, Dragonite!" And out came the powerful dragon pokemon "what what what?! Lance is starting with his ace pokemon Dragonite! What is he planning to do?!" Red eyed Lance as Dragonite eyed Blastoise

The two sides were ready to clash

"Battle begins!"

Battle Begins

(Thank you pokemon masters for the remixes I'm definitely going to use)

"We'll start this battle if you don't mind" Lance said "Dragonite use twister!" The dragon pokemon roared and smashed his fist onto the battlefield. Suddenly the ground near Blastoise started to shake before a small purple tornado erupted from the ground knocking the shellfish pokemon back. Just then another tornado emerged from behind Blastoise and hit him from behind but now thanks to shell, Blastoise stayed on his feet but the hits kept on coming "Blastoise counter it with blizzard!" Red commanded. Blastoise went inside his shell and started spinning rapidly, the spin started creating a powerful vortex of cold air that managed yo cancel Dragonite's twister attack "Incredible!" The announcer said "Blastoise is using blizzard to stop Dragonite's twister, and even more, it looks like Dragonite is effected too!"

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