Chapter 21: New Friend, A Familiar Color!

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2 weeks have passed since Mew and Serena finally discovered the secrets of Z-moves and now are able to control and use every single move perfectly. Ash was also growing fast, thanks to the constant Z-move training him and Pikachu were finally able to control their special Z-move '10 Million Volt Thunderbolt'. Everything was perfect for our heroes but fate always works in mysterious ways and this time there's no exception...

"we're almost at the top, Charizard" a young trainer called his trusty partner "I can already see auroras!" he exclaimed and the lizard Pokemon smiled, happy to see his trainer and best friend this excited "finally we'll see what's happening up there" he looked at the peak, determined. Meet Red, a 14 years old trainer from Pallet town in the kanto Region and his trusty starter and best friend, Charizard. they have been travelling around both Kanto and Johto in the last four years and always aimed for the best, and although they haven't been able to win a league yet the pair always looked forward for new challenges

Recently, Red challenged the Viridian city gym and won the last badge he needed to enter the indigo league once more when he saw a strange sight. As red was staying at the Pokemon center for the night he looked upon the mighty mount Silver from his room he saw something really strange, a ball... a ball of pure light shining from the moon towards the peak of the mountain. before the ball reached the ground however, it exploded into a powerful aurora that covered mount Silver with colors. Red knew this was not a natural event, a trainer must have done that with his or her's Pokemon and he knew whoever did that must be strong

So, always eager for a challenge Red formed a plan. He, alone with Charizard will climb the mighty mountain to find the mysterious cause of that strange event and decided that if it was a trainer he will challenge him to a battle. Red have gotten so strong that most battles he had now a days have been so easy he would always be bored and he was waiting for a worthy opponent to battle with. That and That reason alone was enough to convince Charizard to tag alone and join his beloved trainer on the task

A month later they finally did it... they reached the top. "Greninja, Water Shuriken!" As Red was walking around the top of the mountain he heard this call. Excited, He ran towards the voice. Now he was sure this had to be a trainer, and to have a Pokemon like Greninja Red was sure he was powerful as unlocking the true potential of a started Pokemon was no easy task. "Delphox Mystical Fire!" called a female voice. Red immediately stopped, this wasn't the same voice as before and he heard it ordering a Delphox, another powerful Pokemon. Now Red was even more excited, one strong trainer was enough to make the boy jump in joy but two? Charizard thought his trainer's head might explode

Red took running again, wanting to challenge the two trainers to a battle now. After a long five minuets run in the thick snow He arrived to a strange place. It was a clearing, in front of two giant golden doors with strange engraving of Pokemon Red didn't recognize or wasn't able to see but even stranger was what in front of the two giant doors. There were the two trainers Red heard, one of them was male wearing dark snow clothing with no sleeves and brown shoes, he also had a weird looking mask on his face. The other one was a female, she wore was the exact same clothing as the male but her outfit had sleeves and on her purse Red saw something terrifying, a dagger in a holder. whoever those trainers were they were no joke

"Keep going with Night Slash!" The male trainer commended his Greninja who, in seconds was already near Delphox. Red quickly his behind some bushed so he wouldn't be spotted. he really wanted to see how this battle will end. Delphox, without the female trainer saying anything used scratch at the dark blade and blocked the attack without breaking a sweat. "Great job my angel, you're getting better" the male trainer exclaimed "thanks! me and Delphox were training hard to reach that level" the female trainer said back sounding proud. Now red had another piece of information, whoever those trainers are they are apparently dating

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