Chapter 37: A Z-Finish

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"Aurora keep pushing!" "Pikachu don't give up!" The Fairy type and the electric type fought for dominance over the battle, both giving their attacks everything they have. Pikachu and Aurora let out a powerful battle cry and with their last efforts tossed each other to thier trainer's feet. "Pikachu!" Red called and kneeled down to his wounded pokemon, he took a glance at His opponents and his face whided with surprise and fear. Altough she was wounded Aurora was already on her feet. Pikachu was to hurt to even stand and he fought against his pain trying his best not to fall unconscious but even though the little electric type was wounded he still refused to accept defeat. Again and again Pikachu tried to stand up but failed "Pikachu that's enough. You'll hurt yourself permanently if you keep going!" Red pleaded his pokemon but Pikachu refused to listen but instead he fought even harder and pushed himself further. The mouse pokemon looked at his trainer determinedly and finally stood up "Pikachu.." Red said quietly, watching his pokemon face his opponent once again. Red smiled "You're right pikachu we won't give up until the end. We can still win!"

Ash watched from the sidelines with a smile on his face "You're one of the strongest trainers I've ever met red" he said to himself and looked at his fiance "But I'm sorry it looks like Serena is going to win this battle" Mew heard him and looked at her brother confused, but Ash just chuckled and pointed at Serena. Once Mew saw what Serena was holding her excitement couldn't be contained anymore. Serena took a white bracelet out of her pocket and a pink crystal was attached to it, a Z-crystal.

"Aurora, are you ready?" Serena asked her Pokemon. Aurora slowly nodded and got into a fighting stance. 'are you ready, Red?' she asked herself. Fortunately one look at Red's face got her the answer she wanted. Pure will power and determination was plastered on her opponent's face making Serena smiled. Serena closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She slowly held her arms up and formed an X shape just in front of her chest "the light.." Serena said and opened her eyes "and the Aura within us!" She held her hands to the sides as if creating 2 huge arches "we'll chanel all of our energy into one fierce strike!" Serena and Aurora did the poses together. The two made a heart shape with their hands and paws and then... "Let'Z Go aurora use.."


A sparkling dome of energy engulfed the battlefield in a flash of light. In it everything was frozen... Exept Aurora. She was moving in blazing speed tackling Pikacgu again and again sending him flying in the air only to be hit like a punching bag all aroung the battlefield. "Finish this!" Serena said punching the air with both fists. Aurora let out a powerful battle cry. In front of her a giant star formed and was only getting bigger and bigger by the second. The fairy type charged forward through the star and absorbed it's power. She was about to tackle into pikachu with everything she had when...


Serena stopped her pokemon moments before the attack connected. The sparkling aura disappeared and time returned to flow naturally. Serena walked forward calling Aurora back to her side. She kneeled down and picked pikachu up in her arms and gave him to Red. "You have the most amazing pikachu I've ever seen Red" she complimented "but he can't go on anymore. If another attack hit him he wouldn't be able to wake up for a week even if I healed him" she said and put her hand on Pikachu's forehead, transfering her aura "there, now he should be fine if he get some sleep" Serena turned to the judge "Pikachu can't continue anymore I suggest you end the battle so we can get him the medical treatment he deserves" the judge slowly nodded "Pikachu is unable to battle! Aurora wins meaning the winner of the battle is Lillian!" The crowd burt into cheers but Serena didn't care she looked at Ash who just smiled and nodded at her

Soon enough Mr. Goodshow took the microphone yet again "What an AMAZING battle! Both our competitors fought hard but it was Lillian who took the Victory!" He said through the crowd's cheers "I hope you all enjoyed this beautiful performance! Now to our competitors have launch, keep on training and be ready because tonight we will be hosting a party to celebrate the beginning of The Pokemon Battle Master tournament!" The crowd bursted to cheers again as everyone started to exit the stadium. "So I guess I'll see you and Arron tonight?" Red asked. Serena nodded "It was a really fun battle Red and I'm really waiting to catch up with you but I have to go for now" she said apologetically "it's ok" Red said "I have to take care of pikachu anyway" Serena smiled as Ash, Mew, and Bonnie came from behind her "Bye!" The two of them said before turning around

"I'm going to say bye to red ok big bro?" Mew asked her brother for permission "Ash nodded in acknowledgment and turned to Serena as mew flew towards red "It was a nice fight Sere" Ash said and kissed her forehead. Serena gave him a little smile "Thanks Ash" Bonnie steped forward "Serena?" Bonnie said, taking her hand. Serena looked at bonnie for a long time, the look on her face only appeared to be more hurt with every second that passed "I'm.. sorry Bonnie... For yester.." She started apologizing but bonnie stopped her "please don't take the blame Serena" bonnie said quietly "You always think that when bad things happen it's your fault but it's not"  Ash held Serena's hand "She's right Serena, this wasn't your fault. You fought with everything you had to protect Bonnie and you did" he and bonnie hugged her "But I couldn't beat Mewtwo" she said and tried to push them away but they didn't let go "Serena you know better then anyone that no one is invincible. You fought to your last breath to protect your friend. And I'm sure that Bonnie knows tht what you did was amazing" bonnie noddes "he's right Serena. Thank you really thank you. You're the best friend anyone could have ever asked for" She said and grinned brightly at Serena and gave her another hug. Bonnie looked back and saw her brother and his friends leave and sighed "I have to go Serena sorry" she said looking down. Serena smiled and put a hand on Bonnie's shoulder "thank you bonnie" she said. Bonnie smiled and ran to her brother. Ash took Serena's hand and his expression turned serious "She's right you know, you really were amazing yesterday... But please, don't put yourself in that amount of danger without me" Serena giggled and kissed his cheek "I promise" she said making Ash smile. Out of nowhere Mew jumped on Ash's head "did you say your goodbyes Mew?" Ash could feel Mew nodding "you know big bro I missed red" She said and relaxed on her brother's head. Ash chuckled and held her up in his arms "are you sure there isn't something you're not telling us Mew?" Serena said teasingly. Mew only blushed and plated her face in Ash's chest

Just then Serena's stomach crunched "looks like someone is a bit hungry" Ash said. Serena blushed from embarrassed "come on let's get you something to eat" Serena smiled and put her head on his shoulder "what did I do to deserve you?" Ash chuckled and put his head on her's "don't ask me to do that. it would take up most of the day" Mew rolled her eyes "lovebirds"


Good to be back i have to say. This chapter isn't long I know but after 2 weeks of not writing a single word I got a bit rusty. Don't worry though I have the next chapter already planned and hopefully it will come out in a few days

I missed you but until next time

Bye Bye!

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