Entering Slower Updates

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So I know some of you have been wondering why I didn't upload in the past few days and i have good reasons

1) I wasn't home. Well maybe some of you thought I don't have social life but I did, I have been staying With my friend For 3 days so I wasn't able to write (although did write a little)

2) Battles are hard to write. in the next couple of chapters battles and major plot points start happening and those are harder to write then you think (especially battles) So I needed to be prepared with a plan. normally what I do is sleep on the next chapter, get a general idea of what's going to be in it and then just writing, but battles are different you need to know what your'e doing so I had to plan

3) I kinda lost motivation and because as I stated before major plot starts happening and I am no prepared. I'm more of a goofy and chill writer so I can't change in an instant and I still don't know exactly what will happen (as i said i write mostly on the get go)

But fear not I will not be gone and i'm not taking a brake it's just that instead publishing a chapter every single day updates will slow down a bit. I hope i didn't annoyed or worried you I can't update every single day for the rest of the book, 1 chapter normally take 5-6 hours to make because I'm not an English native so my English is not the best (but believe me i'm trying me best to write like you would and I hope i succeeded)

I hope that the next chapter will be out tomorrow so until ten Bye Bye!!

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