Chapter 20: It's Z-Move Time!

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"come on! I want to start now" Mew called from the battlefield, eagerly waiting for the training to start. "ok ok we're coming" Ash said from the corridor. After a wonderful morning it's finally time for Serena and Mew to learn Z-move, they have been waiting for this day since Arceus presented a Z-ring to Serena and instructed Ash to teach her to use the Alolan technique

Ash, Serena, Pikachu, Sylveon and Aurora arrived at the battlefield only to find Mew running around the field with great speed "Mew? what are you doing?" Serena asked with a rather confused look "I have to warm up, big bro said Z-moves take a lot of energy so I want to be sure I don't fall off from exhaustion" Mew replied while panting. Serena sweatdropped "you know Serena, this is not a bad idea. maybe we'll take a couple of runs around the field to warm up too?" Ash suggested

Serena nodded "let's go" She took Ash hand and started running around the field "Serena slow down!" Ash called, stumbling "whats the matter slowpoke can't keep up?" Serena teased her boyfriend while laughing. Ash put up a determined face "ya think?" he asked and started speeding up. Both trainers ran around the field in perfect sync from their pacing and speed all the way to their breathing.

After a long five minutes run Ash stopped and Went to the center of the field bringing the attention of both Mew and Serena and making them stop their running too. "I think that's enough warming up!" He said to them "come here you two" Serena and Mew walked to the center of the field "first we'll start by learning about Z-moves" Ash said starting a mini lesson "can either of you tell me what Z-moves are?" he asked. Mew raised her hand "Mew?" He gave is sister permission to talk "Z-moves are special Moves a trainer and the Pokemon can create together using a Z-Crystal and a Z-ring, and they are super strong"

Ash nodded "well done Mew" He said praising her "and can Serena please tell me How can one get a Z-ring and Z-crystal" He asked his girlfriend. Serena, how did her own research about alola instantly nodded "you can get a Z-ring from an island kahuna after you completed one island trial which are the ways to get Z-crystals" She said confidently "although I got mine in an 'interesting way'" Ash laughed at this "correct Serena, it's good to see that you did research" Serena smiled at the praise "of the last question. do you know how Z-moves work?"

Both Serena and Mew stayed quite, they didn't know the answer "looks like you don't know.." he said a little disappointed but quickly recovered "don't worry, only Alola natives Know this" Ash said reassuring them "Z-moves can be used by preforming a synchronized pose or dance with you Pokemon" he explained. Mew still looked confused "can you show us big bro?" She asked her big brother. Ash nodded "of course I can" He answered "Pikachu? come here for a second" Pikachu, who was playing Aurora quickly lend her to his mate and came to his best friend

"are you ready to do a Z-move Pikachu?" Ash asked his best friend. Pikachu nodded "well then, Let's go!" Ash put the electrium-z in his Z-ring "Pika!" Pikachu called from his position. Ash took both arms and crossed them to the form of an X close to is chest, then he created to big arches with both arms until the were besides his hips, after that Ash created another X shape with his arms this time facing forward and for the finishing pose both Ash and Pikachu created a lighting bolt symbol in front of their chests

 Ash took both arms and crossed them to the form of an X close to is chest, then he created to big arches with both arms until the were besides his hips, after that Ash created another X shape with his arms this time facing forward and for the fin...

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