A new addition

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Just some info since the last chapter. You landed on Lothal and reunited with your family. Then you, Echo, Fives and Ahsoka brought a restaurant with a bar and lived in the two floors above it. You called it "501 Dishes Of Perfection" and you all worked there. Kix brought a small medical building to work in and lives in the flat above it. He managed to extract the control chips from Rex and Fives. (Yeah I would have done something better for it but I want to move on in the story) Rex brought a hotel that he lives in and runs. Anakin, Padmè and the newly born Luke and Leia live there and help run the place (well the babies don't but Anakin and Padmè do). Spectre is still in a coma but Kix thinks he may wake up soon. The Empire exists now and all the clones are now stormtroopers. And Jesse, he lives on a farm with his girlfriend, Hirani and their adopted daughter, Nari.


Natalie tore through the chairs and tables of the cantina to the bar where you and Ahsoka were.

"Mummy! Daddy! It's life day tomorrow!" She yelled, still in her pyjamas.

Ahsoka laughed as you picked her up. "Yes it is, honey." You looked at her with mock seriousness. "Have you been good this year?"

She stared back at you, wide-eyed. "Yes I have."

"Why don't you go and see uncle Echo to tell him all about it?" Ahsoka patted the little togruta on the head.

"Yeah!" She ran off to the back room of the restaurant to find Echo.

You facepalmed. "What have you done?"

Ahsoka giggled. "Just unleashed that crazy daughter of ours on the walking data pad."

You walked over to where she was washing up and slipped your arms around her waist.

"(y/n)!" She tried to pull your arm away, but you kissed her and her struggles melted like ice cream inside the sun. "What are you doing?"

"Just appreciating how good our life is now." You smiled.

A crash came from upstairs.

"The kriff was that?" Ahsoka questioned as you began running towards the stairs.

Taking the steps three at a time, you charged through the hallway and came to a stop outside Fives and Echo's room.

Sliding the door open, you quickly checked the room for anything unusual. Everything seemed fine until you see the clone lying on the floor clutching his head.

"Fives?" You exclaimed in shock.

"Urgh... yeah?" Fives muttered from the floor.

"What the kriff happened?"  You helped him up from the floor.

"Well, I got drunk again then I slept and then I fell over and hit my head." You listened to his very brief explanation.

Then he ran for the fresher, barely missing crashing with Ahsoka as she reached the room.

"What happened?" She questioned, looking worriedly after Fives.

"He has a hangover." You told her. "He fell out of bed and hit his head."

She just shook her head. "Why does he do that so much?"

"What, hit his head? He doesn't do that much." You were confused.

"No, get drunk." She replied with an eye roll.

"The horrors of war make us all do things we can't control." Neither you or Ahsoka had noticed Echo walk into the room, holding Natalie on his hip.

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