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Your ship landed slowly, in what you assumed was an epic way but just looked like someone inexperienced had got their hands on a new ship.

Sliding out of the cockpit, you looked at Anakin. He was already taking large, fast-paced strides towards the rather rounded parking officer.

"Hey, you can't park here! What are you doing!" You could hear his nasally voice from over twenty strides away, but you missed Anakin's response.

Instantly the man cowered and nodded, then ran away. Parking tickets flowed from his pockets like a hyperspace trail.

"Anakin, did you have to threaten him?" Ahsoka tried one of her usual snippy comments with a grin as you approached the experienced Jedi, but when he turned his face was nothing but steel.

"Yes. Because we have something to do." He replied with a tone matching his expression. He turned on his heel and began a speed walk to what appeared to be a market.

Ahsoka looked down, disappointed at Anakin's reaction. "He's right. I can't be making jokes." She whispered, but you took her hand.

"It's ok, you were only trying to lighten the mood. Don't worry about Anakin." You offered her a smile, which she half heartedly returned.

"I can't help it. It's my moral duty." She clutched your hand back and you followed Anakin towards the market.

Arriving at the front of the trading ground, your eyes were assaulted by the variety of colour and your nose was choked by the spices.

"Well, this is somewhere I would visit." You looked around and saw a home brewery stand, with a sign saying family run. "Yep, my kind of place."

"We should split up." Anakin said, looking at you and Ahsoka. "I will head left, Ahsoka take the right and (y/n) take the middle. Look for information on Windu."

He left hastily, not bothering to look back. Ahsoka sighed as she watched him leave. You touched her back reassuringly.

"Hey, give him time. He'll get over it when we kill Windu." You whispered, so that no one would overhear.

"Yeah, I guess. I'll go look for the information. See you soon." You kissed her on the cheek before she left, then your entire focus was placed on the brewery.

You confidently walked up to it and smiled at the girl behind the counter, who was about 14.

"Hey! Welcome to the Lawquane family brewery stand! I'm Shaeeah, how may I help you?"

(See what I did there guys?)

"Hey there, would I be able to get a sample of your... home brewed beer?" You squinted at the sign while taking to the young twi'lek.

"Of course! Coming right up." She walked round the back wall of the stall to get a sample as who you assumed was her father walked out.

"Hey there, you looking to buy some of our beer?" He looked directly at you, and you saw that he had a face you'd seen thousands of ones before.

"You-you're a clone trooper!" You exclaimed, beginning to panic.

"Whoa there, friend. I'm not a part of the empire." He raised his hands as a symbol of peace, and you scanned his face to try and detect if he was lying. "The name's Cut."

"Cut. Why aren't you working for the empire?" You decided to trust this clone, even if it were just for the time being.

Shaeeah decided to choose that moment to re-emerge from the storeroom with a small bottle. "Here, sir. You can have this sample for free."

She slid it across the counter and you caught it, then read the label on it. It had a cute symbol of the Lawquane family on it that made you smile.

"Sweetie, go take stock in the back for me." Cut smiled at the young twi'lek, and she nodded. For the second time in that minute, she disappeared through the door in the back.

"I'm not working for the empire because my inhibitor chip malfunctioned. Then this whole thing happened with the Bad Batch getting me off my world and I ended up here with my family." Cut summed up quickly.

"The Bad Batch? I remember them, they helped me and my master on a mission a few years back." You said, remembering the unique squadron.

(*your Vietnam flashbacks intensify*)

"Master? Does that mean you're a Jedi?" Cut asked, to which you held up your lightsaber.

"Whoa, is that a lightsaber?" Shaeeah gasped with her head poked around the door. She rushed out and stopped at the counter, trying to get a better look. You quickly slid it back onto your belt.

"I think I'll take a couple of crates of your beer, if you don't mind." You smiled at them both, sipping at the sample.

Cut nodded to his stepdaughter and although she looked wistfully at where the lightsaber had been, she went and grabbed the two crates.

You slid a piece of paper across to Cut. "My comm frequency. We'll talk later." You pulled a small bag of credits out of your pocket and placed them on the counter, then grabbed your two crates of beer.

"There's a tip in there for you." You said to both of them as you started to walk away, hearing gasps of surprise as they saw the extra three hundred credits. You probably shouldn't have spent that much, but you liked the service.

Soon your comm bleeped as you were headed for another stall. You answered it to hear Anakin's voice.

"(y/n)! Have you found any information on Windu yet?" He asked, his anger seemingly melted slightly.

"I'm afraid I haven't found any yet, but the next stall looks promising. I'll contact you if I find anything." You promised through your wrist device, and you could virtually feel the nod.

"Good luck." Was all you heard before the comm turned to static. While paying attention to turning it off, you crashed into someone tall without seeing them.

"Oh my force, I'm so sorry!" You apologised after checking your beer was ok.

The person turned to reveal a sinister, all to familiar face. The face of a pirate captain himself, Hondo Onhaka.

"No worries at all, young man. I must say, you look familiar."

I fucking updated you wonderful readers. Why you like this book, I have yet to discover seeing as there is no plan for the plot and my writing is terrible but you do and I love you all for it.

Especially you, Fiend. Sorry to keep you waiting.

Anyway, I hope you liked the new chapter and I swear I will truly try to finish the book soon.

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