Dark times and family love

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The continuously crying child on your shoulder was the catalyst to your awakening of what was happening.

The Empire had risen, in all its horrible glory.

They slaughtered those who would not be oppressed by their rule.

They were... unstoppable.

"My dear, sweet child." You muttered to the poor kid, your voice showing the wisdom and age of an old man, despite your young age of only 17.

"These are dark times we are faced with."

Standing outside your cantina, you saw that everyone inside seemed happy. That will not last.

(A.N italics will be your thoughts)

You used the force to open the door, and strode in search of Ahsoka.

She was behind the bar, radiating beauty so brilliant that a dying star would be outshone.

"(y/n)! You're back!" She exclaimed happily, before noticing the child on your shoulder. "Who is that?"

"Ezra Bridger." Your face must have been unreadable by the confusion Ahsoka was expressing.

"The Bridger's kid? Why is he here?"

"The Empire killed Mira and Ephriam." You simply replied.

Ahsoka put a shaky hand to her mouth in shock.

"But why?" She forced out.

"The broadcast." The Bridgers had done one anti Empire speech over the holonet a day earlier, and it hadn't gone unnoticed.

"Meditation is needed, my love." You said sadly.

"Of course." She started walking towards the small meditation room on the upstairs of your house.

You dropped Ezra off with Fives and Echo, and told them what happened. Their sadness was mirroring yours. You told them to keep an eye on Ezra, Natalie and the bar while you and Ahsoka meditated.

In the meditation room

You closed the door behind you and settled in your meditation position. Ahsoka sat opposite you.

"Ahsoka. Search for the Empire's leaders." You whispered to her.

Then you joined hands over a small candle.

You were sucked into a trance like state with her.

The 501st kneel behind a large figure with a lightsaber.

Pain. Suffering. The blood of citizens on streets of supposed peace. Children dragged, screaming, from the still figures of their parents to be transformed into the mindless soldiers of war.

The large figure stands over a wounded stormtrooper. He raised the lightsaber and ignites the blade. The purple blade. The stormtroopers head falls to the ground, followed by the body.

And a name. Dominus de Tenebris, Dominus Inimicus. Mace Windu.

But there is another. One who leads Inimicus from the path of good. His name was The Son, but he reformed with the Republic. He is Et Filius.

You and Ahsoka awoke from your trance, and she pulled you into a hug.

"I'm scared." She whispered from the crook of your neck.

"I am too, my dear Ahsoka." You held her as if it was the last time you would see her.

"I am too."

The Line Between (Ahsoka x reader)Where stories live. Discover now