Duel of the knights

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You woke up clutching Ahsoka. Remembering the night before, you smirked and climbed out of her embrace to get dressed.

She made a noise that sounded like no, and tried to pull you back.

"I'm getting up Ahsoka." You gently pushed her arms away and put a pillow in them instead.

You got dressed in your normal civilian clothes, but you clipped your lightsabers in your belt for the first time in a while.

Looking back at the bed, you saw Ahsoka under the covers cuddling the pillow lovingly.

You smiled happily, then left the room making as little noise as possible.

Walking to the door, you opened it calmly and watched as a large black lambda-class shuttle passed overhead.

You sensed his presence. Mace was in it.

The shuttle landed on the outskirts of the city, in the grassy clearing, and you followed it.

The access ramp lowered slowly and down strode what Mace had become. He wore full black robes with a large black chestplate and full leg and arm armour. He pulled his lightsaber from his belt and ignited the red blade. "(y/n)! I sense you there. Come and face me!"

You walked out into the clearing and shouted back to him, igniting your (l/c) blades.

"Mace! I know you were here. I could smell your bo from across the city!" You grinned, assuming your ready position.

He growled and charged at you, lightsaber drawn over his head. You ran at him, and as he brought his lightsaber down to hit your head, you flipped and used your sabers to push his to the ground. Then in the air, you spun to slice along his back, but he swung his saber round to deflect it, pushing you away.

"You are no match for me!" He taunted.

"Not on my own." You grinned at him as his face turned to confusion.

Then Anakin and Ahsoka leapt from the trees, their lightsabers drawn, and attacked Mace from both sides as you charged back into the battle.

The entire battle had just turned into Mace desperately blocking blows from you, Anakin and Ahsoka. He did manage the occasional strike at one of you, but the other two of you were always ready to block.

You looked at Anakin and mimed a force push, then did the same with Ahsoka. They both nodded. Then all at the same time, you force pushed him backwards into the trees.

He was pushed through five different trees before he finally came to a stop, knocking them down with the sheer force of the push.

"Now I'm angry." He muttered, grabbing one of the fallen trees and throwing it at you. You easily deflected it with the force, but you were still shook by the strength he displayed.

He marched through the trees, his eyes ablaze with the fires of anger. He used the force to pin Anakin in place, then walked up to him and raised his saber.

"You die first." He whispered.

"Nope." He smiled. "Uno reverse." You flung your lightsaber round Anakin and it cut across Mace's back.

Crying out in pain, he punched the floor, propelling you all backwards.

His grip on his lightsaber tightened as he pulled himself back up, and outstretched his hand which erupted in force lightning.

The lightning split in three and you all had to catch it with your sabers. The force from it was as strong as normal force lightning, so if they were all together aiming at someone it would be fatal.

"Push forward!" Ahsoka yelled over the noise caused by the lightning.

Listening to her, you and Anakin took slow steps towards the Sith, just overpowering the strength of the lightning.

"I know your game, Jedi." He spat, then charged his had position slightly so that all the lightning at once focused on Ahsoka.

Overwhelmed by the power, Ahsoka's sabers fell and she was electrocuted by the lightning.

"No!" You bellowed, jumping in front of the stream of blue power to take its damage instead of Ahsoka.

He smiled, and pushed more. "You are foolish, Jedi. Your love blinds you from what you could achieve! Join me, and this power could be yours!"

You smirked. "Hmm... no. Piss off Mace." You pulled one of your sabers in front of you and caught the lightning on the blade.

"How?" He wondered. "This is the strongest lightning the dark side offers!"

"Well, I have the light." You pulled a small blaster pistol from under your coat. "And a gun."

You shot him in the chest. (That was for you Fiend)

The lightning stopped as he knelt down, clutching his side. You instantly ran over to Ahsoka hand crouched next to Anakin.

"She's still breathing. She'll be fine." Anakin put a hand on your shoulder.

You were so busy with checking over Ahsoka you didn't notice a group of stormtroopers come and lift Mace onto a stretcher then carry him back to his shuttle.

The shuttle took off and went to the star destroyer hovering over Lothal.

Ahsoka groaned and pushed her head up. "Where is he?"

"Gone back to a star destroyer my love." You pulled her up into your lap.

"That means he's coming back." She rolled her eyes, then pulled you down to kiss her passionately.

While you made out, Anakin awkwardly sat there cross legged. "There is no passion, there is serenity." He giggled.

Pulling away from Ahsoka, you glared at him. "Anakin, there are times for Jediness and now is not one."

Ahsoka sat up on her own and laughed. "There is no emotion, there is peace."

You facepalmed and got up. "Let's go see the kids." You said, pulling Ahsoka up and throwing an arm around her waist.

You walked back to your cantina where through the window you saw Fives and Echo chasing Natalie and Ezra round.

Drawing the door open, you looked at Fives. "Explain."

Echo got out from under a table. "Fives here thought it would be a good idea to give them five cookies each."

Fives went red. "You didn't stop me Echo!"

"That's because I was asleep Fives." Echo tiredly said.

"Ok, next time I'm getting Rex to babysit." Ahsoka said upon walking in.

"Crap!" Anakin exclaimed. "Padmè's alone with the babies!" He ran out the door to go see his wife and kids.

"Bye Anakin!" You yelled after him.

"Ok, lets get the kids." Ahsoka grinned at you and gave you a quick kiss before going into the maze of tables to find Natalie and Ezra.

You couldn't help but laugh as you joined in.

Sorry it took so long. I was tired.

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