The Temple

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Ahsoka POV
I sat with my master and the stranger in the dimly lit cantina

"...and that is how I got to coruscant and became a crime fighter" (y/n) finished his story.

"Interesting, (y/n)" My master said, sounding certain "I know what we should do"

"What, master?" I asked Anakin, confused at his words.

"(y/n), would you care for a trip to the Jedi temple with me and Ahsoka?"

At his name, I looked over at (y/n) to see him quickly avert his eyes, but I saw how he was looking at me.

To be honest, I had been captivated by him when I first saw his face. His transfixing (e/c) eyes were so deep and filled with wisdom, and sadness.

'No Ahsoka!' I thought 'Stop thinking about this! You cannot form attachments!'

"I accept your generous offer Anakin" he stated confidently. I breathed in relief, despite the fact that I was sternly telling myself to be quiet.


You sat in the back of the speeder next to the ever beautiful Ahsoka.

She caught you looking at her at least about six times on the journey, and after the six time she spoke in the voice that had first led you to seek her out in the streets of the underworld.

"So, how old are you (y/n)?" You just stared at her for a second or two before answering her.

"Oh yeah, my age. I'm sixteen but it's my birthday in about a week. How about you?"

"I'm seventeen" she replied softly . God you love her voice so much. You would listen to it all day if you had the chance.

"We are nearly at the temple Ahsoka and (y/n)." Anakin broke your train of thought by telling you that the council wants to speak to you in private when you arrive.

'Oh no' You thought with dread 'I'm screwed'

At the temple

"It's just up there, (y/n)" Anakin said in a soft voice. "Good luck"

"Thanks, Anakin. For everything"

You left him there confused, digesting your words, and headed through the corridor towards the ominous door to the Jedi council room.

Three knocks on the door, and you heard a stern voice, "Enter"

You pushed the mighty door open, and came face to face with three Jedi. One was a man who looks like he's in his thirties, with a beard and neatly combed hair. Another was a tall bald coloured man who looked really pissed for some reason. And the figure in the middle was a really short green man with huge ears and a ring of grey hair around his wrinkled head.

The green figure started to speak to you "(y/n), are you?"

"Yes master." You respectfully replied.

"Master Yoda, I am. Mace Windu, this is" gesturing at the tall bald man "And Obi Wan Kenobi, this is" pointing his walking stick at the man in his thirties.

"Good day masters" you say to them all.

Mace Windu spoke to you now "(y/n), Anakin Skywalkers report tells us a lot about you. To begin, are we correct in the fact that you were a Jedi padawan?"

"For four years, master Windu" you told him.

"And you ran away after your master was killed by pirates?" Mace continued.

"Yes master" you said.

"Hmmm. Interesting choice, we have" Yoda stated. "Much of your training, do you remember (y/n)?"

"All of it, master"

"Good, this is." Yoda went on, "Easier, our decision will be."

Kenobi started talking to you now. "We will contact Padawan Tano to come and bring you to a temporary room while we decide what to do."

Your heart leapt at Ahsoka's name. "Yes master Kenobi"

Soon, you were walking down the endless halls and corridors of the Jedi temple with Ahsoka. This time, you caught her glancing at you.

When she saw you raise your eyebrow in amusement, she turned away blushing.

"Well well well, how the turntables." You said sarcastically to her.

She giggles and said "Don't you mean how the tables turn?"


"Here it is (y/n). Your new room." She opened the door for you as you arrived at the room.

It was quite a spacious room compared to the cramped accommodation I was used to. The bed was built into a wall on the right side of the room, and a large meditation chair rested in the left corner. You noticed that the bed was quite large. There was a small circular window in the far wall of the room, providing an excellent view of coruscant from it, and a door in the corner of the room leading, most probably, to a bathroom. Close to the meditation chair sat a large, comfortable red sofa facing a television.

"If you need me, I'm in the room next door so don't hesitate to come and ask me anything." She told you shyly.

"Thank you Ahsoka, you are a true friend." You said to her. She blushed again and turned away to go to her room.

You smiled slightly at her sudden departure, even though you were sad to see her leave.

You decided to try out the meditation chair, and ended up meditating for about two hours before your thoughts were interrupted by the comlink Anakin gave you before you entered the temple.

You answered the call with "(y/n) (l/n) here."

"(y/n), come to the council room immediately" The voice of Obi Wan Kenobi instructed you. "We have news for you."

First cliffhanger! Tell me your thoughts on the book so far! I'm interested to know what you think of it.

As you can probably tell, the timeline of this is very different to the clone wars. I've decided to go completely different to the clone wars and make my own timeline. Expect new missions and characters! Also, some of the other differences are that Anakin has no dark side in his, so there will be no dark Anakin in this (I like Anakin more than Vader, so I'm keeping him on the light side) but beware for another Jedi to turn!

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