The Mission: Part 4

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Hello there!
Just want to say some quick words before I begin the chapter.

First off, don't worry! This will be the last mission chapter. Second, thank you all SOOO much for helping me get over 100 reads! It's really amazing how far this has gone in such a short time.


There was the canyon opening.

That was where you had to set up your blockade to prevent the droids from escaping.

Ahsoka was next to you in the AT-TE, leaning over a clone's shoulder to check a computer screen.

"Sirs, incoming transmission from General Skywalker." A clone warned.

"Thanks, Target." You said to the clone.

The holo grew to a life sized Anakin, who was crouching behind some kind of wreckage.

"Ahsoka! (y/n)! Can you hear me?" Anakin shouted into his comlink.

"We copy Anakin." You said to him.

"Good. Where are you? Some of the droids are slipping away." He informed you.

We're on our way Anakin." Ahsoka reassured him.

He ended the call.

You pulled out your comlink and spoke to all of the clones in the 332nd. "332nd! We are charging the seppies! Let's go!"

You were met by many "affirmatives" and "yes sirs" from the the clones.

Then you began the charge.

Obi Wan POV

I looked at Cody and said. "Cody, inform the men to prepare their rocket launchers and jetpacks. We are going in."

"Yes sir." Came the military crisp reply.

You looked over the perilous canyon edge down on the 501st and droids locked in a fierce battle.

Stroking my beard thoughtfully, I contacted Anakin and told him to tell (y/n) and Ahsoka to begin their assault on the rear of the army.

Me and the 212th will jump after both sides of the army have been engaged in combat.

"Well well well, look who showed up to the party." A strange, familiar voice washed over me from behind.

"No, it can't be. I killed you on Naboo!" I shouted at the carrier of the voice.

"I have returned for you."

Ahsoka POV

The 332nd came around the canyon wall, and I finally got a sight of the amount of droids we were up against.

There were hundreds of b-1s and loads of others, like commando droids, rocket droids and super battle droids.

You climbed up out of the AT-TE and stood next to (y/n) on the top.

He shouted, his voice bouncing off the canyon walls, making it sound like there were a thousand of him speaking at the same time.

"332nd, Forward!"

The lines of our clones charged at the droids, crying. "For the Republic!", "For the 332nd!", and other battle cries.

I ignited my blue lightsabers, and beside me (y/n) ignited his (l/c) lightsaber in dual form.

"Let's go already." He sang in a funny voice.

We both jumped off the AT-TE's roof and landed on the hard rock floor, then proceeded to run with the clones towards the droids.

(y/n) was going at an incredible speed. 'He must be using some kind of force power' I thought jealousy.

Before me and the clones were even halfway to the frontline, he was flying through the droids like a hot knife through butter.

He left a path of destruction behind him as he sprinted through the droids, as me and the clones finally reached the battle.

I heard a kind of 'whoosh!' Sound and looked up to see the 212th coming down from the canyon top into the middle of the battle.

It was a beautiful sight. Strangely I didn't see Obi Wan with them, though.

I suddenly felt a disturbance in the force, and looking over at (y/n) I could see he felt it too.

Kenobi. (y/n) thought, and somehow I heard. Stay with the clones Ahsoka!

He grabbed a fallen clone's jet pack and clipped it onto his back, proceeding to head up to the canyon walls in search of Obi Wan.

I turned my attention back to the battle, and started advancing on the droid frontline with the clones.


I got up to the canyon wall to see Obi Wan on the floor, a red lightsaber held to his neck.

You ignited your lightsaber, and faced the mystery Sith.

He pulled his cloak hood down to reveal a horned, tattooed, red head with hateful yellow eyes.

"Hello, Maul." You taunted confidently. "You need some oil? Your legs look a little rusty."

Somehow, the hate in his eyes grew to engulf the entire socket, his eyes practically on fire. Then they suddenly changed to something different, a look of understanding.

"You are different from the rest." He said curiously. "An enigma among the plain Jedi."

A cough erupted from Obi Wan, and Maul, realising he was still there, gave you a cruel smile and lowered his lightsaber to Obi Wan's neck.

"Nooooo!" You screamed, and you used the force to push his lightsaber away.

Then you charged at him, lightsaber drawn.

He barely had time to pull his lightsaber back to him and ignite it before you were upon him. You were a blur, ducking and weaving around the slow swings of the horned Sith.

You triple front flipped over his head after being locked in a lightsaber hold with him, and managed to take a blade along his back.

His cry of pain was horrific, and mangled with fear and hate.

He was rather slow after that, but he had hate pushing him forward. You managed to flip his lightsaber out of his hand, and into yours after a very strong blow to the arm that you gave Maul.

"No! Please! Don't kill me." He pleaded desperately and fearfully.

"Maul, you are a wanted criminal and a Sith Lord." You informed him.

Then you turned away to walk towards Obi Wan, "accidentally" dropping his lightsaber on your way there.

You heard him pull the lightsaber back to him, then he ran.

"I need a medic and evac on top of the canyon." You said into your wrist comm and you heard the sounds of celebration from below.

You had won Zeffo.

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