The Child

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Ok, the winner of the competition (and the only entry) was Spartan 205!
The kid is called... Natalie!

(I know it's a mando episode title. Really hyped for the season finale tomorrow!)


"So, kid, how you doin?" I asked the girl strapped into the large chair on the spacecraft.

She looked happy enough eating a meluron (probably spelt wrong) but I was worried for her.

"I like this food!" She squealed, taking another bite of the fruit.

The rest of the clones laughed, and Fives walked over to her.

"You like the generals, kid?" He probed softly.

"You mean new mummy and daddy?" She grinned through the food in her mouth.


"They are very nice to me." She shyly whispered. "Like old mummy and daddy."

"Wanna go see them?" Echo asked.

"Yes!" She was happy to jump out of her chair and follow the clone.

Her, Fives and Echo left the kitchen, leaving the rest of us to talk.

"Well, I like her." Jesse stated.

"Yeah, I think we all do." Spectre laughed.

"I need to check her over." Kix worried.

"What was it the generals called her?" I asked the group.

"Natalie, Rex. They called her Natalie." Jesse smiled.

Ahsoka POV

"Hold it, hold it!" I shouted to (y/n), desperately pressing buttons to halt the shuddering of the Tano.

His hand was firmly grasping a throttle lever in an attempt to slow the ship, but the engines were in pretty bad shape.

"R-9, get to the engines!" He shouted at the black and green droid, who scrambled out of the cockpit.

"Whoa!" Echo lurched into the cockpit, narrowly avoiding crashing into R-9 87n. Fives followed with Natalie in his arms.

"Hehehe. Look at the kid laugh." Fives giggled with her as they swayed with the ship.

"Look at you laugh, Fivey." Echo sniggered.

"Hey!" Fives was outraged. "That is a private name, so shut up Echo." He then blushed after realising what he said.

I shared a look with (y/n), and we both were trying so hard not to laugh.

"Hey lovebirds." Echo began. "Ship is going to crash."

"Shit." (y/n) turned back to the controls.

"Shit." The happy voice of Natalie came from Fives's shoulder.

Echo and Fives burst with laughter.

"Hey honey." I took Natalie and placed her on my lap. "That word is Daddy's. He coined it."

"I'm hungry mummy." Came the chirpy reply.

"Let's go get some food then sweetie." I picked her up and began walking to the kitchen.

"Fives. Your on co-pilot." (y/n) ordered.

Echo laughed at him.

"Don't start, Echo. You're on comms."

Now Fives laughed.

That was when I left with my girl.

"Hey, Ahsoka! How goes the flying?" Rex cheered when I walked in with Natalie.

"Ask Fives and Echo. They're doing that now." I laughed.

"Echo said something stupid and got himself into that didn't he." Kix correctly guessed.

"Yeah. Where's Jesse and Spectre?" I was confused to only see the two clones there.

"They went to the hangar to polish up the ARC-170 fighters or something." Rex replied.

"What brings you and your daughter here?" Kix questioned.

"Food!" Natalie replied gleefully.

They both groaned. "Let me guess: another meluron?" Kix got out of his chair and went over to a cupboard.

Natalie clapped her hands in approval.

"Here, kid." Kix chucked the fruit at her, and remarkably she caught it.

"Wow. Well done kid!" Rex was happy with her reflexes.

Natalie started gnawing away at the fruit, happy with the constant attention she got from her new family.

"Hey Rex, could you watch Natalie for a minute?" I remembered that I needed to talk to (y/n) about something from earlier.

"Course I can Ahsoka." Rex confidently replied.

"Thanks Rex!" I shouted back, halfway out of the door.

"(y/n)! A word?" I grabbed his arm and dragged him from his seat in the cockpit.

"Echo, take over!" He shouted to the clone before I dragged him out into the hallway.

"What is it love?" He asked me.

"Your last name. It's not (l/n) at all, is it?" I crossed my arms.

"No, it's not." He sighed. "It's Cloztar, like my sister."

"And what was that about the clan?"

"Well, when my father died a couple of years ago, I went to Mandalore to attend his funeral. He gave me and my sister the leadership of the clan on his deathbed."

"But you were taken as a child like every other Jedi."

"He got in touch with me about a year after I ran away, and explained everything."

I was slightly shocked, to say the least.

"Ahsoka Cloztar." I simply said. He looked confused.

"(y/n) Tano." He tested the words on his tongue.

(Which sounds better to you readers?)

Impulsively, I grabbed his arms and pressed him up against the wall, kissing him so hard I thought that he would melt into the wall.

Through the smothering embrace, a mumbled "I love you." Was heard, and a "me too."

My comlink started ringing.

"Awww." I whined, pulling away to answer it.

"Ahsoka Tano here" I spoke to the box on my wrist.

"Ahsoka!" It was Anakin. "There's been an attack! Me and Padmé need help!"

Sorry it's a bit shorter today guys. This was just a sort of filler chapter trying to introduce Natalie to you guys. I also might add a picture I draw of Natalie at some point so watch out for that (and remind me if you want to see it sooner. I have bad memory)

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