The Celebration

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Fireworks went off above the village as the villagers celebrated.

The droids were gone from Zeffo, and the villagers were free.

While Obi Wan spoke to the person in charge of the village about diplomatic and political affairs, you celebrated with Ahsoka, Anakin and the clones.

You were currently in the middle of a drinking contest with Anakin.

"Drink, drink, drink." The crowd chanted as you finished your sixth shot, Anakin only on five.

"Haha Anakin, yurr fullin behind." You mumbled drunkenly.

"Ey! *hic* I'll git ya!" Anakin was not very good at it.

At your ninth shot, you were nearly unconscious. The villagers sure knew how to mix a drink.

"At's it! I'n dun!" Anakin slurred before falling on the floor, just before his eighth drink.

The crowd cheered and hoisted you up into a standing position.

"Eyyyy, I win!" You swayed to some imaginary music while speaking.

Ahsoka took your arm and guided you to a villagers house.

"Rest here, (y/n)." She said softly, placing you on a soft bed.

"Anks, Soka." You struggled to say before falling asleep.

When you woke up, the first thing you saw was Ahsoka's beautiful face examining yours.

"Hey, (y/n). How are you feeling?" She asked you.

"Uurrggh, what happened?" You had a severe headache.

"You and Anakin had a drinking contest." She laughed. "And you won it."

"Oh god, what was I drinking? How much did I have? Was I acting weird?" You bombarded her with questions.

"Well, it was something the locals make called 'The Tranquilliser', you had nine shots and you're weirdness was at its usual level. So a lot." She joked.

"Hey!" You lightly punched her arm.

Anakin came through the door, looking for you and Ahsoka.

"Hey Ahsoka! (y/n), you're awake!" He was surprised to see you up.

"Yeah, although I wish I was still asleep. My head is killing." You informed Anakin.

"I know how you feel. I only got up about two hours ago." He laughed.

"Wait! Two hours ago?" You were shocked. "How long was I out?"

Ahsoka looked guilty and told you. "Only about thirteen hours."

"THIRTEEN HOURS!" You yelled.

"Relax, you didn't miss anything." Anakin reassured you. "Obi Wan is still with the village leader, discussing loads of random shit about politics."

"Of course." You flopped back onto the pillow with a groan. "I'm going back to sleep."

"I'll leave you two then." Anakin wiggled his eyebrows mischievously.

Ahsoka rolled her eyes, and got up to shove him out the door.

"Bye Anakin!" You called after him.

Obi Wan POV

The village chief, Rangor of Flanzarten, shook hands with me.

"On behalf of le Zeffo, I agree to zour terms, Kenobeh." He croaked in his heavily accented voice.

"Thank you, Rangor." I replied contentedly.

I had managed to convince him to let Zeffo join the Republic. There would be a whole venator left to guard the planet, and the people would be officially recognised as citizens of the Republic.

I left the meeting but to go and see if Anakin was around anywhere.

"Obi Wan!" That had to be Anakin.

"Anakin. What have you been up to while I spoke with the chief?" I was suspicious of what he had been doing.

"Well, I had a little drinking contest with (y/n), but it was only little." Anakin admitted to me.

"Dear lord! How many drinks?" I was really concerned for (y/n).

Anakin blushed bright red.

"Umm, not many." He evasively answered me.

"How many?" I asked slightly louder.

"Only about nine." He said, ashamed.

"Oh no." I had a feeling of dread. "Have you seen him since then?"

"Yeah. I just went to see him and Ahsoka. They are in one of the villagers huts." Anakin told me.

"He's with Ahsoka? Alone?" Something suspicious was going on here.

"He just woke up now." Anakin said to throw me off the scent. And it worked.

"After how long?" I was back to being worried.

"Thirteen hours." Anakin nervously said.


"Oh, and he went back to sleep after I left."

"Jesus Anakin, do you really have no sense? The boy is sixteen!"


"Do you think that that is old enough to drink?"

"It was for me."

I threw my arms up in annoyance. Sometimes I feel that Anakin has absolutely no interest in the wellbeing of others.

"Well, I will see you later Anakin."

"Bye Obi Wan." He shot me a grin and sauntered of in the direction of the villagers roasting a large animal over a fire.

I followed him to keep an eye on him, and to check out the animal roasting on the fire. It looked delicious.

Ahsoka POV

I found out that (y/n)'s birthday is in two days, so I had started planing a party for him.

Fives and Echo were a big help in this.

After (y/n) fell asleep for the second time, I called the clones over to help me with the planning.

They had some really good ideas, and Echo had the perfect place to go back on Courascant. It was a place called the Bar of the Republic, and it was where pretty much all of the clones went to have relax after a stressful mission.

The clones had made some calls, called in some favours, and had managed to reserve the entire bar for the night.

They had loads of the 332nd, 501st and the 212th invited, and even Obi Wan and Anakin were coming along.

It was going to be great.

I was looking at (y/n) now, his muscled body curled up shirtless on the bed.

He must be so tired after the celebrations.

I slid over him, stealthy as a clone commando, and slipped my arm around his waist.

He mumbled something unintelligible and turned to wrap his arms around me.

His eyes opened slightly, and he pulled me in for a quick kiss.

"Goodnight, (y/n)." I spoke almost silently.

He just looked back at me and smiled, then fell back asleep. This time, I joined him.

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