The Mission: Part 2

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This chapter is dedicated to my good friend anikan563. Go check out his account if you have the time!


You are walking to the briefing room in the Jedi temple with Ahsoka clasping your hand.

When you get to the door of the room, you have to release her hand, although you are reluctant to. She gives you a loving look, and goes into the room.

You follow her in. Mace Windu was speaking.

"..and then when master Kenobi and knights Tano, Skywalker and (l/n) reach Zeffo, you will have to take out the separatists there."

You were going to Zeffo. Again.


"Master! There are to many droids! You have to run!" You shouted into your comlink, terrified for your masters life.

"Padawan!" The voice came back. "We cannot hold Zeffo! Run with the clones. Get out of here!"

One of the clones takes your hand. "Sir, we need to leave. Now."

You look at him desperately. "I cant leave my master."

"I'm sorry sir." He was genuinely sad. "We have to go."

"No!" You shouted, and broke free of his grasp.

He shouted after you, but you ignored him. You had to get to your master.

As he came into sight, you saw him get his lightsaber knocked out of his hand, and kicked to the floor.

The commando droid levelled his blaster at your masters head.

Thinking quickly, you grabbed a fallen clone's blaster and shot the droid through the head. You then spun to the rest of the droids and shot them as well.

"Master! Are you ok?" You yelled at him.

"I'm...ok Padawan. You should have stayed with the clones."

You looked at him. He looked really injured.

Before you could say anything more, the front of a village house exploded, and out came a familiar face.

It was Hondo and his crew.

You ducked behind a stack of rubble.

"I smell profit!" Hondo shouted to the sky. Then he looked at the wounded Jedi.

"Hey Hondo. How's that scar?" Your master struggled to say.

"You know, usually I would sell you to the separatists, but today I feel like." He pushed his face close your masters. "Revenge."

He pulled his pistol out, and before you could do anything, shot your master through the chest. Multiple times.

"Noooooooo!" You leapt out from behind the rubble. The pirates looked at you, shocked.

"You will pay, Hondo!" You screeched, charging at him with your lightsabers drawn.

You cut down his men like wheat, leaping and slicing limbs like cutting cake. Soon it was just you and Hondo left.

He drew his blaster and took a quick shot at you. But you were too fast. You rolled under it and sliced his arm off at the elbow.

His scream made you giggle in delight.

Then, without hesitation, you pushed your lightsabers right through him. Mercilessly.

End of memory

A single tear ran down your cheek.

Ahsoka looked over at you, concerned.

"On Zeffo, there are many droid forces here, here and here." Mace was pointing at the hologram of Zeffo now. "You will each take your respective battalions to the areas highlighted and eliminate the enemy forces."

Mace looked around the room. "Is that clear?"

"Yes master Windu." Came the reply from everyone, sounding like a bored classroom answering a pissed off teacher.

"You are dismissed." Mace told you all.

You left with Ahsoka, and when you reached an alcove in the wall she pulled you into it and took your shoulders, staring straight into your eyes.

"What's wrong, (y/n)?" She was really concerned, and it showed.

The tears started falling again.

"Whoa, whoa." Ahsoka took you in a warm, tight embrace. "It's ok. Calm down."

"Zeffo is where...where...where the pirates...the pirates killed my master." You choked out between sobs.

When you finished speaking, you collapsed into Ahsoka's arms and cried your heart out.

She patted your back reassuringly and whispered calming things in your ear to distract you.

It took about twenty minutes for you to finish crying, and she stayed with you the whole time.

You pulled out of the embrace, and looked at her beautiful, calm eyes. Yours were still slightly teary.

"Let's go get ready." You whispered to her sadly. She nodded and began walking with you towards the barracks, her arm around you the whole time.

Later that day

You had made the announcement to all of the 332nd about the mission, and they were all ready on you and Ahsoka's Venator, called The Enigma.

You gave a small laugh when you saw the name in the side of the ship.

"Ironic." You said, smiling.

"What?" Ahsoka looked at you, confused.

"Enigma means mystery, and I kind of am to the council, the Jedi, everyone."

"Ah yeah." Came the chirpy reply.

Well, let's go check it out." She optimistically said to you.

You walked up the large access ramp with her, where they were loading specially coloured AT-TEs to match the clone's armour.

After a period of looking for your rooms, you found them around the access stairwell to the bridge. They were next to each other.

They were pretty much the same as your rooms in the 332nd barracks, but without the window, sofa and tv.

"Ahsoka, I'm going to try to meditate in my room for a bit so..." you weren't sure how to tell her not to come in.

"Say no more (y/n)." She said, much to your relief. "I understand. Consider me nonexistent."

"I couldn't do that! Where would I be then?" You laughed, and she did as well.

"Well, see you later (y/n)." She told you.

"See you Soka." You replied.

In your quarters, you sat down on your meditation chair and began singing to yourself softly as the ship took of.

"Buried deep, the feelings of my mercy lie.
The strange sensation of the cold, dead earth.
Keeps my mercy under the cold ground.
Where it belongs."

"Vengance cold, written on the stone of my heart.
Taken by the ancient souls, written where it is.
Loud but quiet, cold but warm.
Where it belongs."

"She calls to me, the cold lady of familiarity.
She wants me to come home to where I know.
But I will not return, for my heart not with me, it is.
Where it belongs."

"The one that they call Tano.
She will create right from wrong, rewrite the stone.
The one to break the rock of the ancient souls.
Bringing me where I belong."

Wow. It took me a while to write that song part. Jesus, I've just realised I wrote a whole bloody prophecy in that song.

Well I hope you enjoyed it, see you all tomorrow!

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