Finale part 1

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(The song isn't related to the chapter, it's just what I was listening to while writing.)

"Those were new models of transport, but I think they carry up to twenty troopers each." Echo said to you as you all marched down the road to the town entrance.

"We could be looking at two hundred troopers here, then." You said, pulling your lightsaber out and connecting it into a double saber, igniting the (l/c) blade and feeling the heat contrast against your cold skin.

"Hey, we can manage with that many, can't we? Remember Zeffo?" Ahsoka whispered, taking you hand and kissing your cheek gently.

"Hey, sorry to break this up but Sith Lord and everything." Anakin pushed you and Ahsoka away from each other, walking faster to get to the fight.

The next corner you turned brought you to the gate, with two hundred new troopers you had never seen, blasters raised.

At the front, Mace Windu raised a gloved hand and shouted one word.


Anakin, Ahsoka and you all ignited your sabers and deflected as many of the blaster shots as you could as the clones and Hondo dived for cover.

"Shit!" Jesse shouted, throwing a grenade over the now abandoned market stall.

A trooper looked down and saw it roll slowly towards her, then had the bright idea to kick it back.

"Who's explosion was that?" Rex shouted into the comms, looking at the twelve armoured soldiers now flying through the air.

Echo and Fives ran back, each laying down cover fire so the other could move. They made their way around a building and up onto the roof, crouching while Echo made a plan.

"Alright, using that power line there we could slide across the battlefield and get behind the enemy. Use the pistols." Echo got up and checked the strength of the wire.

"Come on then, smartass." Fives ran past him and leapt across the field of light and death, barely catching the wire and sliding across. Echo rolled his eyes and followed.

Spectre fired some rounds into the crowd of troopers, thinning out their numbers, then one hit his blaster and it burnt out.

He pulled out a pistol and jumped over the massive block of stone he was using as cover, then ran further up the war zone, a couple of shots hitting his targets.

You, Anakin and Ahsoka were slowly advancing on the enemy soldiers while deflecting their lasers.

Mace seemed to get bored, then used the force to shove his troops to the side so he could walk through.

"Well, if it isn't the last of the Jedi." His voice echoed across the town, intimidating even the strongest willed clone.

"The Jedi died with you, Mace!" Anakin stepped up to challenge him, shaking off Ahsoka's worried hand on his shoulder.

"Don't make me do this, skywalker. Take a seat and watch the conflict go down, don't get involved. You're irrelevant here." Mace smirked at Anakin's look of anger.

"You were never important. Just like your master, Obi-Wan. It is a shame you killed him, just as I got fond of him. All I needed to do was kill his mandalorian girlfriend, so it should be the same with you. How's your wife?"

Anakin took a deep breath, then dropped his lightsaber to the ground. He stepped towards Mace, and as he did it sent a shockwave not only through the force, but through the ground as well. Everyone stopped fighting and just watched, frozen.

"I am one with the force." He whispered, quieter than a ocean breeze but louder than a raging storm at the same time.

Another step, and another shockwave. Mace staggered, feeling the impact. "The force is with me."

His words were clear, and his eyes closed, seeing what would come now and preparing. Five sentences sprung from his heart, ones that he nearly forgot while trying to live by them.

"There is no emotion, there is peace."
"There is no ignorance, there is knowledge."
"There is no passion, there is serenity."
"There is no chaos, there is harmony."
"There is no death, there is the force."

On the last word, his eyes opened and he stared straight at Mace, then walked towards him. Some of the troopers regained their senses and shot at him, but their shots bounced off a barrier of the force that surrounded him.

Mace, being to stunned to react, now looked at the Jedi in front of him. Knight no longer, he was a master now. A true master. A grand master.

Mace shook his head sadly, done with the shit he had to deal with. "Man, fuck this." He sliced his lightsaber across Anakin's face, the force aiding him to throw Anakin a distance of a few miles.

"No!" Ahsoka screamed, charging at Mace as the shooting finally resumed. You didn't need to shout, but you followed her and charged for Windu.

No one noticed Anakin's saber fly away from the ground.

"There's only ten troopers left, Fives. But it's special forces. Commandos." Echo peeked over the building to look at the perfect defence of the commandos on the ground.

"Only one way to do this, then. Jump and hope for the best." Fives said, and to his surprise Echo nodded.

They both jumped and landed in such a badass way that I can't describe it, but all they could see were dead commandos and one Hondo looking proud of himself.

"That's the troopers done for, my friends." He said with a grin, until that look turned to fear. "What is that?" He pointed to the sky slowly.

A completely grey Venator class star destroyer emerged from hyperspace, already releasing transport shuttles from it's cargo bays.

You looked up at the sky along with Ahsoka, slowing down until you were just staring at the sky.

"Well, fuck." Ahsoka said in defeat, until her com bleeped.

"Hey, language!" The welcome voice of the young criminal Lando Calrissian flooded you with relief.

"You're lucky we stopped by, my partner Hondo does owe me money but not as much as these wankers"

A Nebulon-B frigate and two Tantive vessels appeared facing the Venator, and began firing instantly. Two squadrons of x-wings deployed and started to take out the shuttles.

"Thanks, whoever you are." You said, seeing as you had never met the young crime lord.

"Thank me in money." Cane the short reply.

As you watched the light show of a fight go in overhead, you forgot about the fight until Mace's gleeful voice cut the air like a knife.

He had a saber wrapped around Ahsoka's neck, and hers were cut in half on the ground.

"Now, call off your little rebellion and the bitch lives." He said, holding the saber close enough to burn her.

You raised your own blade, but quickly lowered it as he shook his head.

"(Y/n!) I'm not important, kill him! If you call off this rebellion I will kick you so hard!" Ahsoka screamed at you before she was brutally thrown on the floor and pinned down with the force.

Mace lined up the purple lightsaber with her neck and looked at you. "So, what will it be?"

We're nearly done! Hopefully getting the other done soon but no promises!

See u all soon

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