The Dance

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Your party was amazing. There were tons of people celebrating there, and even the bartender got you a gift.

Mostly there were piles of junk food as gifts from the clones but you did get some other things.

Obi Wan got you a new brown cloak, which you loved. Fives and Echo had made a clone trooper soft toy for you.

Even though the Jedi did not allow attachments to anything, you were already breaking that rule so you kept it.

And Ahsoka. She just told you to wait until later.

So you went around meeting the people at your party. You went through tons of clones, talking briefly to many including Twitch, some 501st boys called Hardcase and Heavy, and some of the 212th called Waxer and Boil.

But one clone seemed different to you. You were drawn to him, almost familiar to him.

You went over to speak to him.

He looked up from his drink at you, in shock.


"Yes. I feel like you are familiar. Do I know you?"

"You probably don't remember me, but I was the trooper that held you back from running to your master on Zeffo, many years ago."

"After that happened, I joined the 501st. Name's Jesse." He extended a hand to you.

"I must say it is good to see you alive." You took his hand and shook it, smiling warmly.

"Care for a drink?" He asked.

"Always." You replied with a chuckle, sitting next to him.

After a few drinks and a long talk with Jesse, you spied Ahsoka walking towards you, force lifting a large parcel with her.

"Hey, (y/n). This came for you." She put the parcel on the floor.

"Thanks, Ahsoka." Reading the label, it said:

To (y/n). Happy birthday! Aliit ori'shya tal'din.

"Those clever buggers. Good memory an all." That message brought back some memories.

"Well then, open it!" Jesse cried, an expectant look on his face. Ahsoka followed suit.

"Go on (y/n)!" She laughed.

"Ok, ok! I'm opening it." You ripped the large box lid open and pulled out a white and grey Mandalorian helmet, chest plate and arm armour with a mandalorian vambrace and a jet pack.

"Holy shit! Who are your old friends?" Jesse shouted.

"Some mandalorians that I helped out a while back." You admitted. "Looks like they want to repay me, finally."

You put on the white and grey armour over your robes. It's a perfect fit.

"It looks great on you." Ahsoka mischievously smiled.

"Not as good as an occasional smile." You grinned at her through your helmet.

"Hey!" She slapped the back of your helmeted head. "Ow! What the hell is that made from?"

"Beskar, cyar'ika." You used Mando'a for that part.

She looked at you, confused, so you tapped your nose twice and gave her a smile.

She rolled her eyes. "I'm going to eat."

"Bye Ahsoka." You were still smiling at her.

You walked over to a table in the corner for some alone time, but you were joined by a hooded stranger.

"Who are you?" You asked the strange man.

"Turner, they call me." He rumbled back.

"And you are?" You said, confused as ever.

"A bounty Hunter." That gave you some worry. He read your worry like a book. "I'm only here for information. No one needs to be hurt."

"What information?" Suspicion flooded you.

"Where is the one they call Shae Cloztar?"

Anakin POV

I looked over at (y/n) from the refreshments table for what must be the millionth time.

He had just taken off his armour and put it back in the box, when I noticed Ahsoka walking towards me.

"Hey, Skyguy." She stated, looking at the food.

"Help yourself Snips." I smiled as she piled her plate high, following my example.

We walked over to a free table and sat down to eat.

"So, how's life in the 332nd Ahsoka?" I quizzed.

"It's great, Anakin." She said through a mouthful of food.

"How are things with..." I leaned in to whisper in her ear. "...(y/n)?"

"Oh they're great!" She exclaimed. Then she went on talking about him and her.

It was great seeing how she likes him so much, but I worry that it will lead one of them down a dark path.

"Hey (y/n)! We were just talking about you." Ahsoka spoke to (y/n) now. I had been to lost I. Thought to realise he had appeared.

"I hope it was good, cyar'ica." He smiled.

"WHAT DOES THAT MEAN?" She yelled.

He winked at her.

"Well, it's getting late." I clapped my hands. "I'm going to have an early night."

"With Padmè?" (y/n) asked.

"Hey..." I glared at him.

"It's cool Skyguy. He told me about it." Ahsoka joyously told me.

"Jeez! Goodbye everyone!" I left before anyone could say anything more.


After Anakin left, most of the other people followed until there was just you, Ahsoka, Echo, Fives and some other clones.

"I think you're ready for your present now." Ahsoka whispered alluringly in your ear.

She grabbed your hand and led you over to a darker corner.

Then she positioned herself so that you were in a dancing stance.

Then you began to dance.

She twirled with you, leapt with you, swung with you.

She felt perfect in your arms.

You danced for hours, not once your eyes leaving hers. By the end you were exhausted.

You looked over at her, and your eyes met. You wrapped your arms around her and kissed her soulfully.

Her hands snaked down your back, her eyes closed in concentration. After a few minutes, you broke away for air and you said.

"Wow cyar'ica, you're good at this."

"What does cyar'ica mean love?" She was really confused.

"It means sweetheart."

She looked relieved.

"I love you, cyar'ica." You said to her.

"And I love you, honey."

The Line Between (Ahsoka x reader)Where stories live. Discover now