The News

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You strolled up the corridor that leads to the council room, for the second time that day.

You sung quietly you yourself as you walked, a song you had written while hunting a particularly illusive hitman about a year ago.

"Buried deep, the feelings of my mercy lie.
The strange sensation of the cold, dead earth.
Keeps my mercy under the cold ground.
Where it belongs."

The one verse is all you had time for before you reached the foreboding council room. You took a breath in anticipation, and drew the grand door or the room back.

Five of the council chairs were occupied at the moment, and you were shocked to see Ahsoka standing in the centre of the room.

Yoda spoke from the circular chair to you. "(y/n), for you and Padawan Tano, news we have."

Obi Wan Kenobi addressed you now, smiling broadly. "(y/n) and Ahsoka, we have come to a very important decision. Even though you have only been here for a few hours (y/n), we have decided to recognise the years you spent on coruscant as your training, as well as the four previous years of being a Padawan to Master Raitorod, and make you a Jedi Knight."

Ahsoka POV

The look on his face was so surprised, I had to laugh. He gave me an annoyed glance before turning back to Obi Wan.

"Really, Master?"

"Of course, (y/n)." Anakin began, "You deserve it. I know, I've seen you in action."

Anakin turned to me now, and said, "Ahsoka, in light of your amazing years as my Padawan, I believe you are ready to move to be a Jedi Knight."

I was awestruck. I heard (y/n) laugh now, and I took my turn to give him an evil stare.

"You will both share a clone trooper battalion, the 332nd battalion. Along with them. You will be the new guards of the Jedi Temple ." Mace Windu informed you, "You will move to their barracks, which is on the Jedi temple premises, into rooms identical to yours, permanently."

"Knights, dismissed you now are." Yoda said happily.


The prospect of being a Jedi knight had sunk in now, but not the fact that you were sharing a clone battalion with Ahsoka. You could not believe your luck.

"So General (l/n), how do you feel about sharing a battalion?" Ahsoka asked you in a news presenter imitation voice that made you laugh.

"Very good actually, General Tano. How do you feel about it?" You tried to do the voice as well, but you could tell you failed miserably.

Ahsoka started laughing uncontrollably, and it wasn't long before you were as well.

"You really can't do a news presenter voice, (y/n)." She said, wiping a tear of laughter from her eye.

"Was it really that bad, or are you overreacting?" You questioned her, with a raised eyebrow.

"You will have to find out." She said, winking at you.

It was a while before you and Ahsoka finally made it to the 332nd barracks, where you were met by a clone trooper commander, called Commander Spectre.

The 332nd armour was amazing. The helmet was orange, with Ahsoka's cute face markings traced onto it in white, while the rest was made to replicate the grey-white of my robes.

"Sirs." Spectre addressed you. "Welcome to the 332nd!"

"Thank you Spectre." You said to him. "Is there anything we have to do before going to our quarters?"

"Only one thing, sirs. You both have to make a speech to the whole battalion." He informed you.

Ahsoka turned a deathly shade of white and her breathing became more ragged. She started sweating in fear.

"Spectre, please leave us for a moment." You said to him.

"Of course sir" He replied with military professionalism.

As soon as he was gone, Ahsoka collapsed into your arms and started shuddering and crying. Unsure of what to do, you stroked her lekku soothingly. It seemed to calm her down a bit.

"What's wrong Ahsoka?" You gently asked her.

"I....I..I hate..." she stuttered in between sobs.

"Calm down Ahsoka, just take it slowly." You calmly said to her, still stroking her lekku as she snuggled into your chest to cry.

"I can't... can't do speeches." She told you, full of sadness. "They terrify me more than anything."

"Oh Ahsoka, it's ok." You spoke soothingly. "You don't have to speak. I can do that for you."

"Really?" She sniffled, looking at you in your embrace.

"Of course." You informed her confidently, then quieter. "Anything"

She showed no sign of leaving your embrace, so you stayed with stroking her lekku soothingly as she rested her head in your shoulder. That made it awkward when Spectre walked in to tell you it was time for your speech.

"Uhh... should I come back later?" He asked jokingly.

"No Spectre, it's fine." You said to him. You realised Ahsoka was asleep on your shoulder.

"Ahsoka." You whispered in her ear. "It's time to get up."

She opened her eyes slowly, and looked at your face.

"Hi (y/n)" She said sleepily.

"Hi Ahsoka." You said back to her. "We have to go to do the speech now."

The fear was instantly in her eyes. She shook her head violently.

"No no no no, it's ok Ahsoka. You just have to be up there with me. You don't have to speak at all."

She still looked uncertain, so you put your arm around her shoulders and practically dragged her along with you, following Spectre.

At the stage, you had to spend a couple of minutes convincing Ahsoka to come up there with you, but she didn't let up. You had to promise to keep your arm around her shoulders before she would agree to come up.

She started turning pale and sweating as soon as you got up on the stage, so you tightened your arm to give her a sense of security. You could swear you saw her smile at that.

"Hello 332nd!" You roared across the many groups of clones set out before you. "We are your new generals!" Gesturing at yourself and Ahsoka as you shouted it.

After the loud intro, you launched into a full three quarters of an hour speech that stunned everyone there. Even Ahsoka was breathless. You couldn't remember what you said, but you decided that the speech was one of your bonuses of your special force ability.

Ahsoka stayed in your arm the whole time, and at some point nestled herself into your shoulder again.

When your speech finished, you asked Ahsoka if she would like to go and meet some of the troops.

"Let's save that for tomorrow." She told you. "I need some sleep after that."

"Our rooms are attached to Sergeant Twitch's barracks. That's in that direction." You pointed over to the furthest barracks building from the main area.

"Well then, let's go and meet our roommates."

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