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"When can I see him?" You asked softly to the medic standing outside the door of the medbay.

"He's still recovering, but it should be soon." Kix replied.

"Call me as soon as I can." You ordered the clone.

"Yes (y/n). I will. And don't worry." Kix reassured sadly.

You nodded, and went to meet Ahsoka and Natalie in welcoming the Skywalker to the ship.

"There's the spaceship, mummy!" Natalie shouted, jumping up and down and clutching Ahsoka's hand.

"Yes, that's it sweetie." Ahsoka smiled at the smaller togruta.

"Ready for your mission, honey?" You walked in and tickled Natalie's sides until she giggled.

"Yes daddy." She rolled her eyes, still giggling.

"Shuttle's coming in." Jesse shouted over the intercom.

The blue-grey shuttle pulled in to the hangar of the bigger ship. When it landed, the ramp at the back extended down and down walked the Skywalkers, along with Bail Organa.

"Uncle Anakin!" Natalie squealed, running at Anakin.

"Whoa!" He laughed as the girl jumped at him. "Who are you, little one?"

Ahsoka glared at you. "You didn't tell him?"

"I wanted it to be a surprise." You smiled, watching your girl and Anakin.

"Ahsoka!" Padmè ran over to Ahsoka and wrapped her in a large hug.

"Hey Padmè." Ahsoka hugged her back.

"Anakin!" You called the older man over.

He walked over with Natalie clutching his shoulders from his back.

"So, who's the girl? She can't be Ahsoka's, you've been gone only a couple of days." He laughed.

You punched his arm. "We found her just before we met my sister. A day later, we adopted her."

He looked shocked. "That's a surprise."

"Good! That was the idea of not telling you." You were happy that he looked ok with it.

"(y/n), I presume?" Bail came up behind Anakin.

"Bail Organa. It is a privilege to meet you." Bail had been one of your idols while you were on Courascant.

"The same for me." He warmly shook your hand.

"Jesse?" Anakin yelled at the clone who had just walked in. He drew his lightsaber.

"Whoa, calm down general Skywalker!" He stepped backwards, dropping the data pad he was carrying.

"Anakin! It's ok!" Ahsoka ran over to him to calm him down. "Jesse didn't turn."

"I find that hard to believe!" Anakin bellowed, but lowered his saber anyway.

"We had six clones on the ship, but only three turned." Ahsoka explained. "Echo, Fives and... Rex turned. They're all in the brig now."

Anakin looked sad when she said Rex, but Padmè jumped in to explain what happened to them. "Ani was with the Jedi council when it happened."

"They... killed us all." He started. "At the council, we were looking at the new younglings when the clones suddenly started shooting them and us. Then Mace Windu drew his saber and started killing the Jedi. He... he killed Obi Wan!"

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