The Family

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"Ahsoka!" You cried out sleepily, pushing the light away with your hand. "Too early!"

Giggling, she replied. "It's actually ten past one in the afternoon."

You sat straight up and looked at your alarm. "No, no, no, no! I'm late!"

"For what love?" She uncertainly asked.

"Meeting some people."


"Down on the lower levels."

"I'm coming with you."

You winced. "You should know I have a... fractured past with some of them."

She folded her arms. "I'm looking forward to hearing about this on our way there." She earned another wince from you.

"Fine. Let's take the Tano." You began walking to the docking bay where the Tano was located.

Ahsoka POV

We strode towards the docking bay where we would take our ship, but (y/n) turned off before we got there.

Crossing my arms, I said. "Where are you going?"

He looked over and smiled. "Getting friends. Just wait at the Tano."

"Fine." I reluctantly replied, rolling my eyes.

25 minutes later

"Finally!" I exclaimed. "I was getting bored running the pre flights."

(y/n) walked in, along with Jesse, Fives, Echo, Rex, Kix and Spectre.

"Quite a ship, General!" Fives was happy with it. A hasty chorus of agreements came from the rest of the clones.

"Let's go." (y/n) confidently said, walking towards the entry ramp. The clones followed suit.


You were in the pilots seat of the Tano, with Ahsoka sitting next to you as copilot.

"Here it is." You said grimly, setting the ship down to land.

You started walking along the ship to the access ramp, calling to the clones as you did.

(Imagine some cool music for this part)

You, Ahsoka and the clones walked down the ramp with steam coming off the hydraulic lifts of the ramp to create a really cool outline of your figures.

You had your mando gear on over your robes, and both your lightsabers on your belt.

You led the way down a street to your rendezvous with the people you need to meet.

"Uh... sir." Spectre said. "Do you know this kid?"

You turned to Spectre quizzically. "What kid?"

Clinging to his leg was a small togruta girl about four years old. She had four short green and white lekku (imagine Ahsoka's but with green instead of blue) with two going down her shoulders and two down her back and her skin was a purplish-blue colour. She had lovely bluish eyes and her face markings circled around her eyes then dropped down and spiralled at her cheeks.

"Friends?" She asked from Spectre's leg.

You walked over to her with Ahsoka. "Come here little one." You opened your arms to receive her.

"Your safe with us." Ahsoka reassured her as she jumped into your embrace.

"What happened, young one?" Spectre knelt down to speak to her.

"Scary helmet people... they...they." She started to cry, shaking in fear and sadness.

"Sshhh,shhh it's ok. You're safe here." Holding her tighter to keep her steady, she began to speak.

"They shot mummy and daddy!" She was uncontrollably sobbing now.

You shared a shocked look with Ahsoka. Your shock turned into realisation though. Hoisting the girl up into your arms and positioning her so that she rested on your hip, you gestured at all the clones to follow you.

Then you ran.

You finally reached your meeting place. It was a clear area from the full streets of Courascant, but there were some loose cargo containers lying around.

"I'm here you miserable hut'uun!" You bellowed at the rooftops.

A lone mandalorian jet packed down from one of the roofs. "Hey."

"Shae Cloztar. I thought you had finally changed from your ways of evil when I left you last time, but why did you kill a couple of togrutas a couple of minutes ago?"

"They had something I wanted."

"Oh, and what was that, sister!"

A gasp came from your party.

"A pretty necklace." She smiled at you. "Good to see you brother. We need to talk."

"I don't want to talk to you, murderer!" You spat venomously.

"It's about the clan." You froze.

"What about it."

"You can't lead with me any more."

"Why is that."

"Because you're a Jedi now."

You stared at her. The clones sensed what you wanted and pulled up their blasters.

"Sister. Leave the planet now. This is your last chance."


She pulled her dual pistols on you and fired some shots, but you already had your lightsabers out and ready to block her attacks.

Realising that she was vastly outnumbered and outgunned by the clones, she tried to retreat to the rooftops with her jet pack, but was met my Ahsoka who pulled her to the floor and ignited her lightsabers at Shae's throat.

"Leave. The. Planet. Now." Ahsoka muttered through gritted teeth.

The girl in your arms wiggled out of your grasp and waddled over to your sister and Ahsoka.

She stood by Ahsoka's side and spoke to Shae, tears running down her tiny face.

"You killed mummy and daddy."

Shae's face turned to horror and she realised that this was the daughter of the people she killed.

"Fine! I'm going." She pushed Ahsoka off her and ran off.

"Shall we follow her, sir?" Spectre asked you.

You went and picked up the girl again. "Leave her, Spectre. She's not worth your time."

"Let's go home." You spoke to all your people.

"Yes sir." Fives said happily.

Courthouse on Courascant, three days later

"So you and your girlfriend here want to adopt this girl?" The adoption agent you were speaking to in the office asked.

"Yes we do." You told her, smiling at the girl and Ahsoka."

"Please sign here, here and here." She pushed some paperwork at you with a gentle smile.

You signed the paper, and so did Ahsoka. "It gives me great pleasure to announce that this girl will now be in your care as your legal daughter."

You put your hand on Ahsoka's leg and took the girl up in your other arm.

"Let's call you..."

Competition time!

Comment a name for the girl and I will chose my favourite from the names. The winner will get a shoutout in my next chapter. Good luck!

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