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"(y/n)? You back yet?" Jesse was shaking you by the shoulders.

"Urgh... where are we?" You groggily asked.

"The cargo hold. In cages." Jesse was looking round at the others.

There were multiple twi'leks, as to be expected on a slaver ship.

There was a couple of humans there as well.

"Okay. First off let's get out of the cage." You got up and looked at Jesse.

"Oh I don't think so." That horrible elegant voice came from outside.

The crazy zygerrian quees stood outside you and Jesse's cage, looking in with disgust.

"You cannot escape, and even if you try, the cuffs and shock collars will stop you." Her words oozed with a false sense of assurance.

"Your cockiness will be your undoing." You muttered in a sing-song voice.

Suddenly, you felt a huge electric shock run through you starting at your neck.

Out of the corner of your eye you saw the same thing happening to Jesse.

The queen squatted beside your small cage. "Painful, isn't it? Now don't try anything. Got it?"

She clicked a small button on her wrist and the electrocution stopped.

"Now be good." She left.

"Finally." Jesse muttered, groaning.

"She's a pain in the ass." You tried to recover from the electrocution.

"Hey." Someone whispered from the cage next to you.

You and Jesse turned to see a orange twi'lek leaning through the bars of the cage next to you.

"Hey." Jesse instantly tried to look cool, going to run a hand through his hair and remembering that he doesn't have hair.

"Wow. Cool." The twi'lek rolled her blue eyes. "I'm Hirani. I know that look your friend has, cool guy. He knows how to escape. I just hope you can help me as well."

"Of course we can." You said to her. "I'm (y/n). This is Jesse."

You turned to address your friend. "Jesse. Reach into my coat. My lightsabers are in the third pocket on the left. Cut my binders then I'll free you and Hirani."

He did what you told him to. You cut your neck collar and then did his binders and collar.

"Ok now the bars." You spoke to yourself quietly.

You got through your bars and moved on to the bars of Hirani's cage.

You cut through her binders and collar.

"Thanks." She rubbed her wrists. "I've been here ages. I take it Mr Cool has to come with us?"

Jesse looked slightly down heartened. You put a hand on his shoulder.

"It's ok mate. One day, you will be interesting." You laughed.

He punched your arm lightly.

"I know the way round this ship."  Hirani informed you. "I've been dragged round here by slavers enough."

"You know the way to the bridge?" You asked her.

"Course." She said.

"Wow." Jesse shook his head. "She's great."

"I know." She laughed from the door of the cargo hold.

Jesse flushed red.

"Cmon ya crazy clone." You grabbed his arm and pulled him to the door after Hirani.

The Line Between (Ahsoka x reader)Where stories live. Discover now