The Dream

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You walked to the barracks where yours and Ahsoka's rooms are. It was a standard barracks building, but with an extension on one side, probably for your rooms.

A 332nd clone trooper came to meet you when you reached the door.

"Hello sirs! Welcome to me barracks!" The trooper shouted happily. "I'm Twitch, and this people in there are me men!"

You must have looked a bit stunned at the troopers volume of speech, so Ahsoka took over and said, "Ok then Twitch, take it to see them please."

"Of course sirs." He replied in a more normal volume.

He pushed open the metal door and shouted to his men, "Troopers! Attention!"

The eleven troopers in there, including a couple of ARC troopers, lined up in front of their bunks, and stood to attention.

"Thank you troopers." You said to them. "General Tano and I are going to go to sleep now, but we will speak to you tomorrow.

You both walked to your rooms at the back of the barracks and, sure enough, the room was identical to your last one.

"Well, goodnight Ahsoka." You said to her.

"Goodnight, (y/n)." She said sadly, almost if she didn't want to leave.

After she went into her room, you stripped off your robes until you were just in your boxers, and climbed into your luxuriously soft bed.

You fell asleep.


There was a tall, cloaked man with a red lightsaber. He was fighting Ahsoka.

"You are doing well, little Togruta." He said to her.

I sensed that something was wrong after he muttered that to her.

I tried to shout to her, but I couldn't.

She did a double backflip over his head, and threw one of her lightsabers at his head.

With amazing speed, the cloaked man spun round and grabbed the lightsaber by the hilt. He sliced it in half.

Now with one lightsaber, Ahsoka flipped it so she was holding it inverted in her hand.

She ran at the cloaked figure, and at the last moment, she hit the floor and slid through his legs, slicing one of the feet of of it.

It bled out onto the floor, but the blood was pure black. The figure drew his hood back and smiled in the most evil way you had ever seen.

Ahsoka, transfixed by the figure's face, did not notice the blood seeping along the floor towards her until it touched her leg.

She screamed in agony, as the blood entered her body, using her leg as and entry point. Her skin turned black as the blood flowed round, seemingly corrupting her body, until her entire being was consumed.

She slowly opened her eyes, and you screamed. They were sith yellow.

Ahsoka POV

I woke up with a fright. I heard a scream from (y/n)'s room so I got up, grabbed my larger lightsaber and rushed over there, forgetting to put something over my blue, lacy underwear.

I opened the door to see him sitting on the side of his bed. I walked in and put my lightsaber on his desk, then sat next to him.

"What happened, (y/n)?" I ask him softly.

"It was a bad dream." He said miserably.

I spied a tear roll down his cheek. I wipe it away with my hand, then put my arm around his shoulder.

"Do you want to talk about it?" I questioned him carefully.

"Well... you were fighting against a strange cloaked man with a red lightsaber, a Sith. Then you cut his foot off but his blood touched you and you became corrupted by it. I was there, but I was helpless as I watched the one I love most be consumed by..." He was still speaking as I leaned into him, moved my other arm around the back of his head, and kissed him.


Ahsoka kissed you. She kept her lips pressed to yours as she moved around until you were leaning on the headrest of the bed and she was sitting in your lap, still kissing you.

She was gentle at first, but that soon gave way to her lust for more as her kisses became more frantic, and one of her hands traced the scars on your chest.

You wrapped your arms around her, one hand stroking her lekku while the other explored her back. You were kissing back with passion now.

The door of your room burst open, making you and Ahsoka jump in fright, and Fives charged in, his dual pistols at the ready.

(Yeah, Fives is alive and in the 332nd as an arc trooper along with Echo. I hope this makes some of you happy)

"Sir, are yo..." He cut off, shocked at seeing you and Ahsoka on the bed, practically naked.

"I'm sorry sirs, I'll leave now." He turned to leave.

"Fives, wait." You called to him.

"Yes sir?"

"Could you not tell anyone about this? Please?" You requested.

"Of course sir. Your 'little secret' is safe with me." He told you, making finger quotes in the air and laughing. He had got over the initial shock of it now.

"Well, that worked out quite well." Ahsoka said to you, relieved. She laid down in the bed beside you, and you fell asleep with her in your arms.

Hey guys!
Sorry it's a bit short today, but it's got exiting now!

See you all for the next chapter!

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