A Party Part 1

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You had a plan. After spending time with your family after the fight, you knew that you had to do things with them.

You laid awake in your bed. The alarm clock next to you read 5:13 AM.

Perfect time to start.

You walked downstairs stealthy, careful not to wake anyone. When you reached the main room of the restaurant, you used the force to move some of the tables and chairs around so that there was a large space in the middle of the room.

"Now, what would entertain the whole family... board game!" You whisper shouted to yourself. "Well, not the whole family, but that's an option."

You wandered round a bit, looking for inspiration in the warm home that was the restaurant.

Walking into the kitchen, you saw some chocolate chips left out on the counter.

"Baking... Natalie might like that." You smiled as the thought of your adopted daughter came to your mind.

"You know what. Fuck it. Let's invite everyone and throw a party." You smirked. "Right. Step one. Message everyone."

Pulling out your comlink, you messaged Anakin, Rex, Kix and Jesse, saying that you were having a party and they should bring the family.

Then you got to cooking.

Five minutes in, you heard the kitchen door open and turned around to see a bleary-eyed Ashoka in just her underwear.

"What are you doing? It's half five and you are burning something." She asked, putting one hand on her hip.

"Why are you undressed?" You shot back before turning around to attend the smouldering cupcake mixture.

(I apologise to any good cooks out there, but I'm shit at cooking and honestly don't give a fuck)

"I couldn't focus because of the burning." She walked over to you and took the bowl with the mixture away.

"Hey!" You whined, looking at her with an annoyed expression.

"What are you doing?" She asked again, holding the bowl over the bin as a threat.

"Ok, I'm cooking for the party." You admitted. "Also, I'm throwing a party."

She facepalmed.

"What?" She just sighed and threw the bowl in the bin.

"No! Why!" You looked at the former cake mix with a look of loss and pain.

She shook her head. "I'm cooking. You go get the other room ready."

You rolled your eyes and went into a cupboard quickly, looking for something. You found it and threw it at her. "Put it on." You instructed.

She unfolded it to see an apron. "Really?" Ahsoka gave you a disapproving look.

"Have you seen what you're wearing? At least it's better than that." You started to walk out of the room, leaving her blushing behind you, until she called back. "I would have thought that you would like this view!"

You blushed now and hurried out to sort some of the games out.

You used the force to move some tables around to create a sort of game area, then got some classic board games out for the visitors.

One table had Planetopoly, another had Risk, others had more. You liked playing Risk so you made sure that you would remember to do it as some point that day.

After you finished with setting up board games, you got the karaoke machine set up as well as a small disco ball.

Last and definitely not least, you set up the refreshments table. You already had the bar for the drinks, so you just moved some more tables and waited for Ahsoka to emerge from the kitchen with her cooking.

She came out with two large trays in her arms and four more floating around her just as you sat down on one of the chairs.

"Where's the food going?" She questioned, and you pointed to the table that you had just prepared.

She used the force to set out all the food and then took a step back to admire the room. You walked up to her and took her in your arms.

"So, who was invited?" She asked after you kissed her forehead lightly.

"Just all the clones and their families and the Skywalkers." You kissed her cheek to distract her.

"What?" She looked you dead in the eye.

"(Y/N)! Run!" Fives yelled from the corridor. He stood there in his pyjama bottoms and a sleep mask covering one of his eyes.

You obeyed, pushing past him to hide in your room.

About five minutes later, you heard the door open and Natalie walked in.

"Daddy?" She whisper shouted, and you stuck your head over the side of the bed.

"Hey honey." You whispered back, getting up to go see her.

"Uncle Echo sent me to help you." She jumped into your arms, so you picked her up and held her on your waist(if that makes sense).

"Good." You whistled nonchalantly as you walked out of the door and back to the main room.

Ahsoka saw you enter and walked over, but you deliberately let Natalie wave at her and she broke off.

"So, what's going on?" Fives asked with a cup of coffee in each hand, presumably with multiple sugars in each.

"Party. Everyone coming. Ahsoka's not happy." You briefly summed up, then turned to Echo. "Hey Echo, can you go wake up Ezra?"

Echo rolled his eyes. "I swear if I get hit in the eye by one more plastic hairbrush I will flip. What three year old boy even has a plastic hairbrush?" He walked out of the room.

(If you understood that reference, you get a cookie and a warm embrace from Fives)

"Nice." Fives grinned and took a gulp of one of his coffees. At that point the doorbell rang.

You walked over to open it.

It was Anakin and Padmè, each one holding a baby.

"Anakin! Padmè!" You hugged them both, careful not to squish the babies.

"Oh my force they are adorable!" Ahsoka squealed from beside of you looking at the babies.

"Come in, come in." You said to them, moving back so they could.

"Thanks." Anakin gave a tired smile.

They went and sat down at one of the tables with Ahsoka who wanted to see the babies again.

The doorbell rang again.

Well this has taken me too long to write. Sorry it's absolute chaos. I ran out of ideas. Feel free to comment any you have.


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