Empire over Lothal

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You sat at the table with Ahsoka, Natalie, Ezra and Fives, who for once didn't have a hangover.

Echo was making pancakes.

"Order up!" He shouted before flipping a pancake expertly onto each of your plates.

Natalie and Ezra giggled happily as Echo started on a new batch of the pancakes. Ahsoka used the force to pull a jar of space honey down from one of the cupboards and drizzled it all over her pancake.

"Save some for me darling." You looked at Ahsoka pointedly.

"Maybe." She passed it to Natalie next, who passed it on to Ezra after using some of it.

"Ezra. Don't give it to Fives if I well get none." You desperately tried to get it off the kid who was looking between you and Fives.

"Nonononono kid pass it here please." Fives was begging for it.

He passed it to Fives, but you remembered that you could use the force so when he went to pour it you grabbed some with the force and put it on your pancake.

The cupboards suddenly started shaking as well as the rest of the house.

"Earthquake!" Fives yelled before running straight into a door.

"Echo? You know what it is?" You asked your friend fearfully. He shook his head and ran to the door with you.

Looking over the city, you saw a star destroyer fly into place over it.

"The Empire." You said grimly as you and Echo watched about twenty shuttles come down from the hangar.

You opened a comm channel with all the clones on it so you could tell them.

"Guys, we have a problem. The Empire has joined the party." You spoke into the wrist comm.

A chorus of "Kriff!" And "Thanks for the heads up." Sounded from the little comm as all the clones prepared for an invasion of their homes.

"Let's go back inside and make a plan." Echo grabbed your shoulder and pulled you inside.

"What's going on?" Ahsoka quizzed when you came back in.

"The Empire are here." You told her sadly.

"All of our stuff is in the secret compartment under the floor." Ahsoka checked off that on her mental list. The empire would find it suspicious if they all had armour and weapons.

There was a knock at the door. You and Ahsoka looked at each other with dread.

"You bring the kids, I'll bring Fives and Echo." You said to her. She nodded.

Then she went to answer the door with the children while you and Echo helped Fives up.

When you got to the front door, you saw four stormtroopers and a uniformed man. "I am Lieutenant Gonezsr and I was dispatched by the empire to take a population count." He informed you while tapping away on a data pad. "May I come in?"

"Please do." You said through gritted teeth. He came in and sat down at one of your tables.

"Seeing as this is a dining establishment, we will have to run over some extra contracts, but let's start with names so we can register you on the grid and get your IDs." He talked you all through it, and you were getting the impression that he was a good person apart from the whole Empire thing.

"So, names?" He prompted.

"My name is (y/n) (l/n) and these are my adopted children, Ezra Bridger and Natalie Tano. My girlfriend is called-"

Ahsoka stopped you from saying a fake name. "I am Ahsoka Tano. And yes we both used to be Jedi. What's it to ya."

The Lieutenant looked shocked. "I'll have to report this to a superior officer, but who are the other to, twins maybe?"

Fives laughed. "We're clones! I'm Fives and my guy here is Echo."

Poor Gonezsr looked overwhelmed. "I have to make a call, I'll be back in a second."

You decided to make him a cup of tea for when he came back.

It had been about Fifteen minister of sitting there before the Lieutenant came back. You handed him the still hot tea.

He gave you a thankful look and began to talk. "Well, the clones have two options. One, join the Empire as commanders or two, stay here as official citizens of the Empire. It's up to you."

"We're going to stay, thank you." Echo quickly said before Fives started a crazy rant about the Empire.

"And you, (y/n) and Ahsoka." The Lieutenant turned to you. "I'm told that Dominus Inimicus is coming here to speak to you."

The Lieutenant looked at you sadly as you and Ahsoka exchanged wide eyed looks.

"Well, it was going to happen sooner or later." You felt that this was meant to happen, like the force wanted it to happen.

You gave the Lieutenant your comm number and told him he was welcome back anytime. He gave you a datapad with multiple contracts to sign for the cantina.

Later that night

"Daddy?" Natalie said as you tucked her into her bed.

"Yes sweetie?" You stroked her forehead in a reassuring manner.

"What's going to happen to you and Mummy?" She sounded worried.

"Oh Natalie." You laid down beside her on her bed and wrapped her in a reassuring hug. "There will be a bad man who will try to get Mummy and me, but we won't let him. Ok?"

"Yes daddy." She flipped over and instantly went to sleep.

"Goodnight, cyar'ica." You whispered as you slid the door shut.

Ahsoka walked out of Ezra's room at the same time. "You get him to sleep?" You whispered to her.

"Yeah." An unexpected voice came across the hallway. It was Echo who had just come out of him and Fives's room. "I got him to fall asleep."

Ahsoka burst out laughing as you gave Echo a small clap. "Well done buddy."

"I don't know why I came out, I'm going to sleep now as well." Echo went back into the room.

Ahsoka was still laughing when she sat on your bed. You took your t-shirt and trousers off and began to change into pyjamas, but Ahsoka stopped you.

"I have plans for tonight." She simply said before leaning into your ear and going into more detail.

"If that's what you want." You grinned and began to pull her top off.

No you don't get any more explanations you dirty minded kriffers.

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