Anakin's limit

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The death of Obi-Wan didn't affect you as bad as how it affected the others, but you were still pretty shocked.

Ahsoka was worse, she didn't really speak as much as usual. It felt as if she had lost her whole outgoing, bubbly attitude. It just made you feel worse.

But Anakin was terrible. He still had Padmè and the twins to comfort him, which definitely helped, but he would go to Kenobi's grave every day and apologise for failing.

The situation was bad, to say the least.

But when you woke up today, you felt differently. Uneasy.

"Anakin." You said quietly, realising what your feeling was. Ahsoka stirred next to you, rubbing her eyes and looking around.

"Huh?" She asked, moving into a sitting position before clutching her head. "Wha- wait, Anakin."

"You can feel it too, can't you." You threw the bedsheets off of you and jumped out of the bed, stopping and looking over at Ahsoka who was slowly getting up.

"Will I need my armour? The mando stuff from a while ago is still here somewhere." You pointed to the wardrobe.

"Take the lightsabers and the helmet." Ahsoka replied, using the force to pull her sabers to her and dressing herself. (Season 5 outfit)

You nodded and put the helmet on before setting your saber to the double bladed mode.

"Remember not to hurt him." You called to Ahsoka before jogging out of the room and bashing on Echo and Fives' door. "Watch the kids!"

That was followed by another loud bang, probably one of them falling out of the bed. Or both. But you ran down the stairs and burst out of the door, feeling more desperate as you felt Anakin's distress through the force.

You were met by Ahsoka outside of the building, and your eyes met. You knew that you were both thinking the same thing.

You need to save Anakin before he can do anything bad.

You both started to run again, in the direction of Padme's house this time.

"Padmè!" Ahsoka yelled as her house came into view. Padmè herself was outside and holding onto Anakin's arm.

"Killing him won't solve anything Ani!" She shouted as you slowed down and stopped in front of Anakin.

"Kill who?" Ahsoka asked, looking worried.

"I'm going to finish it all. I'm going to kill him so the Jedi he has slayed may rest in peace." Anakin said quietly as you noticed his lightsaber in his hand.

"Kill who exactly?" Ahsoka repeated herself to get a clearer answer.

"The person who turned the clones against us and killed the Jedi. Mace Windu." Anakin yanked his arm away from Padmè and began walking down the road.

You followed him and stepped in front of him, as did Ahsoka. "Anakin, you can't fight him. He's way to dangerous, and we can't handle another loss this soon."

A flash of pain crossed Anakin's face as he looked at you. "(Y/n), I'm doing it for him. And for all of those like him. Please, I need this."

You looked down for a moment as Padmè ran around and stood right in front of Anakin, trying to reason with him.

"Ok, Anakin, but you're not going alone." You sighed as Padmè turned and looked at you with confusion.

"No, none of you can go! Ahsoka, help me out here!" She protested, looking to the togruta for help.

Ahsoka walked over to Padmè and whispered something to her. A tear threatened to spill from her eye, but she nodded and walked back to the house.

Ahsoka started to walk down to the spaceport, beckoning for you and Anakin to follow. "We're going to hunt a Sith." She genuinely smiled for the first time in ages.

At the spaceport, you could see multiple ships but the three that caught your eye were perfect condition Jedi interceptors, all black and gray.

"Found our rides!" You shouted over to the others. Anakin seemed to be a bit calmer, but he's still quiet and very broody.

You slid into the cockpit of the first fighter and familiarised yourself with the controls. Seeing both Ahsoka and Anakin take off, you hit a button that raised you off the ground slightly.

"Right, just these two and..." you pressed two more and grabbed the joystick before flying off after Anakin and Ahsoka.

"So, where we headed Anakin?" You asked over the ship to ship comm system that was already installed on the ships for plot convenience.

"To a place on the outskirts of the outer rim. You can buy any kinds of information from there, including locations of some important people." You heard a bleep on your computer and looked down to see that Anakin had sent some coordinates.

"Meet me there." His ship jumped to hyperspace.

"Ahsoka, I just want you to know that I think you should stay." You said over the comm after making sure Anakin was excluded so it was private.

"Why?" She asked, her voice holding a curious tone.

"I don't want you to get hurt." You admitted. "I can't stop imagining scenarios where you die at the hand of this demented murderer."

"That's sweet, but those are just thoughts. You know that I could fight this pussy off, right?" Ahsoka laughed, probably to ease herself as much as you. "Cmon, let's go shopping for some info."

You gave a small laugh and jumped to hyperspace after her.

Well, new update. The book has got over 10k reads and I just want to say thank you so much for this. I didn't think that my writing would be that good and this whole book just started as a little x Ahsoka fantasy, but to know that so many of you like it is just an amazing feeling, like I literally can't describe it.

Thank you all so much for this and I love you all

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