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"I must say, you look familiar."

The words caused you to spiral deep into repressed memories, one that put your blood to the boil and caused anger to froth within.

"I-I'm sorry, you must have me confused with someone else." You said, regaining your composure and walking away as inconspicuously as you could manage.

"Hondo. Fucking, Onhaka." You nearly crushed the handle of the beer carrier in your fist.

(Hope that's spelt right)

You stepped up to a stand and leant on it, looking at the tall pirate captain.

"I killed you years ago." You shook your head, controlling your emotion as lessons long ago taught you.

"You gunna buy something or just fuck around, nerfherder?" A voice with the unique mixture of gravelly sound and high pitch jerked you from your brooding.

"Depends on what you sell, friend." You turned to the short woman behind the counter, keeping an eye on Hondo.

"Anything, from food to spare parts. Or, if you have more of a budget to play with, there is more in the building."

Intrigued, you pulled a small pouch out of your robe.

"Care to offer directions?"

The building was more of a ruined starship than a full building, but a small kind truck got you in fine.

Inside was actually rather spacious, with there being three sections to it.

There was a cantina, which looked lovely in the sense that no one was dead yet, an exotic club that you would stay away from and the Sky Market.

"That's where every cool cat is hanging out, bro. Want to join us?" A strange, obviously intoxicated man asked you, gesturing to the club.

"Afraid I will have to decline your most generous offer, good sir." You said, already moving away from him and to the market.

You couldn't help but chuckle at the man tripping and falling headfirst into a bush, then stepped into the vibrant marketplace.

"Regular of this market too, friend?" Hondo surprised you with a tap on the shoulder from behind you.

You stopped laughing instantly and turned to him.

"You follow me round like a ghost. I no longer wish to hide from you." You muttered, aimed at Hondo but clearly too quiet for him to hear.

"Sorry, did you say something?" He asked, scouring your face and picking up the anger on it. "Oh. Shit."

"Do you remember my master, Hondo? The one you murdered? I would be surprised if you didn't, it isn't every day one kills a Jedi." You grabbed him by his neck, smiling at the realisation that hit him.

"(Y/N)! You're alive! Thank the force!" Much to your surprise he scooped you up in a massive hug. "I thought you died with poor old master Jedi, but here you are!"

"What now?" You stood awkwardly as the old pirate embraced you, trying to get your story straight.

"I killed you after you killed my master. Why are you alive and hugging me?" You finally managed to talk after he let go of you.

"I wasn't there when your poor master died, but he was a friend of mine. I wish I had been able to save him, but I was imprisoned by my own crew." He said sadly, a tear brimming in his eye.

"One stole my clothes and pretended to be me as I was stuck for years toiling as a slave labourer aboard my own ship! I managed to take back my crew and kill the insurgents though."

The Line Between (Ahsoka x reader)Where stories live. Discover now