The Order

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Just saying now... HOLY SHIT THE MANDALORIAN EPISODE 8. I don't think that I'm the only one that cried at the end of the episode when Luke took Grogu. Din was FRICKIN CRYING it was so flippin sad.

Anyway, on with the book.


"Ahsoka, what happened?" Anakin's words sounded desperate.

Suddenly, you and Ahsoka cried out in pain and fell on top of each other.

"Ahh.. what was that?" Ahsoka winced.

"It was like a million voices cried out in pain and then suddenly stopped." You observed.

A shrill scream came from the kitchen, and you and Ahsoka looked fearfully at you.

You both dashed to the kithen to see Rex, pistols drawn, aiming at Kix and Natalie on the floor.

"Rex! What the hell!" Kix yelled, clutching his leg while trying to protect Natalie.

"Aargh!" You fell to the floor with a pain in your right side.

"NOOO!" Ahsoka screamed, whipping round to see Fives and Echo charge in, smoke coming off one of Fives's pistols.

Jesse and Spectre came in, fearful looks on their faces.

"General! What's happening? We heard gunshots!" Jesse shouted. At that point he saw you on the ground and gasped.

"Order 66 has been activated! Surrender, insurgents!" Rex shouted.

At that point, the three clones swapped their pistols for little command chips with spikes in them.

"Allow us to execute the order, unenlightened clones!" Fives yelled.

"FUCKING HELL! SHUT THE FUCK UP!" You pulled yourself up, leaning on the table.

"Wait look! Another Jedi down that corridor!" You pointed down the hall to the bathroom, which made the clones look down there.

You force pushed them down there, and sealed the door.

"Run to the hangar!" You shouted at the rest of the people.

Ahsoka ran to help you walk, and Jesse helped Kix while Spectre grabbed Natalie.

"Stop, traitors!" You heard Echo yell after they got the door open.

"So we're here, general. What now?" Spectre pointed out that we had no plan.

"Set your blasters to stun, Jesse, Spectre, Kix. We can't let them get hurt." Ahsoka worried.

"Wait. I have this." Kix pulled a small pill from a pouch on his belt. "It's a full reset pill."

"A full reset pill?" You questioned, unsure of what it was.

"It completely wipes a clone's mind apart from their memory." He lectured.

"I'm keeping it." He continued. "I don't trust any of you with it."

"They're here!" Jesse shouted from the door, running back to us and crouching behind an A-wing, blaster drawn.

The door bust down in a flurry of sparks, and the three clones came charging in guns ablaze.

"Aargh!" Kix flew backwards into a wall and was knocked unconscious after a bolt from Fives hit him.

Spectre landed a shot on Rex, stunning him nicely but Echo drew a riot baton and ran to the unprepared clone.

Fives and Jesse were locked in a firefight, when Ahsoka ran in to help. A stray bolt hit her leg, and she crumpled to the ground in agony.

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