Chapter twenty-one: Star gazing and figured out identities

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Percy's POV

I watched their stunned faces. Marco was really, and I mean really, pale. "T-that means I f-flirted with-" Marco said and gulped before concluding. "The lieutenant of Artemis" 

"Exactly" Thalia replied with a shit eating grin and twisted a dagger between her fingers. 

"Why didn't you tell us?" Sara asked me hurtfully. That was the first time she spoke to me since we told her. 

"I..." I started but I looked at the ground and took a deep breath. "Your mother told me not to" I said whilst managing to look her in the eye. 

"My mother... Okay, but why?" "I don't know" "Why don't I believe you?" I froze. "This isn't the whole truth right?" Sara pressed. "What is the daughter of Poseidon doing in Gotham?" I looked at Thalia pleadingly. 

"We can't tell you." she said and glared at her. "And I thought that we were friends." Sara said and looked right at me. I winced. 

They left, leaving Thalia, Nico and me alone int the training room. "What was that?" Nico asked me with wide eyes. "Nothing" I mumbled and walked outside. I whistled and soon I spotted a black spot in the sky. 

Blackjack landed and I tackled him, wells well as you can tackle a horse."Hey boss" he said. "Everything okay?" he asked me as I practically squeezed the life out of him. 

"I take that as a no. What happened?" "Nothing" I said, burying my face into his soft mane.We stayed like that for a while, enjoying each others warmth. "Boss" "Yes" "Do you have any-" "Doughnuts" I guessed. "Yeah" I said and fished it out of the bag I brought with me. 

"Here" I said and held it out to him. In one big gulp it was gone. "Someone was hungry" I mused, staring at my now empty hand. "Mmph" he answered with a full mouth. 

"Don't talk when your mouth is full." I scolded him and pushed some crumbs of his snout. "Hey Blackjack" Thalia greeted. "Oh, you already ate the doughnut." she said. I hummed and mounted Blackjack. "Where are you going?"" I need to clear my head." I responded. "be careful" "Don't worry. I won't do anything dumb." I laughed. 

She raised an eyebrow "Sure" she said. "maybe I should say, 'don't die'." I stuck my tongue out. 

"Haha, so funny." I said sarcastically. I leaned forward and whispered to Blackjack to fly. He extended his wings and we were off. We flew through the sky nearly colliding with some birds. 

Sorry birds!

We spent hours like this and in a blink of an eye, I realised that, it was already nighttime. I told Blackjack to land and he obliged. I slid off his back and sat down, looking at Gotham. We had landed on one of the highest buildings, Wayne enterprises I think. 

I felt Blackjack lay down beside me and wrap a wing around me. I snuggled into him. I looked up at the stars. "Bob says hello" I whispered a tear rolling down my cheek. "hello Zoe, we miss you" "Boss?" "Yes" "There's someone standing behind us." Oh, ups

"Who are you?" a deep voice asked. "Oh great, it's the Batman." I thought. 

I quickly dug in my pockets, searching for my mask, cursing underneath my breath. I pulled my hand out of my pocket unsuccessfully. "Think, think, think" I whispered to myself frustrated. 

I quickly summoned a sphere of water and shaped it into a mask before attaching it to my face. Once it I was sure that it was secured I turned around. "Hello Batman, what can I do for you?" I asked politely. "Wow, me being polite, the world must be ending." 

"You're Wonder Woman's partner, what are you doing in Gotham?" oh, and there is Robin. Great, just great. "Boss, who are they?" "Batman and Robin" "Oh" 

"Are you talking to a horse?" "A Pegasi and yes, I am." I corrected him. "A Pegasi?" Damian asked. 

"Yes, you know a horse with wings." "But they don't exist" "Excuse me" I said "You have the living proof right in front of you. And aliens and meta humans do too. Could you explain me the logic behind that?" I said with crossed arms. 

"She has a point" Batman agreed. I mentally patted my shoulder. 

"TT, whatever" Damian huffed. There was a moment of silence. "Why is everybody so silent today?" I questioned myself. 

Batman's com crackled and I heard a voice. "I have to go. Robin, keep patrolling" He said and disappeared into the night. Damian huffed but instead of leaving he walked towards me and sat in front of me.

"We need to talk" he stated. "We do?" I asked him with a raised eyebrow. "I know your true identity." I chocked on literal air. 

Luckily, I quickly managed to recompose myself. Though my body was still stiff. "Surprise me" I said whilst crossing my fingers, hoping that he was wrong. But the fates hate me... 

"You're Persephone Jackson." "Shit" was all I thought. The way I reacted must've confirmed his suspicions. 

"I believe I am right." he said with smirk. "Shut up" I said. He leaned in so that our noses nearly touched. I turned bright red. "Why do I have to like this irritating boy?!" I mentally cursed. 

"Because he is cute" a voice squealed. "Get out of my head Aphrodite!" I heard a giggle and then I felt her presence retreat. We started leaning in closer and closer until... Blackjack stuck his face in between ours. 

I jumped back slightly. We weren't about to kiss, right?! He can't like me that way- I nearly slapped myself. "Stop fussing over it" I told myself.

"Care to introduce?" Damian asked, shaking me out of my thoughts. 

I opened my mouth to respond but Blackjack beat me to it. "I am Blackjack, Percy Jackson's noble and loyal companion." he introduced himself. It looked like he was waiting for applause. 

Damian blinked. "Could you translate?" he asked. I shrugged my shoulders. "Sure, he said, and I quote, 'I am Blackjack, Percy's handsome and loyal companion. Lover of doughnuts'." I translated. Blackjack neighed in protest "Boss!"

Damian laughed, bringing a smile onto my lips. The moment was interrupted by his com crackling as well. "I need to go, Tidal. See you around." and with that said he jumped off the roof.

"See you around, Damian" I whispered to the wind. "Boss, why are you blushing?" I stared at him and he stared back. "Tell meee" he pleaded. "Fine, fine. I like him." "... I did not expect that" I giggled. "But I need to approve of him first!" he said stubbornly with protectiveness laced in his words. "You're the least of my worries." I mumbled. If dad or Triton found out, gods, that would be a nightmare.


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