Chapter seventeen: Morpheus, I just asked for peaceful sleep

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Percy's POV

Dream start

I was standing in a sort of room. Everything was dark, until 6 figures stepped out. Piper, Jason, Leo, Frank, Hazel and Annabeth. Tears started pooling in my eyes and I ran to hug them. But they gave me disgusted looks and shoved me away. "How could you?!" Piper screamed. "H-huh?" I said confused. "Why didn't you save us! You are no hero!" They screamed at me. I shrunk back. They continued throwing insults at me making me curl up in a ball.

Dream end

I shot up breathing hard. "Just a dream, just a dream" I repeated to myself. I heard a knock on the door. "Come in" I said. Diana came in and crouched next to me. "Feeling better?"

"Yeah" I replied and tried to get out of bed. Key word: tried. Diana pushed me back down and gave me a glare. "You are not going anywhere" I pouted. "Please" I said giving her my famous 'baby seal eyes' but unfortunately she is immune to those. Monster!

"You are staying in bed for the rest of the day. And no complaints." She said in her mother like voice. I groaned and lay back down. Diana smiled and walked out, closing the door gently.


I heard the door open again. Expecting it to be Diana I said "I am feeling better, can I go now?" But I nearly shrieked when in front of me was no other than Robin.

"I swear that guy is stalking me" I thought. Robin awkwardly cleared his throat. "Wonder Woman said that you may go now." "Yes!" I cheered before jumping out of bed only to find my legs rapped up in the covers.

I nearly face planted when two strong arms caught me. I blushed, hard. Luckily Damian didn't notice it due to the darkness. Thank you Nyx! Wait, did I just thank a goddess?

I never understood but when I am with Damian I feel different, I feel like I have butterflies in my chest. I tried to ignore it but now I am sure, I might have a crush on Damian. I hope it's not only aunt Dite messing with me.

I got out of his arms and stared at him. "Uh, thanks" I said smiling a bit. "Your welcome" was his reply. Nobody moved. "I will go now, bye!" I said rushing out the door.

Damian's POV

I watched as Tidal rushed out of the door. I let out a sigh. "Who are you Tidal?" I questioned no one in particular. I exited the med bay and made my way to the zeta tubes. I stepped inside and reappeared in the bat cave. It felt like I forgot something... right! Jackson was supposed to be coming over. I looked at the time and saw that it was 9:30. 3 hours to spare.


I heard someone ring the doorbell. I got up, hiding my knives, and walked downstairs to open the door.

"Hello" I greeted her. "Hey" she said and walked in. Somehow she found the way to my room. I stared at her shocked and she grinned at me. "I may not be a genius but I know my way around." she said before swiftly opening the door and strolling inside. I shook off the shock and followed her. "Lets start" she said.


"...Thank you for listening" Jackson concluded. She then turned around and held her hand out. I took it feeling a tingly sensation go threw my body.

She must've felt it too because she stared at me. We, unconsciously, started to lean in. Our lips nearly touched but Drake threw open the door. We jumped apart. "Jeez you scared me."

Jackson said holding a hand over her heart. Drake gave her a sheepish smile before he turned around and glared at me. "I'll borrow him for a minute." "TT, Im not going anywhere" I stated crossing my arms.

He grabbed my arm and dragged me outside. I freed myself from him. "What do you need" I asked him angrily. "Bruce needs us." "What am I supposed to tell Jackson?! Last time she was over I had to leave too. She might get suspicious!" I shouted right in his face.

We stared at each other for a while. "Guys we nee- what is going on here?" great, Grayson was here too. I looked away from Drake and saw Grayson already in his uniform. My eyes widened. "What are you doing. Jackson is here!" I said. "Uh-why?" "Project" Drake answered for me.

"Oh" was Grayson's dumb response. "Damian I-" we spun around seeing Jackson standing there with wide eyes. "W-what is N-nightwing doing here?!" she exclaimed. "Uh, I am on a mission. Joker has targeted the Wayne's one again." he blurted trying to find a reasonable excuse.

I huffed and rolled my eyes. "How pathetic" I thought. Jackson gave him a look of disbelief. "Sureee. Isn't Joker in Arkham?" she questioned him with a raised eyebrow. "He escaped." Grayson said smiling strangely.

Percy's POV

Funnily I had caught Dick in his Nightwing suit. I should've made a picture and kept it as blackmail.

As he tried to find excuses I had to hold in my laughter. Tim looked really nervous while Damian just rolled his eyes.

He wanted me to believe that the joker had escaped and targeted the Wayne family. If I hadn't known before, I would've known now. "Ok" I replied seeing relief pass over his face.

I turned to Damian. "Gotta go now" I said and gave him a kiss on the cheek and made my way downstairs. I turned around to see Damian frozen while Dick and Tim were smirking. I smiled to myself and skipped out the door and towards the waiting limousine.


It's snowing outside! Yay! ❄️ My friend is so going to go down in our snowball fight tomorrow.  *evil grin*

-Daughter of Nyx🖤

The assassin's princess | Fem Percy Jackson x Damian WayneWhere stories live. Discover now