Chapter eleven: Who really are you, Tidal?

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Damian's POV

The teams jaws dropped while I just rolled my eyes. Tidal stepped into the room. "Hello, nice to meet you. I'm Tidal, Wonder Woman's partner." she said. "Hello Tidal." I greeted her. She looked at me. "Well hello to you too, you ball of sunshine! Long time no see." She said sarcasm dripping from her voice.

"Ehh did we miss something?" Beast Boy asked. "No" we said in sync. Wonder Woman cleared her throat "She will not be joining the least not now." "Why?" Kid flash asked. "I simply don't want to." Tide responded.
"Oookay." kid flash said uneasily.


The team and Tidal had talked for 3 hours now. I tried to gather as much information as possible about Tidal but she was really secretive. "So you are not going to tell us who you are?" Miss Martian asked. Tidal sighed annoyed by them constantly asking her that. "No."
I smirked a little though nobody saw it.

Percy's POV

Me and the team had bonded a little though they kept asking me about my identity which I do not appreciate... Look I'm using big words now. I turned a little and saw Damian smirk.

Luckily Diana walked in and released me off my torture. "Tidal, it is time to go." I nearly sighed in relief. "Well bye then." I said and walked after Diana to the Zeta tubes.

We Zeta Tubed back to an old phone booth. "FINALLY FREE!" I yelled. Diana laughed. "Was it that bad?" she asked. "Yes!" I said. Suddenly Diana's phone rang. "Yes-ok-be there in ten-bye." Diana said.

She turned back to me a guilty look on her face. "I'm sorry Percy, they need me on a mission." "No prob, I will get home myself." I said. "Bye." "Bye." She then flew off.

I stood there for a few minutes just glancing at the stars. "Hello Tidal." I jumped and turned around coming face to face with Damian.

Damian's POV

"Hello Tidal." I greeted making her jump and turn around. "What the Hades Robin!" she yelled. "What are you doing here?Are you following me?!" she said taking a step back as our noses were practically touching. "I was not following you. I simply wanted to talk to you." I replied. "Uh-hu" she scoffed. "And about what?" she asked. "You."


In the few hours that we had talked, she had mostly ignored the personal questions which didn't help me figure out her identity.

"You know if you wanted to know my identity you could've just asked." She said leaning against a wall. "Would you have told me?" I asked. "Nope." she said popping the 'p'.

I rolled my eyes. "You're insufferable Tidal." "Am not!" she said glaring at me. She then looked at her watch. " Well, I gotta go now."

she said sharply and turned around jumping off the rooftop. I watched her disappear into the night before I went back to the Zeta Tube and Zeta Tubed back to the bat cave.

I walked over to one of the computers and pulled up a file of Tidal and started inserting the information I had on her. I heard father come into the cave and walk over to me. "What are you doing?" he asked me. "Gathering information over Tidal." I said.

"Ok. What have you got?" Father asked. "Her favorite colour is blue, she is not from Gotham, she is Wonder Woman's cousin and she loves the sea." Father nodded. "She is very powerful too. She can control fire, water and other things that she did not show us." He said.

I added it to the file. "Go to bed now, Damian. You have school tomorrow." He said. "I do not see the point in going there!" Father sighed.

"You will learn to be a normal boy there." "But I am no normal boy! I am an assassin and Robin too!" "Exactly! You will be able to be more then just that!" "BUT-" "NO, YOU WILL GO TO SCHOOL TOMORROW AND THAT'S FINAL!" Father shouted. I stomped back to my room and banged the door shut. I changed and jumped onto my bed. "I hate school." those were my last words before I drifted off to sleep.


I was woken by Grayson ripping the covers off of me, again. I opened one of my eyes and glared at him. "Leave me alone Grayson!"

"Nope little D! Get up." I just continued to glare at him. He sighed "Fine." and left the room. I got up and stomp- I mean walked to my closet getting ready for school. Five minutes later I was ready.

As soon as I was downstairs I could hear Todd and Drake argue. "Shut up Replacement!" "No! You shut up!" I walked over to them. "Shut up both of you or I'll run you through with my Katana."

Both of them gave me unbelievable looks. To prove my point I pulled out a katana from behind the sofa. "Whoa Demon spawn! Calm down." Todd said throwing his hands in the air. I nodded satisfied and walked out shoving them out of the way.


Sorry for the short chapter but I'm really busy lately.
-Daughter of Nyx🖤

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