Last chapter: ~The primordial of the sky has arrived~

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Percy's POV

So here I am, standing in front of the justice league, or well a part of it.

Some people would give a leg (or an eye) for this...

I just want to melt into a puddle

"So?" Diana asked. "So what?" I asked. She looked like she was about to facepalm. "What's the plan" I smiled sheepishly.

"Plan?" "Please tell me you have a plan" she said sighing. "Yep" I said popping the 'p' "it's: kill every monster you can see" I said and stretched out my arms "from there to there"

Before she could say anything else I ran back into battle.

Great way to flee from an unsettling situation or just your cousin

Suddenly I was grabbed from behind and lifted into the air. "Where do you think you're going?" A deep voice said. "Oh, oh" was all I thought before I got knocked unconscious.

I didn't see 𝑡ℎ𝑎𝑡 coming


I woke up tied to the wall. "Great, thats how every bad horror film starts" I muttered sarcastically. Then I heard the doors open, and in walked the almighty Atlas of dumbland.

Population: many; the beings there are too dumb to count properly

"Hello sea princess" he spat. "Hello person who killed his own daughter" I spat back wolf glaring at him.

"Now, now. You wouldn't be want to be rude to the one that has you locked up" ignoring his statement, I asked "What do you want from me?!" He smiled evilly "As you know we need the blood of an Olympian, a Titan and a powerful demigod. We already have Aphrodite and your friend who claims to be the titan 'Bob'" he said making a face.

"Daaaaaam it" I thought. He advanced and pulled the chains off the wall. He then proceeded to drag me out the doors and across multiple tunnels.

What's up with evil dudes and tunnels?!
Did I end up in the underground mafia or something?!

I tried to use my powers to kick his butt and open these stupid chains but something was blocking them. I closed my eyes and concentrated, I could feel a small tingling in my gut. "Yes" I mentally cheered.

I chose to await the right moment to free myself and the others. "Here we are" Atlas voice broke me out of my thoughts. I looked up to see an Altar with lots of tiny peace's on it.

Ouranos could give Kronos a run for his money

I gulped. Atlas continued to drag me towards it. I spotted Aphrodite and Bob chained on one of the walls.

They looked so helpless. "Hand, now" Atlas ordered. Me, being the stubborn seaweed brain that I am, crossed my arms and huffed.

No way was I going to give anyone anything
I have experience with nose bleeds

Atlas stared at me as if I had just grown a second head. He then ripped my hand away from my body making me yelp.

He held it over the altar and took out a wicked looking knife. Not good, not good at all

I struggled more but his grip on my wrist was to strong

The assassin's princess | Fem Percy Jackson x Damian WayneWhere stories live. Discover now