|00| Prologue

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Usually stories start at the very beginning, but this is my story.
And I don't play by the rules...

Beads of sweat rolled down my forehead, dropping onto the floor and into my eyes, making my vision blur. But I ignored them, resisted the urge to wipe my forehead.

Here I was standing in the middle of the battlefield with Gaia standing only a few meters away fighting Annabeth. My feet flew over the ground, a feeling close to flying. I would've enjoyed it under different circumstances.

I was running towards her, to aid her, but alas I was too late.

My voice was raw as I screamed.

All I could do was watch, and I was sure it would hunt me in my dreams as long as my heart beat inside of me.

Gaia wrapped her long slender with dirt and mud covered fingers around Annabeth's neck, and squeezed. Annabeth caught my gaze and smiled. She mouthed something I couldn't decipher, but I wish I could've. Tears spilled out of my eyes as I pushed myself further.

Just a few more meters.

I watched as Annabeth closed her eyes and her face turn an unhealthy pale colour.

Hold on! Don't leave me!

"Snap" the sound rung in my ears, and my feet abruptly stopped, making me tumble ungracefully to the floor.

"Has the little demigodess come to beg for forgiveness?" a dry voice spoke, letting out a cackle right after. I felt pure, hot anger rise in me.

She did not

I didn't mind that Gaia was trying to hurt my pride, I didn't care. My fatal flaw was not Hubris like most heroes. Personal loyalty was something much stronger and more difficult to handle, 'I would rather let the world be destroyed than watch a friend die' as Athena once said.

Gaia had done the unforgivable and she was going to pay, even if that was the last thing I'd ever do.

I heard a thud beside me and I turned my head slightly whilst getting back to my feet.

She had dropped her body, onto the stones. A sign of immense disrespect. I sucked in a breath and hoped over to her, taking her in my arms.

My best friend, my closest ally, my partner in crime, my sister limp and lifeless in my arms. I felt her pulse.


She was gone, truly gone

I took in a deep breath, trying to get my breathing under control and laid her carefully back down. And then I looked at the one being who was responsible for all this pain and loss. I wasn't the only one grieving, but I was the only one who could try and stop her at the moment.

Riptide found her way back into my hand and I swiftly uncapped her, letting her extend into her full size, gleaming in the dim light that the sunset was providing us.

My blazing eyes found her smug ones.

I charged

I jumped from one stone to the other until I was directly in front of her, sword raised towards the sky. Only one thing on my mind: her end.

She managed to block my first attacks but soon she realised that her end was near too. No matter how hard she fought, how many dirty tricks she used. No matter how often she willed the earth to help her, she was outmatched.

With one last battle cry I drove Riptide into the place where a heart usually rests. Her cold green eyes widened as her mouth formed an "o" shape. Then the golden dust was lost in the wind.

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