Chapter ten: Tidal?

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Percy's POV

The rest of the day flew by. Though I didn't really listen to any of the teachers 'cause I was constantly banging my head on the table.

It got me a lot of weird looks. Well the reason for my constant head banging was Apollo's news.

It would be a total disaster if the mist would fall... everywhere. "What happens if it falls? How will the mortals react? Will they try and kill us or help us? Will they see us differently?" These questions were running through my head all day.

Finally it was time to go home and I ran out of the school. Luckily Wilfred was already there.


I opened the door and jumped out, nearly falling on my nose. Fortunately nobody saw the scene. I grabbed my backpack from Wilfred and walked inside and into the kitchen... what? I'm hungry.

I grabbed my amazing, wonderful, blue cookies and walked to my room.


I just had another boring dinner with my adoptive parents. Currently I was laying on my bed facing the ceiling. Then I heard a knock on my window.

I turned and saw Diana sitting there, staring at me. She pointed to the window. I got up and opened it and she came inside. "Hello Percy!" She said smiling. "Hey Diana!" I said smiling back.

I then tilted my head to the side. "What are you doing here?" I asked "Not that I have anything against it." I quickly added. She chuckled and hugged me. "I wanted you to meet the Young Justice League." She said. "Oh, ok. But I am not going as your sidekick." She laughed at that. "Sure. Wouldn't have expected it any other way."

"Uh" I said "What should I wear? I can't go like this" I said gesturing at my clothes.

She grinned "I came prepared" she said and handed me a box "Go on, put it on"

I walked into my bathroom and slipped inside. I absolutely loved it. It was blue with a trident at in the middle and an utility belt.

"Ready?" "Ready."
And with that we jumped out of the window and into the cold night.


We were standing in front of a Zeta Tube. "Don't worry, I already added you to the system." I nodded. She then stepped through.

"Recognized Wonder Woman 03." It announced. I stepped in too. "Recognized Tidal D01 (basically Diana created it so D stands for Diana or for Demigod if you want)"

As soon as I stepped outside I was met with the entire Justice League in front of me. I walked over to Diana and stood beside her. "Wonder Woman, who is this?" Flash questioned. "This is Tidal, my partner." Diana answered. Flash looked at me. "Nice to meet you!" He said grinning widely. I just gave him a small smile. "Nice to meet you too." I replied.
Aquaman stared at me in shock. I waved and smiled. "Don't tell anyone about me" I spoke in Atlantean. He nodded. Gladly he was standing close to me so I didn't have to yell.


"So, do you want to meet the young justice league now?" Diana asked. "Sure, cuz." I said. Everybody froze after I said that. "C-cousin?!"

Flash stuttered. "Yeah." I replied nonchalantly. "Does that mean you have superpowers too?" Batman asked.

"Yes." I said. "We planned to test your skills after you met the team but now, you are going to show us what you can do." He said. "Ehh, ok?" I said. "Follow me." He said and walked off. I like him already (note the sarcasm)

He lead me through many corridors until we arrived at a training room. He walked inside.

"This is one of the training rooms. We will test your skills here. We will be sending robots in and you will fight them." He said. "We will be watching you." He stated and walked off.

I stood there trying to process everything that he had just said. I quickly got back to my senses and walked to the middle of the room waiting for them to start.

The larges doors on the opposite of the room opened and robots came spilling in. I smirked. "This will be too easy" I mumbled. Then I attacked.

I lit a few of them on fire. I used the water in the air to destroy their systems, but most of them, I took down with riptide. I was just a blur and in a matter of seconds the army of robots were well... destroyed.

I looked back to the justice league all of them had stunned faces, except for Diana and Aquaman who were smirking. "So?" I asked. Batman was the first to get out of his shock. "Well, you are definitely a great fighter." He said. I grinned. Of course, I already knew that.

I waited until they all came down. Diana gave me two thumbs up while the rest, except Batman and Aquaman, were still staring at me. I awkwardly cleared my throat but that didn't stop the staring, unfortunately.

I heard Flash mutter something about not getting on my bad side. Well yeah, he better not.

We walked back to the room where me and Diana had Zeta Tubed to. "Me, Diana and Barry will accompany you to the team." Batman said. I nodded. Batman tipped in a location and stepped through. "Recognized Batman 02" it said. Next was Diana and finally me.

Damian's POV

I was with the young justice team. Grayson had dragged me here.

"Recognized Batman 02" the Zeta tube announced. "Recognized Wonder Woman 03" I looked up from the book I was reading. "What are Father and Wonder Woman doing here." I thought. Apparently it had caught the interest of the team too. "Recognized Tidal D01" it said. My eyes widened while everyone looked confused. "Tidal?" Artemis asked looking confused. "She is my partner." We heard another voice, Wonder Woman's.


Sorry for not updating sooner.🥺
-Daughter of Nyx 🖤

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