Chapter twenty-five: "Are horses Pink?" "No?"

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Percy's POV

A few days had passed since me and Damian had got together. Yesterday we had gone out on our first date, it was amazing. We had a small picnic in the park and just enjoyed each others company. Unfortunately, it was ruined by our mentors calling us in for a mission.

We just had to stop some drug dealer. Damian and me fought side by side the whole time, something that didn't go unnoticed by our fellow teammates.

They glanced at us curiously the whole entire time until Nightwing called them to him and whispered something I didn't get even with my demigod abilities. Their eyes had widened and they stared at us for a couple of seconds.

Nightwing, why do you have to be such a tatter tale?! Soon we defeated the drug dealer and his 'friends'. But back in our HQ we got bombarded with questions. Greeeaaat.

Anyway, we managed to slip away while they were arguing who's question we should answer first. Once they stopped, we were already gone.

I woke up to someone shaking me. "Ughhhhh. let me sleep. I need my precious little beauty sleep" I groaned and hurried my head in my pillows.

"Wake up Kelp head. We're leaving today and since when do you have 'beauty sleep' " Pinecone face said, shaking me harder. I groaned again but raised my head and looked at the time. It read 6.45 . "You're crazy if you think that I will get up at this ungodly hour." I hissed out sleepily.

I could feel her rolling her eyes. "Pleaseeeeeeee" Thalia whined. Thalia whining, that is not something you see everyday.

Deciding that it wasn't my brain playing tricks on me, I got up. "You owe me blue cookies. Lots of blue cookies" I mumbled. She hummed.

"You have to get up anyway, you have school today" "Isn't it Sunday?" "No, it's Monday" "Why does the weekend have to pass that fast" I complained. "Can't we have 4 days weekend and 3 days school. That would be much more fair." She laughed. "Life isn't always fair, dear cousin" I huffed and rolled out of bed. Literally.

"Ow" I said as my face made contact with the floor. I picked myself up and rubbed my nose. I glanced at Thalia and saw her biting on her lip to prevent herself from laughing. I glared at her and got ready for school.

Twenty minutes later I was ready. I followed Nico and Thalia outside. "Bye Pinecone face and Death Breath" I said and hugged them.

"Bye Kelp Head" Thalia said. "Bye" "I will miss you. Promise to visit me soon" "Promise" I smiled and let them go. They got into the limo and Wilfred started the motor. I waved one last time before I turned around and raced back into the house. I still had thirty minutes to spare so I decided to make COOKIES.


I was happily munching on my blue cookies when Wilfred walked in. I, being the well raised child that I am, completely ignored him. "-ss Percy." I heard him say.

"hmhhm" I tried to answer him, which was a bit difficult since my mouth was full. "It's time to go to school" he remembered me. "Oh right, school" I said and jumped off the counter I was currently sitting on.

I manoeuvred around him and raced out the door, nearly running straight into it. He chuckled lightly and followed me.

The ride was as boring as usual. Though I was thrilled to see Damian again. Once we arrived I only had five minutes left before lessons started.

"Dam it" I cursed and sped towards the direction of my first class. I entered just before the bell rang and took a seat next to Damian. "Morning Beloved" he greeted me and kissed my hand.

I giggled and kissed his cheek in return. "Morning Dami" We were interrupted by our teacher clapping her hands together, rather loudly. "So class, I believe I gave you homework over the weekend. Now open your books on page 89 and open your textbooks so that I can check your homework. I groaned and hid my face in Damian's shoulder. he chuckled.

"Did you do your homework beloved?" "Are horses pink?" he looked at me confused. "No?" "There, now you have your answer" he shook his head and smiled slightly.

I grinned back at him. "Damian, Percy can I see your homework" Damian showed her his and she looked at me expectantly. Now instead of answering 'my dog ate it' or 'I forgot it at home', I answered: "I don't have it with me because someone wanted to kidnap me but batman and robin showed up and now my room is a mess. So I couldn't find it anymore." I rambled and looked at her in the most innocent manner batting my eyelashes too.

She blinked and sighed. "Please, show it to me in the next lesson" I mentally patted myself on the shoulder. "You know, I don't think she bought it" Damian said with a smirk on his face. "Shut up." I hissed. "Or what" "I will-" I stopped mid sentence as Damian leaned in closer to me.

Our faces were only inches apart. "Dam him and his gorgeous face " I thought to myself.
"Wait what?"

He continued leaning in closer and closer and closer... until he grabbed something behind me and jerked back. I pouted and tried to look around him.

He had this stupid grin of success on his face as he hid the object from me. "Asshole" I whispered and tried to grab his hand. But before I could see what it was he put it into his pocket. "Give it back" I whined like a five year old whose favourite toy was just taken away.

"Persephone? Could you please give me the answer to this equation" "10" I guessed. "Correct" she said surprised. Who needs to study, guessing works fine too. Even if adults tell you the opposite. Ha! Take that!

Luckily the bell rang freeing me of the torture they all call math. I nearly jumped out of my chair in joy and took Damian's hand dragging him out the door.

I suddenly got the feeling of being watched. "Dami?" I asked. "Yes?" "Do you feel like you're being watched too" he shook his head. "Strange" I looked around but all I saw were students rushing to their classes.  Teachers who were yelling at some to behave and everything just being total chaos.  Trying to ignore everything else, I decided to investigate after school. But the fates decided to surprise me once again with my so called luck...


I can be evil sometimes too
Next chapter is coming out in 1-2 days
-Daughter of Nyx 🖤

The assassin's princess | Fem Percy Jackson x Damian WayneWhere stories live. Discover now