Chapter eight: Dear Demigod dreams, I hate you.

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Percy's POV

I reappeared in Damian's bathroom. "I hope nobody noticed my absence" I mumbled to myself. I then sat down on the edge of the bathtub waiting for Damian.


I heard footsteps and using the water in the air, I identified them as Damian. He walked over to the bathroom door and knocked.

"Hello, Jackson. You in there? Everything is fine." He said. I opened the door. "What happened and... where were you?" I asked even though I already knew the answers.

"There was a wild animal outside of the manor. We had to drive it away." I gave him a fake smile. "Ok. Let's continue with our project."
We worked on it until Alfred came and told us that it was time for dinner.

We walked downstairs and into the dining room. Jason, Tim, Dick, and Bruce were there. As we walked in I felt a little nervous. Bruce stood up and walked over to me. "Hello, I am Bruce Wayne. You must be Percy, right." "Yes mr. Wayne" he chuckled. "You can call me Bruce." He said. I smiled at him.

Then we started eating dinner and Tim tried talking about his day changing names and places. It was really amusing. I had to refrain myself from laughing a couple of times. When dinner was finally over Alfred showed me to my room. "Goodnight miss. Percy" "Goodnight Alfred"

I waited until everyone was out on patrol. Then I vapor travelled  my work to my guest room.

I was still trying to understand who this master was... I sighed and vapored my stuff back to my room as it was no use. I then walked to the king sized bed and lay down instantly falling asleep.


I was standing in a sort of cave. Atlas was standing in front of me, bowing. My jaw dropped. He SHOULD be holding up the sky!

"Everything is ready, master." He said. Wait, is he talking to the seafoam?! I jumped when I heard another voice. It was ancient and it gave me the same feeling when Gaia talked. "Good. The gods won't be able to defeat me." The voice called and gave an evil laugh. I shivered. "Of course not, master." Atlas said.

"I will get my revenge. Not only on the gods, but on my traitorous wife and children too. Has Kampee arrived in Gotham?" "Yes, master." "Is everything going according the plan?" "Yes,master." "Then.Begone."

Dream end

I shot up in bed, breathing hard. Kampee, Kampee, Kampee! She was supposed to be dead.

I scrambled out of bed trying not to do a lot of noise. I was about to IM one of the gods when I remembered that I was in the Wayne Manor...

"Shit,shit,shit!" I whispered to myself.
I started thinking of any other way to contact them when I realized that I could just mentally tell them and hope that they would be listening.

"Uncle Z?" I asked. "Yes?" It came back. I sighed in relief. "Umm, I just had a dream where Atlas was standing in some kind of cave talking to the... seafoam. There was a second voice too, it seemed as ancient as Gaia's. It said 'I will get my revenge. Not only on the gods, but on my traitorous wife and children too. Has Kampee arrived in Gotham?' But Kampee was killed during the war!" I said.

It was silent for a while until Zeus said "This is not good, Percy. I have my suspicions of who it might be, but pray that I'm wrong. And Kampee could've just been brought back." I closed the mind link, irritated.

I groaned and went back to bed. I was about to fall asleep when someone said "Jackson?" I immediately shot up my hand moving towards riptide which was in the form of a hair clip. I instantly relaxed when I noticed it was just Damian. "What the Hades, Damian?! You scared me!" I whisper-yelled.

Damian's POV

I was in bed turning and twisting when I heard a laud groan. I quietly got up, got one of my many knives stuffing it into my socks and crept outside.

I went into the direction from where I had heard the groan. I stopped in front of a door, Jackson's door. I slowly opened the door and called Jackson. She shot up her hand going to her... hair clip?

"What the Hades,Damian?! You scared me!" She whisper-yelled. I rolled my eyes. "Was that you who groaned?" She looked at me skeptically. "Yes, Why" she said. "Nothing" I replied and closed the door.
On my way back to my room I couldn't help but think of her for some strange reason.


I was woken by Grayson tearing the covers off of me. I growled at him and gave him the bat glare. He just smirked at me. "So what where you doing in Percy's room last night?" He asked the stupid smirk of his never leaving his face.

"I heard a groan and I went to see from who it came." I simply answered. "And now GET OUT OF MY ROOM!" I yelled. "Jeez, little D." Grayson said and walked outside.

I lay back down, still pissed off, for another 10 minutes. Then I decided to finally get ready. Once I was I stomped out of my room and ran straight into... Jackson. "Good morning, Damian!" She greeted a smile on her face.

"How can you be so cheerful at this time." I grumbled. "I have no idea." She said and walked past me. "You're like a mini Grayson." I called after her. She turned around stuck her tongue out at me and walked away. "Real mature." I thought.
"Heard that!" She yelled. Did I say that out loud?


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