Chapter fourteen: Training with a son of Ares and a suspicious son of Athena

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Percy's POV

Sara gave Ben one last look before she turned around and looked at me. "Well, they might act idiotic sometimes but you get used to it."

"HEY!" Ben, Marco and Jon yelled in sync. "You know it's true." Sara said. The boys just pouted at that. "Ehh" I said, unsure of what was going on. "What do we do now?" Sara grinned.

"We gonna get you a weapon first and then one of us will show you some basic moves." I nodded. Sara then grabbed my arm and pulled me to another room, Marco following us.

She took out a key and unlocked a door, stepping inside. I gasped when I saw all the weapons they had. Sara chuckled at me. "Now what do you prefer daggers, swords or maybe even a bow and arrows?" I pretended to think.

"A sword maybe." "A classic." she said. She took a sword off of one of the shelves. "Try this." she told me and handed it over.

I weighed it in my hand. It was much too heavy so I shook my head. She put it back and handed me the next... and so it went until finally she gave me the last one.

"Huh. I never saw this here before." she said looking at the sword curiously, but never less handed it to me.

It was similar to riptide, but the top was blue and had an Omega embedded in it. It fit perfectly too. "Must be a gift from the gods." I thought. "Now!" Sara said clapping her hands.

"Marco being the best with the sword from us will teach you." "Oh boy." I thought. "I hope that my reflexes don't kick in." Marco grinned and made a 'follow me' gesture.

He lead me to a room opposite of the one we were in and walked to the centre. "This, Percy, is the training room!" he said spreading his arms.

I looked around noticing that this room was slightly bigger then the rest. Some sparing dolls were in one corner and in the other there was some sort of climbing wall. I grinned feeling completely at home. "Ya like it?" I looked at him with an 'are you serious' expression.

"Of course! This is awesome!" I half-yelled. "Glad to hear. So, you chose a sword which is my specialty. I will show you the basics. You start with putting your feet like this." He said changing into a fighting stance. It wasn't perfect but for someone who never had some to be taught by, it was really good.

I got into a fighting stance myself, purposely leaving a lot of openings. He crinkled his nose. "Your giving me to many openings, put your feet a little more together and move your hands slightly up." I did as he said. "Much better but we still have to work on that." I nodded.

He then took his sword and gestured to me to do the same. "Copy me." he said and raised his sword. I copied him. He lunged at me and out of instinct I met his sword. He froze stunned. "You're a natural! That was amazing!" he exclaimed. "If only you knew" I muttered to quiet for him to hear.

And so the lesson went on, him showing me the basics and me trying to not give away my training. Oh boy...

As we walked back into the living room, Marco walked up to Sara. Probably explaining to her everything we did and me being a natural. Which is... bad news

Sara smiled and gave me a thumbs up. "So you're my sisters best friend." a voice behind me asked.

I whipped around seeing Arthur in front of me, studying me. "Yeah" I said, unsure of what he was trying to achieve. He narrowed his eyes at me. "There's something off about you."

I gulped. Dam. "I don't know what you mean." I said fiddling with my bracelet which was my bow in disguise. "I will find out your little secret." He promised me in a threatening manner.

If a child of Athena makes a promise, they hold it. I learned that a long time ago from Anna- her.

I glanced at the clock and gasped. "I need to go!" I yelped sprinting towards the door. "Percy wait!" Sara said catching up to me. "You should come over more often. So we can train and bond." "Sure." I said not completely convinced.

I had so many things rushing through my head: school, my mission and me being Tidal. And now this too?! I must've looked really funny cause Sara looked at me in concern. "You ok?" "Yeah. It's just hard to process ya know. The gods being alive and me being one of their daughters." I said trying to sound convincing.

Sara gave me a kind smile before hugging me. "Take care will you? You are my best friend after all." "No promises you know how I can be sometimes." She rolled her eyes before shoving me out of the door. "Bye!" I yelled and made my way home.

Beep, Beep, Beep. I heard walking across the streets of Gotham. I rummaged in my pockets before I found what I was looking for. A small contacting divine Diana gave me. I scanned my surroundings before pressing a button.

"Tidal? Tidal? Can you hear me?" it came from the other side. "Yes, what is it?" "You are needed at mount Justice for a mission." "Ok, be there in ten." I said and hung up.

I took out a spare mask from my pocket too, don't ask I practically cary my life in my pocket, and quickly made my way to one of the Zeta Tubes, stepping inside. "Recognized Tidal D01." it said. Seconds later I was standing in front of Batman, Wonder Woman, superman, Aquaman and the Flash.

Diana was the first to notice me. "Tidal!" she said and dragged me to the others who were rapped up in a  conversation. "So why exactly am I here?" I inquired. "You will be going on a mission with Robin to stop a drug dealer." Batman said.

Great just that what I needed. "Fine." I said attempting to not show my annoyance. "Where is Robin?"


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